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Unmute appeal for BabySoy

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Well-Known Member
wait "monkey many times I didn't think that word could be so bad I just used it as the animal not for being racist or anything else" ?? Monkey is considered racist on loka? LOL? unmute babysoy I have changed my mind
Monkey can sometimes be used in connotation to racial insults, and so we punish them if they are used in a racist sense. It's not always considered racist, and so we don't punish most of the time when people mention monkeys. It just so happens that a lot of racist posts are made with the word monkey in them with the racist implication.


Well-Known Member
Monkey can sometimes be used in connotation to racial insults.
Just to reiterate what Larry said yes, we can read context and are able to see if people are trying to be smart about using racial slurs by pleading it was just an innocent remark. We're often very aware of what you really mean and it's almost always noted.
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