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Unmute appeal for BabySoy

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Well-Known Member
Hello Lokans, I come to apologize for what I did in the past (about 10 months ago or more) I know that what I did was not right but I have been trying to be a better person for a while as well as with everyone and with myself.

During these 10 months I may have said something that may have offended someone but if that has happened I sincerely apologize, I promise to follow the rules of loka

I think they muted me for being very toxic and saying monkey many times I didn't think that word could be so bad I just used it as the animal not for being racist or anything else

I apologize to all the people I may have offended or insulted for no reason. I was a kid who thought it could be funny by insulting but that's over and I promise not to do it again

Thanks for your time. and i'm sorry if my english is not very good it's the best i could do.


Well-Known Member
First of all, hello babysoy, TO MY OPINION, babysoy has changed a lot and deserves to be unmute . I spoke to him in voice and text for a very long time and he's always been a kind and nice, friendly and was very good and after all this time I can really say that babysoy has changed.

And he was always helpful to me and my friends in our voice chats with him I think he is a very nice person and I believe the Loka community will give him another chance

(These are just what I've seen and these all just my opinion)


Well-Known Member
Babysoy used to be toxic in chat, he never was toxic in calls. Hopefully Babysoy has taken the approach he has in VCs to how he acts in chat because if he does Babysoy is a funny, helpful person to have around. Given the amount of time I think it is time to give him a chance.


Well-Known Member
Babysoy used to be toxic in chat, he never was toxic in calls. Hopefully Babysoy has taken the approach he has in VCs to how he acts in chat because if he does Babysoy is a funny, helpful person to have around. Given the amount of time I think it is time to give him a chance.
Love y'all on bits
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