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Splinian's Unban Appeal

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So are you saying outside of Loka you'll say anything no matter what? No matter how racist or offensive it is? That's kinda what it sounds like when you say "I shall abide by lokas rules on lokas server." By being part of the community you are expected to keep the same standards no matter what server you're on and one where the Loka community has a big presence (like steelpvp) especially.
imma agree with splin on this one, i feel like you dont have to implement loka's rules into your life on other servers just to get unbanned. this appeal should solely be focused on his actions a year ago, he wasn't initally banned for being toxic, he was initially banned for hacking. Now I understand being toxic contributes to it. And I also believe in second chances. I think everyone, whether you're right or wrong (on minecraft) should have a second chance no matter what..


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Mfw you can’t be toxic anywhere if you want to play on loka + splinian Fr backing himself into a corner here


Well-Known Member
imma agree with splin on this one, i feel like you dont have to implement loka's rules into your life on other servers just to get unbanned. this appeal should solely be focused on his actions a year ago, he wasn't initally banned for being toxic, he was initially banned for hacking. Now I understand being toxic contributes to it. And I also believe in second chances. I think everyone, whether you're right or wrong (on minecraft) should have a second chance no matter what..
I mean you've been agreeing with Splin since the start of this thread although I see where you're coming from with the not having to implement Loka's rules into your life. Although things like not being racist should be a standard no matter what community you're apart of, the appeal process shouldn't solely be focused on what he did a year ago because him being unbanned puts him back into the community. He's had many chances before and he very clearly hasn't changed his behaviour and the things he says. If he wants to be apart of the Loka community now then he needs to massively change his behaviour and the things he says. The whether you're right or wrong thing just has no place when it's racist slurs.. I agree he should be unbanned one day but right now very clearly isn't the correct time for his unban as he just hasn't changed his behaviour and would get banned again very, very quickly.


I mean you've been agreeing with Splin since the start of this thread although I see where you're coming from with the not having to implement Loka's rules into your life. Although things like not being racist should be a standard no matter what community you're apart of, the appeal process shouldn't solely be focused on what he did a year ago because him being unbanned puts him back into the community. He's had many chances before and he very clearly hasn't changed his behaviour and the things he says. If he wants to be apart of the Loka community now then he needs to massively change his behaviour and the things he says. The whether you're right or wrong thing just has no place when it's racist slurs.. I agree he should be unbanned one day but right now very clearly isn't the correct time for his unban as he just hasn't changed his behaviour and would get banned again very, very quickly.
go asleep loser its 1:50am


Well-Known Member
imma agree with splin on this one, i feel like you dont have to implement loka's rules into your life on other servers just to get unbanned. this appeal should solely be focused on his actions a year ago, he wasn't initally banned for being toxic, he was initially banned for hacking. Now I understand being toxic contributes to it. And I also believe in second chances. I think everyone, whether you're right or wrong (on minecraft) should have a second chance no matter what..
I live by loka rules, I die by loka rules.


For someone who is already perma-muted for toxicity you should change your behavior too. Not a good look.
... i am joking with a friend... my bad for the excessive toxicity of calling my friend a loser mister jakeman5


Active Member
+1 its been a year i believe since he was banned for flying to the firestone, and i think people forget thats the reason he was banned. i get that people want to make sure a player is fit to join the community before an unban, but i think lokas community just sometimes makes it so unnecessarily difficult for people who want to play again to get unbanned. i am going to tell you something that will BLOW your mind: alot of loka players might be nice on loka and then toxic on another server :eek:. these players dont get banned, either because "it was on another server" or "i have seen their better side" or "they were having a bad day" and i think thats perfectly fair. i dont think we should apply double standards to players trying to get unbanned though. if a player is trying to get unbanned for flying to the firestone, maybe look at their history of cheating on other servers (splinian doesnt cheat). concerns like toxicity on other servers are 100 percent valid but i think people should focus on the main reason he was banned, and see how he behaves if he does get unbanned.

because people like shutting down appeals for the pure sake of shutting down appeals.
this is just my take on it though and if he does get unbanned it should be with him either being on a mute or on a last warning if he does show toxic behavior
Yes but this is lokamc forums so we have to pretend like most of the playerbase aren't toxic assholes :vvv


i love u spin but u were very racist to my spanish amigos :(

and this was after i talked to u about being a better man

My vote is neutral as even though he is nice to me and is significantly better than he use to be, I still don't think he is ready for the Loka community and it might just lead him to another perm ban (even if his first wasn't for toxicity) until he matures a little bit.
-1 for that because i was right on my statement of "not being able to change in that long"...


I mean you've been agreeing with Splin since the start of this thread although I see where you're coming from with the not having to implement Loka's rules into your life. Although things like not being racist should be a standard no matter what community you're apart of, the appeal process shouldn't solely be focused on what he did a year ago because him being unbanned puts him back into the community. He's had many chances before and he very clearly hasn't changed his behaviour and the things he says. If he wants to be apart of the Loka community now then he needs to massively change his behaviour and the things he says. The whether you're right or wrong thing just has no place when it's racist slurs.. I agree he should be unbanned one day but right now very clearly isn't the correct time for his unban as he just hasn't changed his behaviour and would get banned again very, very quickly.
I’ve been agreeing with him because I think he deserves another chance. Going back to what I said with perry. From what I know, you’ve barely talked to splin these past months. Yes, I agree he has had some slip ups. But nothing I personally think that is to relevent. I understand that it indeed was a racial slur, but in the pop culture side of things, it has another meaning which I think we all know, “brothers/homies”. Again it is a racial slur but no one but Splin knew what he mean’t by it. It clearly wasn’t directed at someone making it less relevant. And honestly, I think he is reforming at the moment if not reformed already. I mean, do you see him every day shit talking people like he used to. There has definitely been change. Sorry if this reply was a little out of the topic but I just needed to set some things straight


bro yall acting like half of yall dont screem racisal slurs every 5sec in conquest vc or go crazy when some1 dies in end jajaj he toxicsd no unbandaa!!!
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