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Splinian's Unban Appeal

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at the end of the day this isnt about me, I dont think splinians reformed. Sorry for the trouble.
Perry. you haven't actively vc'ed or even spoke with splin for more than an hour like most of the people on this forum. How can you tell whether he's reformed or not based on what over people say?
Perry. you haven't actively vc'ed or even spoke with splin for more than an hour like most of the people on this forum. How can you tell whether he's reformed or not based on what over people say?
Because of the things he says to players or to me on mcpvp, Ironically ive never spoken to him but yet he still likes to be toxic whenever he duels me. Its quite weird. and as i was saying the screenshots are a month and a half old, I do not think someone can change that fast, I certainly have not either.
Because of the things he says to players or to me on mcpvp, Ironically ive never spoken to him but yet he still likes to be toxic whenever he duels me. Its quite weird. and as i was saying the screenshots are a month and a half old, I do not think someone can change that fast, I certainly have not either
Perry I do not say anything in a hateful tone towards you your a great kid I target you on there to mess with you and proceed to call me names such as “ fucking weirdo” and much more we have been cool but idk what happened man and I’m not perfect either no one is perfect but like everyone should own up to there mistakes.
Perry I do not say anything in a hateful tone towards you your a great kid I target you on there to mess with you and proceed to call me names such as “ fucking weirdo” and much more we have been cool but idk what happened man and I’m not perfect either no one is perfect but like everyone should own up to there mistakes.
im not saying you should be perfect but im also not saying that you have improved.
Because of the things he says to players or to me on mcpvp, Ironically ive never spoken to him but yet he still likes to be toxic whenever he duels me. Its quite weird. and as i was saying the screenshots are a month and a half old, I do not think someone can change that fast, I certainly have not either.
To be completely honest, I have never seen him call someone names out of the blue since he’s changed. Being toxic with ur friends and being toxic to random people just for fun are 2 completely different things. I dont even think you’d call it toxicity with ur friends. It’s more like messing around. Now being toxic to random people just because they get on his nerves is where it crosses the line. And truthfully, since he’s changed. He hasn’t crossed that line. And to be honest, I dont think he will.

Hello, people of loka I've come here today to appeal my ban on lokamc i was banned for fly hacking and several other punishments and they all just built up and made myself look worse in this situation that I've been in this past year, I have nothing to do outside of loka and the loka community all my friends are on loka and I wanna come back to this wonderful community I'm so very sorry for all the struggles I've put the players of this community through and the great staff team everything has been my fault no one else and I want to apologize truly, but this past month and a half I've really tried my best in changing my ways and habbits and how i act online and honestly in real life i had a talk with a well known loka player about my problems and I really thought about my actions and ive changed the way ive been acting and im very proud of myself ive tried to avoid contact with toxic people and really put all that in the past and ive never been more proud of myself and i really hope the staff of lokamc take this to heart ive trully and honestly changed the way i act
i just want everyone to know how sorry i really am ive been maturing ive got a job and a vehicle I'm paying for and i have responsibilities, and i would like loka to be a fun responsibility i can do in my past time, and i would like to thank JakeMan5 for helping me through this he is a great person and has really helped me through this , and like i said ive been very proud of my actions and my actions have made people like me more and ive made alot of new friends bc of the way ive been acting and im ashamed of the way ive treated people through this journey, but ive come to realization that treating people with respect goes alot farther online and in real life situations and its just how humans need to be, and im glad ive started changing my grades have changed my relationships that i have with people im passing my classes now and ive been just getting along with people so much better and ive been alot more calm in how i act in tough situations, ive learned that treating someone like shit just reflects back on you and makes you look worse and im so dissapointed in myself for this but i truly and really do the staff look at this appeal like they have looked at any other appeal they have ever see before
I hope this appeal is the last appeal I have to make. The night when I decided to be better in life and online I said some things and I saw everything, I saw that I need to fix this and I sent an apology to the person I said things to that should not have been said that night and I'm so sorry for saying it and I hope people can just see that I'm trying to be different than I've been, but please I'm begging you trust me when I say I've been changing people can vouch for me I cannot recall saying anything hateful towards anyone, this past month and a half and too much longer I shall keep the same habits because I see how much it has helped me, my mom has even noticed a change in the way I act and the rest of my family and they're in shock because I've always been mean to my brothers and just always been a hateful person towards people and my brother hugged me when I noticed I haven't been mean to him and I just broke down crying and it really hurt me inside. I thought today would be the perfect day because of the holiday today "Good Friday"

so I hope this appeal is looked at deeply and thought about. Have a good day!

