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The Lokan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Aurulians

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Staff member
Let me explain how this looks to us.

We see this joke video comparing us to animals. We're called helpless Aurulians, and hear that Bat and Borne, two former Aurulians were "rescued."

You make it seem like our leaders are the ones who are abusing us, and that those who join you are "rescued."

You say the joke is that you are the ones who abuse us, but it makes the video implies it's our leaders doing it. It was poorly made in poor taste, and I see no reason to keep the video and the page up. It was targeted towards a certain group of people, many of which found it offensive. Regardless of the intention, you hurt people. What's the point of keeping them up?

Right, but we explained in detail how that's not the meaning of the video and how we showed that both in the video and the capital hall (Berno Scamders and the heads of Aurulians on the wall). I'm not sure why you feel we implied it's Auru leaders who are "abusing" Aurulians, considering the video shows you as a "victim" as well, even though you are leadership.

Again, the joke is that we are the group of the players that would be most logically called the "abusers" of Aurulians given the war between us. It's ironic because we are painting ourselves to be an organization that's here to rescue Aurulians even though we are the ones that attack them. That's why we made "Berno Scamders" our spokesperson. It was to imply that the LSPCA is a "scam" organization.

We will not take the video or website down just because some players have taken offense to a meaning they've misinterpreted. The page of the website is also not linked to by any other page on EldritchBot. We won't be posting about the LSPCA in public chat or Discord, so the offended players will need to go out of their way to see it.

Like we said, we apologize to those who are offended because they misinterpreted our joke, but we're not apologizing for the joke we made.
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Well-Known Member
="Skuhoo, post: 26429, member: 1476"]We will not take the video or website down just because some players have taken offense to a meaning they've misinterpreted. he page of the website is also not linked to by any other page on EldritchBot. We won't be posting about the LSPCA in public chat or Discord, so the offended players will need to go out of their way to see it.

Like we said, we apologize to those who are offended because they misinterpreted our joke, but we're not apologizing for the joke we made.

Get off your high horse. I am fed up with you talking down to people, myself and my townmates included. I am fed up with you getting away with crap because you think you're special. The only reason I'm not insistent on your demotion from Sentry is because you help Crypt and he trusts you, and I respect Crypt. But I do not respect you.

I don't care how good you are at PvP, how well you can design websites, or how much you play. Respect doesn't come from any of that. It comes from being a decent human being, which you've proved you are not.

It goes further than this whole joke of yours. The fact that you're so full of pride you refuse to aknowledge that you hurt people, that you're so egotistical you refuse to take down the video which many people have complained about, that you act so high and mighty that you won't even apologize.

The way you act towards people is unacceptable. You win nearly every fight, every argument, every battle, and then spit on those you defeat. And when your victims rise against you, your hypocritical self calls them out on it.

I am done with this argument, Skuhoo.


Calixx, thanks for actually apologizing, once again. I do not believe you should be the one apologizing for everyone that partook it in though, nor do I think there should be no consequences.

Just as a reference to how I felt after, I know I'd probably get yelled at for putting this up but whatever, these are screenshots of me venting to my FRIENDS in a chat, and then their response to it showing that they didn't take it as a joke once they understood the full thing going on.
(Keep in mind I was already tired as crap from a leadership program all day, and then coming home to toxicity like this is kinda of infuriating, I just kinda vented and let it all out)


That's my reason for being upset over this, I've had "friends" before that meant a lot to me at the time, lash out at me to try to get me to understand their pain (something a depressed person or a hurt person could do, it's quite common). I was called abusive, yeah, as I was trying to comfort the person. Hell, I've been the last person to ever speak to somebody in their life before they killed themselves. That did it due to harassment and etc like this. They told me straight up that I was the only friend they had and that I was good to them, and then never spoke again, they were gone. Forever. No matter what intentions you have, you should never make jokes that hurt other people if you think they could take it seriously, and if you think they will, do everything in your power to make sure they understand that you're messing around. Treating others like they are inferior and being condescending to them just hurts the person more, and makes them feel like crap. Every human is equal, but I really haven't been getting that from you guys. There's always condescending tones and you tend to always treat our town, even alliance, like they're inferior at times. There's something that I was told quite a while ago, that I should build people up, not tear them down like I did as a younger teen than I am now, (13 and etc) because I spent time with the wrong crowd. Yeah, I'm bringing real life into this scenario because real people are behind those screens, and those people have feelings. They're not just a username in a game, or an enemy. They're people with a personality, dreams, emotions, and a past. That's enough of the personal rant though, I just hope I clarified why I was hurt by this. The others recognized this because we've spoken in voice chat before and I have talked about past events, just when those random deep talks pop up.

