Hate to jump into the middle of this love making but here's what I have.
1. Slicers should have decent server experience and played on the server for a long time.
2. Plays on a regular basis
3. Be active in the community, talk in chat, help out others, use forums.
4. Good server knowledge
5. Knows all the rules well
1. Ron has been here a long time and has decent server experience.
2. Ron seems to play regularly
3. Ron is active in the community, sometimes talks in chat, and uses forums, but I can't say I've seen him help others let's hold this one
4. I can't say that Ron has good server knowledge. If this refers to lore, his knowledge appeared to be pretty basic. If it refers to towns/plugins, he wasn't even capable of starting up his own generator. His knowledge appears to be equivalent to what the average player would get in their first week or two.
5. Ron has repeatedly shown that either he has no knowledge of the rules or that he has no interest in following them. A few rules have been quoted in this thread but I don't think the most relevant has yet. 13.3. You are responsible for the actions of anyone who plays on your account. If they grief on your account, your account will be banned, whether you yourself did the griefing. Despite the fact that all of the terror caused by his account he expects all to be well when it was his "sister" who did everything.
From this, we see that Ron is not slicer material. Hell, he isn't even 50% slicer material. The only ways I can see him getting promoted is out of pity, or to prevent this headache from happening again in 2 months. If Ron isn't promoted on this post, his future promotions posts will spam the forums, and that is the best argument for why he should be a slicer.