This screenshot was the night I made the decision.
I feel like Splinian deserves a chance to be unbanned, it's been about a year since his ban and as a long-term friend of his, I have seen him change.
but BESIDES THAT.... i am going to have to +1 my boy splinian, the fact that you cant get banned for being toxic outside on loka it doesn't make much sense to deny there appeals based on solely that one fact
Say for example, Larry during his time on db (and a lot of other people including me) were very toxic on db but on loka we acted completely different because of how loka enforces there toxicity, Now clearly I'm not saying that you should ignore all toxicity outside of loka obv that should play a part but if the only reason you have to keep someone banned is because there toxic on different servers that should not be a thing blocking you from getting unbanned keep in mind all the people in loka chat act completely different in discord and outside servers (INCLUDING ME AND SOME STAFF!!!) if there is proof of him being Harmful (Doxxing etc) Outside of loka i would agree to keep him banned but currently him being toxic outside of servers is not new to modern day loka if we are going to punish banned players for it we should punish the current playerbase who does the same or remove this double standard.
but BESIDES THAT.... i am going to have to +1 my boy splinian, the fact that you cant get banned for being toxic outside on loka it doesn't make much sense to deny there appeals based on solely that one fact
Say for example, Larry during his time on db (and a lot of other people including me) were very toxic on db but on loka we acted completely different because of how loka enforces there toxicity, Now clearly I'm not saying that you should ignore all toxicity outside of loka obv that should play a part but if the only reason you have to keep someone banned is because there toxic on different servers that should not be a thing blocking you from getting unbanned keep in mind all the people in loka chat act completely different in discord and outside servers (INCLUDING ME AND SOME STAFF!!!) if there is proof of him being Harmful (Doxxing etc) Outside of loka i would agree to keep him banned but currently him being toxic outside of servers is not new to modern day loka if we are going to punish banned players for it we should punish the current playerbase who does the same or remove this double standard.
I agree that people act differently on different servers, and that people DO change, and I'm even a strong advocate for change within someone, but when there's such a large amount of public distain towards an individual calling them out for their poor behavior then what's to say that some of that poor behavior won't slip back to Loka and cause them to snowball back to being toxic on here? We try to be fair and watch for players who have changed for the better but when players have such a rough history and show a lack of change, or even a lack of will to change (Not saying Splinian does not have a will to change) then it gets to be to the point where staff have to pick the safety of our community over the small chance that that player has actually changed. I would 100% without a doubt love to see Splinian change but at the end of the day it's a risk that has to be factored in, even if the initial ban was for something completely different. I wish him good luck and all, but I still have to -1 due to that fact.
i love u spin but u were very racist to my spanish amigos :(

and this was after i talked to u about being a better man

My vote is neutral as even though he is nice to me and is significantly better than he use to be, I still don't think he is ready for the Loka community and it might just lead him to another perm ban (even if his first wasn't for toxicity) until he matures a little bit.


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If he were unbanned, how long would he stay unbanned with the behaviour shown just 2 weeks ago on other servers like steelpvp? I agree with mimo's point of people shutting down appeals just for the sake of it. Although in instances like this where there's no sign of change, what's the point in unbanning them? I like Splin even with beef we've had in the past on servers like CC but I just don't see any point in unbanning him until there's a serious change in his behaviour because he'll just get rebanned without appeal for a much longer time. In my opinion, Splin should take a couple months off his appeals and try to genuinely reform himself. -1
i love u spin but u were very racist to my spanish amigos :(

and this was after i talked to u about being a better man
This furthers the point of no sign of change.. Actions speak louder than words, just saying you're sorry doesn't mean you are genuinely sorry.
i love u spin but u were very racist to my spanish amigos :(

and this was after i talked to u about being a better man

My vote is neutral as even though he is nice to me and is significantly better than he use to be, I still don't think he is ready for the Loka community and it might just lead him to another perm ban (even if his first wasn't for toxicity) until he matures a little bit.
When I was was saying MUY FACIL on steel I was saying it bc we made a joke out of it because that’s all y’all said and we thought it was funny and N word is allowed on steel and I wasn’t calling anyone it so if it’s allowed there is no problem with it IMO
i love u spin but u were very racist to my spanish amigos :(

and this was after i talked to u about being a better man

My vote is neutral as even though he is nice to me and is significantly better than he use to be, I still don't think he is ready for the Loka community and it might just lead him to another perm ban (even if his first wasn't for toxicity) until he matures a little bit.
i love u spin but u were very racist to my spanish amigos :(

and this was after i talked to u about being a better man

My vote is neutral as even though he is nice to me and is significantly better than he use to be, I still don't think he is ready for the Loka community and it might just lead him to another perm ban (even if his first wasn't for toxicity) until he matures a little bit.
he has the n word pass
When I was was saying MUY FACIL on steel I was saying it bc we made a joke out of it because that’s all y’all said and we thought it was funny and N word is allowed on steel and I wasn’t calling anyone it so if it’s allowed there is no problem with it IMO
Just because it is allowed it does not mean you should randomly say it in public chat
On top of that reading through some of your previous appeals you’re not really convincing on the ‘reformed’ part as people keep debunking your statements with proof of you being toxic.

I think you should just take a longer break and appeal and prove that you have actually changed because all your appeals have come to the same point: you did not change at all
if it’s allowed there is no problem with it IMO
The notion that there is no problem with saying a racial slur is disgusting and appalling. There really are not words to describe how prejudiced one must have to be to think that saying such a thing is okay and this certainly isn't something we want to entertain on Loka.
The notion that there is no problem with saying a racial slur is disgusting and appalling. There really are not words to describe how prejudiced one must have to be to think that saying such a thing is okay and this certainly isn't something we want to entertain on Loka.
i completely understand where your coming from but other servers have different rules and I shall abide by lokas rules on lokas server.
i completely understand where your coming from but other servers have different rules and I shall abide by lokas rules on lokas server.
So are you saying outside of Loka you'll say anything no matter what? No matter how racist or offensive it is? That's kinda what it sounds like when you say "I shall abide by lokas rules on lokas server." By being part of the community you are expected to keep the same standards no matter what server you're on and one where the Loka community has a big presence (like steelpvp) especially.
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