In all honesty, I don't have very much to say here, except I'm sorry. We had no way of knowing that this would strike on such a personal note with anyone, and believe me, had we known, we would've avoided it like the plague. We tried as best we could to not name names or make this center around any individual, but obviously we didn't do enough. Taking this beyond the screen is never our intent, and we tried to be vague so as to avoid that. However, in naming you explicitly, Kallious and Borne did take it too far, and I'll apologize for that, but ultimately, I assume they'll have to speak for themselves. I'm sorry that this issue hits close to home for you, and that we may have accidentally opened some old, personal wounds. I may not know you or your story personally, but do know that I understand where you're coming from. In a flipped situation, I realize that it would be more than just a joke for some of us too, and I'm sorry that it has to be that way. Ultimately, in that regard, I'm sorry for how this turned out, but please do understand that we never meant for it to go to a place like that.

As for being condescending/rude, I think it would benefit us all to introspect some, and to just think more about what we say. I honestly have too much of an internal perspective to judge anyone on either side, but I think we can agree that, without arguing who's more guilty than who or anything of the sort, that we should all just stop and think more about the people on the receiving end of what we say.


Sorry for the late reply, but honestly Calixx, that was definitely extremely mature and I really do appreciate that. I know that even I personally mistakenly say things that I wish with all my heart that I could take back, but it never can be taken back. Once spoken, it'll always be remembered. It takes time for a person to change, I've been slowly trying to force myself into a kinder mindset, but stress or pressure definitely throws me back somewhat. I really appreciate your apology though, and thank you. So far you're the only one that showed character and actually apologized out of those that participated, and actually understood where we were coming from. I honestly want to stop arguing the matter, we've all discussed all points that were in this, and it'll just go in circles now, so it's up to adminship to review what was spoken and to respond to it. This is why I'm just ignoring what Sku said right now, because it just doubles back on what we spoke about, anyways, hope to see you in-game, thanks again. :p


Staff member
Get off your high horse. I am fed up with you talking down to people, myself and my townmates included. I am fed up with you getting away with crap because you think you're special. The only reason I'm not insistent on your demotion from Sentry is because you help Crypt and he trusts you, and I respect Crypt. But I do not respect you.

I don't care how good you are at PvP, how well you can design websites, or how much you play. Respect doesn't come from any of that. It comes from being a decent human being, which you've proved you are not.

It goes further than this whole joke of yours. The fact that you're so full of pride you refuse to aknowledge that you hurt people, that you're so egotistical you refuse to take down the video which many people have complained about, that you act so high and mighty that you won't even apologize.

The way you act towards people is unacceptable. You win nearly every fight, every argument, every battle, and then spit on those you defeat. And when your victims rise against you, your hypocritical self calls them out on it.

I am done with this argument, Skuhoo.

I feel you are straying from the whole LSPCA issue. If you see an issue with my position as Sentry then we can arrange a dialog between Crypt, you, me, and other staff members. Airing out your personal hatred towards me is not how we should handle internal issues.

We're also available to talk to on Loka's Discord if anyone feels like it'd be a better medium to discuss things using.


Well-Known Member
Airing out your personal hatred towards me is not how we should handle internal issues.
And there it is again. Talking down to me.

Let me start by saying I don't hate you. I don't have time nor energy to waste hating people on a video game. I just don't think you're fit for a Sentry position. If Crypt does, however, I respect his decision. Doesn't mean I agree.

And I'm not sure how much of an internal issue this is. I'm obviously not the only one questioning you. Many members of the public are with me on this one. Yet you're right, ultimately it's up to Crypt, and I'll support him. But I don't support you.


Well-Known Member
Again, it's an odd statement to make from a guy who's just come back from inactivity and not doing his job as Guardian at all.

Well. Please give me examples of how I am not, and why that should mean I get no say in any decisions? I see Shilo as admin, also MasterAegon, along with Lottaine, who has infractions but still is guardian. Lots of old players are still guardians and can still have a say in matters.

I spent days and nights helping the new Conquest v2.0 system come online. Yea, i might have gotten pumped out by that for a few months, but iv been around all this time. Iv been on discord and voiced my views when asked.

Stating i dont do my job as a Guardian at all is also quite loud.

At the very least, I don't embarass the staff team or harass other players, and if I ever do, I accept my mistake and apologize.


Staff member
Thread appears to have run its course. Locking to prevent reigniting anything else. Further concerns should be brought to admins or to persons privately.
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