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Why this server sucks.


Well-Known Member
Now that I have your attention...

I'd just like to make a thread of things that people dislike that can maybe be tweaked or removed. The most common I've seen are Enderpearldisable and the fact that you can't climb vines on the server. Also a personal one is the lack of poison from cave spiders. I think poison is necessary for the survival element.
mopb3 said:
Biggest problem we got atm is that no Guests are being promoted

Yes I forgot about that. The wanderer rank appears to not exist. No guests are being promoted and all wanderers are now settlers.
Quite a few people are being teleported from the slicer course to the middle of a mountain and suffocating.
Bed-set spawn seems to be back. I died and due to my portal not being powered in asgard, I was returned to my last slept-in bed, which funnily enough was in the Cathedral.
Zor95 said:

This one may be a bit much, but Mag was interested in something like this a while ago.
Too much? Not at all!

I very much second Mag's proposal for this plugin
The knife room in the guest test is broken again. The lights are stuck on and there is no lightning or teleport.

EDIT: We were getting very bad server lag and most were losing connection because of it. Perhaps the broken knife was spamming error messages? I forced the server to reset which may solve the problem.

EDIT:EDIT: The lag is gone, the knife is still broken.
Guests are still being sent into the heart of the mountains and I cannot load the generator menu on my ex-large generator.
EDIT: Fixed.

The knife is broken again with lots of newbs waiting and no admins to quiet the rioting.
Asy, crypt, it's getting to the stage where we either have to have this fixed or close off the knife and slicer course completely until the knife is 100% reliable AND doesn't teleport you to the insides of a mountain.

Seems only Zor and I pay attention to this, I may start a new post about the knife issue if it continues.
I have no ability to fix it. All I can do is email asy and hope for the best, and I believe he's currently getting hammered at work so responses/fixes may be slow coming.
I've rewired the redstone to hopefully be a bit more reliable. If it still sucks I'll put a reset button on it, but the problem is that the redstone circuit stops updating when people step through and the chunk unloads. I tried a plugin to hold the chunk in memory but it too seems not to work. :(
All town portals are down, some generators have been deleted, others were pushed back to very small protections, others had 1 added to their protection.
This hopefully had nothing to do with it...
But I went through the site of the Stallingrad town portal today while the gens were still working (I think)
The town portal still worked, even though there was no frame, and just a small line of cobble, but jumping over it still tp'd me to spawn. Not sure if that was the cause, and I'm not sure that anything happened directly after. Probably has nothing to do with it, but just raising it as a issue if not.
Portals merely work based on the block position, so what's around it is entirely aesthetic and doesn't affect the portaling itself.