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WeGank ( _Gank ) PermMute appeal

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New Member
Hi, so, just over 2 months ago (around october 4th I think) I was perm muted for saying something very inappropriate and immature in chat. I renamed a shulker to something with an explicit message, and linked it in public chat twice, one time being after I was told not to do it again.

TO CLARIFY: the item name was not anything racist, homophobic, etc... it was simply inappropriate and my comment on a player telling me not to do it again was ultimately what probably got me in trouble.

I don't know if it would be appropriate to write exactly what the item was named and what I said in response to being told to not link it again, so I won't list those details unless asked.

However, I would really like to be unmuted, my reasoning as follows:

At the time of this incident, I was a new player to Loka, and frankly I didn't care about the server or any of the players on it, which is not a good characteristic for me to have, but I have made a major change. I have grown to begin enjoying playing on Loka, and want to get more involved and play on it more, which proves to me how immature what I said was.

Since I did this and got muted, I have had several major changes and events in my life / lifestyle occur, which I believe led to a major jump in my maturity, and the seriousness of said things that have changed me as a person have, in my opinion, made me mature very quickly in order to deal with them.

What I did was completely immature and deserving of the consequence I received, but in my opinion I am not deserving of being permanently muted any longer, especially over what was mostly a rookie mistake/ignorance, and that I've become a different, more grown-up person since the time of this punishment, and I am sure it would not happen again.

Thank you for reading my appeal, and I hope I'll be able to put this mistake behind me and socialize and play on the server more going forward.


Well-Known Member
at first, I was going to +1. because you said you were a new player to loka, but from what I researched myself you joined in August of 2019.

A player who has played for that long and intentionally disregarded a warning from a player or staff doesn't deserve to get off with nothing.

However, as in any case, I think anything permanent for something as silly and immature as what he did isn't completely fair! I'd say replace it with a 3month mute or something, but that's just me

+0 Neutral


Well-Known Member
+1, I said I'd do this if you appealed later so keeping true to my word let's give him another chance!


Well-Known Member
at first, I was going to +1. because you said you were a new player to loka, but from what I researched myself you joined in August of 2019.

A player who has played for that long and intentionally disregarded a warning from a player or staff doesn't deserve to get off with nothing.

However, as in any case, I think anything permanent for something as silly and immature as what he did isn't completely fair! I'd say replace it with a 3month mute or something, but that's just me

+0 Neutral
People join servers and then leave for a while btw. I joined in 2017 and didn't actually main it until early 2019.


Well-Known Member
That was actually a really well made appeal. Worst case scenario he's permuted again.

wait so why do other servers matter in this

This has been discussed before but it's a permute qnd not a ban (the context of discussions about appeals before) so I'd argue his behavior in Loka is more applicable than other servers.


Active Member
-1 ur really toxic on other servers :)
people ddos threat me on other servers and cryptitie does nothing, so i'm going to go ahead and say that despite him being "really toxic" on other servers, it won't transfer over to loka :)


Active Member
+1 I agree he should be unmuted. However, I think he should be on a "1 mistake and you're muted again" type of deal. It will ensure he will not be toxic again, while allowing him to chat in public chat.
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