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Why this server sucks.


Well-Known Member
Now that I have your attention...

I'd just like to make a thread of things that people dislike that can maybe be tweaked or removed. The most common I've seen are Enderpearldisable and the fact that you can't climb vines on the server. Also a personal one is the lack of poison from cave spiders. I think poison is necessary for the survival element.
Lava occasionally flows like water, that includes it's speed and range. Not sure if that's a problem at our end or Mojang's though.
adderman500 said:
Lava occasionally flows like water, that includes it's speed and range. Not sure if that's a problem at our end or Mojang's though.

On the surface world I'm assuming?
Psychedelic98 said:
Pretty sure increased lava speed is intentional by Mojang

In the nether yeah. That happened a few updates ago.

On the surface... I think I read something about it scaling with difficulty?
Psychedelic98 said:
Pretty sure increased lava speed is intentional by Mojang
I don't think it's supposed to spread like water though. It should be somewhere in between, but at the moment it's exactly the same as water. I also don't think range is supposed to be affected.
No plugins or artifact code has been implemented/modified to affect lava in any way, so It'll have to be Mojang/Bukkit.
There doesn't seem to be any form of protection around the spawn nether portal (nether side).
Hey. Hey Crypt.

Can you change the limit for avatar file sizes to 16384 bytes?

That's a serial request btw. 'tis 16 KB which is 10 more than the current limit. Still very small.
Iria's low balance was annoying me so I deleted it. It removed home town status of all members of Fernwood and though you can no longer /g info it, I still get the balance spam.

Might have something to do with the sub owners = owner bug.
Zor95 said:
It removed home town status of all members of Fernwood and though you can no longer /g info it, I still get the balance spam.
That's a pretty name. :O