honestly this is a good point +1+1 its been a year i believe since he was banned for flying to the firestone, and i think people forget thats the reason he was banned. i get that people want to make sure a player is fit to join the community before an unban, but i think lokas community just sometimes makes it so unnecessarily difficult for people who want to play again to get unbanned. i am going to tell you something that will BLOW your mind: alot of loka players might be nice on loka and then toxic on another server . these players dont get banned, either because "it was on another server" or "i have seen their better side" or "they were having a bad day" and i think thats perfectly fair. i dont think we should apply double standards to players trying to get unbanned though. if a player is trying to get unbanned for flying to the firestone, maybe look at their history of cheating on other servers (splinian doesnt cheat). concerns like toxicity on other servers are 100 percent valid but i think people should focus on the main reason he was banned, and see how he behaves if he does get unbanned.
because people like shutting down appeals for the pure sake of shutting down appeals.
this is just my take on it though and if he does get unbanned it should be with him either being on a mute or on a last warning if he does show toxic behavior