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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

To make sure I work as hard as possible to find the head of a wild Cryptite I've decided to punish myself for not finding a Crypt head by posting fruit. Please enjoy my suffering.
If you want to post fruit for me I will be very grateful but we can only have one fruit a day!

Day 1: Apple
View attachment 1499
Appless give pain for some reason but okay
Idk it just hurts everytime i eat an apple but it tastes decent
January 27th, Day 1310: Itajii

Fruit Info: The fruit Castanopsis sieboldii is what we’ve chosen for our fruit of the day today. This fruit is a native of the subtropical regions of Eastern Asia. It has notable presence in the forest area of the grounds of the Tokyo imperial palace.

Fruit Tier: A

January 29th, Day 1312: Castanopsis cuspidata

Fruit Info: For today’s fruit of the day we have the tsunurajii, also known as the Japanese chinquapin. This fruit is native to the southern areas of Japan and to South Korea. This nut is eaten both roasted and boiled.

Fruit Tier: B
January 30th, Day 1313: Beech-Nut

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day we have the Beech-Nut, Fagus sylvatica. This fruit is the only fruit in its genus. These nuts are eaten by humans and animals, but in high quantities are toxic to people due to the tannins and alkaloids present in it. In England in the 19th century the nut was pressed to obtain an oil used in cooking. They were also used to make a flour.

Fruit Tier: B
January 31st, Day 1314: Kasib Berry

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we’re going back to the Sinnoh region where this berry was originally discovered. When held it provides the holder with a resistance to ghost type attacks. It is often dried and used as a good luck charm, and supposedly has some power from “the olden days”.

Fruit Tier: A
February 1st, Day 1315: Rowap Berry

Fruit Info:
For this fruit of the day we have a berry that was originally discovered in the Unova region. This fruit is able to partially deflect projectiles and cause the person who launched it to also be hurt. A long time ago the top part of this fruit was often removed and used as a toy.

Fruit Tier: B

February 3rd, Day 1317: Chrysolepis chrysophylla

Fruit Info: The golden chinquapin is the fruit of the day for today. It is a native of the United States’ pacific coast region. This nut is in fact edible, being described as having a similar taste to hazelnut. It was one of the many foods consumed by Native Americans in the region.

Fruit Tier: B

February 6th, Day 1320: Juglans regia

Fruit Info: For this fruit of the day we have the Persian Walnut. This fruit’s native range stretches all the way from the Balkans to the Himalayas and Southern China. Like most nuts it is rich in protein and fat.

Fruit Tier: C
February 7th, Day 1321: Japanese Walnut

Fruit Info: Juglans ailantifolia is our fruit of the day and a species of walnut native to Japan and Sakhalin. This fruit is surrounded by a green husk until maturity. That husk is used to make a yellow dye as well. This fruit is edible and has an oily texture.

Fruit Tier: B
February 8th, Day 1322: Monkey Nuts

Fruit Info: Monkey nuts, scientifically known as Juglans mandshurica is our fruit of the day today. It is found in the Eastern Asiatic region of the world and was originally described by a Russian botanist. It is known to have an exceptionally thick shell.

Fruit Tier: A
February 9th, Day 1323: Juglans californica

Fruit Info:
The California black walnut is the name todays fruit, at least one you may be more familiar with. This fruit is a native of California and spans the coastal region all the way from north to south. It also lives in the valley region.

Fruit Tier: F
February 10th, Day 1324: Colombian Walnut

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the Colombian walnut. It is found in, you guessed it, Ecuador and Peru! This is due to the fruit being threatened by habitat loss. The unripe husks of the fruit produce a strong yellow dye.

Fruit Tier: C

February 11th, Day 1324: Juglans nigra

Fruit Info: For this fruit of the day we have the eastern American black walnut. This fruit is native to North America most in what are called the riparian zones. These fruits are edible and are shelled commercially to be sold as food.

Fruit Tier: C
February 12th, Day 1325: Butternut

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the butternut, known scientifically as Juglans cinerea. This fruit is a close relative of the various walnuts we’ve had recently. It is a native of the Eastern United States.

Fruit Tier: C

February 13th, Day 1326: Cyclocsrya paliurus

Fruit Info: For this fruit of the day we have the wheel wingnut. This fruit is a native to eastern and central China. These fruits have a circular wing around the center allowing them to be carried larger distances by the wind.

Fruit Tier: S