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UghBraces Ban Appeal

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Active Member
+1, one of the nicest people in this community without a doubt, Braces has earned a second chance through his long history on the server without any prior offenses, #FREELORAX


Date of Ban: 07/22/23

Dear Lokans,

I would like to start off this appeal by apologizing to players and staff for my inappropriate actions that led to me being permanently banned. After losing a conquest fight, a couple of my friends and I decided to put on extremely inappropriate skins and cause drama at spawn, this act resulted in a plethora of us being permanently banned from the server. At the time I had thought that I would not want to play loka again. I didn't care about the consequences at the time. I eventually realized that I did care about loka, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to play with the people that I love. Taking more time to reflect upon my actions I deeply regret what I did as it was anti-Semitic and inappropriate. I cannot apologize enough to anyone who was offended by my actions, I am deeply sorry and hope you can accept this apology. Over the past couple months I have watched streams of my friends playing loka and it reminds me of all the great times I had playing the server and it only makes me regret what I did more. I am asking for forgiveness and for the opportunity to play loka again. I promise if unbanned, I will follow the loka rules and be a positive influence on the loka community.

Love, Lorax
+1 goml


New Member
+1 Ughbraces has not only been kind to everyone, He is a role model for the loka community, deserves another chance FREE HIM UP!


New Member
+1 im not a OG loka player, but after coming into the community recently i still felt the love almost everyone on loka has for braces. What he did was obviously wrong but i think he paid the price for it so let him come back pls


Well-Known Member
Okay my first -1 was a joke but I literally love braces and he is the nicest person ever who is never racist or mean and always stays on top of morale. +1


Well-Known Member
Ughbraces reads me bedtime stories every night before I sleep. Without him, I would never get the rest I so desperately need.


+1 ughbraces is a kind person i think he was just being alittle silly when he pulled his stunt with his friends and has since learned from that mistake.
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