I haven't been around for some time now but catching up on the forums has been a very reassuring mid holiday past-time. While many of you bicker in threads such as these, to see such strong opinions, such frequency of suggestions to convey your views of how this server can best progress is wonderfully encouraging for an admin who has been here so long and watched so many peaks and troughs in this servers' history.
Currently, I believe loka is just short of a peak. There was great promise shown by such a small alliance as Vesper which had relatively little coordination, and the damage it could do to Argus in such a short period of time showed there is scope for Argus to at least take a dent to its, admittedly, immensely robust armour. I enjoyed experiencing the offensive. I hope and urge other players to attempt the same or to try and believe that dethroning Argus is possible and work towards this goal. A world reset will not cause Argus to go away, but a continued, well prepared offensive from even a relatively small number of players will.
And then there is of course what looms ahead in terms of the future of the server and a new world. I myself know relatively little of the full plans but Im excited for what lies ahead, as you all should be, considering the clear buzz in the admin team even on our hidey-hole forums (I cant even access Skype - I bet there's quite the commotion in there).
I believe the best times for Loka lie ahead in the near future. And that's coming from me, a classic old-timer who's always yearned for the past. Now, I yearn for the future.