If you go through and read his other appeals which are plentiful it's pointed out often that although he was banned for hacking, his poor behaviour also contributed massively.
Big disagree. We've unbanned plenty of players because they've made good sincere appeals. The bar is actually really low, in my opinion.
If a player is a danger to the community and there's evidence of that through doxing, targeted harassment/bullying of Lokans I can almost guarantee you some form of action will be taken or the admins will be moderately aware to look out for that player in particular.
I don't think I've ever heard staff say '
they were having a bad day' in defence of a player, players are still held to the server rules regardless.
I wouldn't call this a double standard at all. It's entirely fair to hold people who have broken the rules enough for staff intervention to a different standard.
Although a player may be banned for hacking, they still have to follow all of the rules Loka has. The only way staff can decide whether or not to approve an appeal is through the information provided by others and the appeal itself.
Maybe if he stopped doing things to be cancelled over he'd stop being cancelled
