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Top 20 Strongest Nation & Alliances On Loka

This is a biased list. Fear not people of the internet I have fixed it:

The Top 1-5
1. Iblis ( The Supreme Nation )
2. Elysian Pact ( The Victorious Nation )
3. Noobville ( The Grand Nation )
4. The Garaman Empire
5. Sovngarde
6. The Drunken Fisherman Resort
7. Valentia
8. Zorros
9. Evarstia
10. Absolum Gilgalad
11. Mileham
12. Stromgarde
13. Beetroot Estates
14. Triba
15. Herric
16. Volterra
17. Nazariack
18. Arestiad
19. Volk
20. Toraston
It's not biased, Sovngarde is so Close to getting above evaristia, They just have a small Manpower of the best pvpers.
Zorros & Valentia are by far weaker than evaristia as they don't have a large man Power.
The Garaman Empire re weaker than Sovngarde because all of Triba's old pvp'ers quit.
And Triba defected from the empire.
Sovngarde should be at 4th
Evaristia at 5th
TGE ( The Garaman Empire ) at 7th
The Drunken Fisherman Resort at 6th
Zorros is not a bad Town, I'm just being honest here.
They haven't gotten more than 3 people online in 2 weeks.
The Active Count on them has been 0 for a while now.
Evaristia is quite a bit more powerful than Zorros as of the moment.
Zorros is not a bad Town, I'm just being honest here.
They haven't gotten more than 3 people online in 2 weeks.
The Active Count on them has been 0 for a while now.
Evaristia is quite a bit more powerful than Zorros as of the moment.
Actives does not equal good Pvpers. I'd dare guess that because Zorros actually has territories it means that they are stronger.
Actives does not equal good pvp'ers, true but actives equals man power, Zorros is not stronger than evaristia because they've been fighting in a war agianst valentia and are losing.
I'm not meaning to sound toxic here, But if Zorros can't make a turn around and start besting valentia they'll get moved further down the list.
I have to say that tigerbird & rayward are getting decent now though.
Once again i'm not meaning to sound toxic here.
we got second place, good thread Nova. Honestly I was a sceptical at first but this seems accurate