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A Fresh Start

In lokas curent situation i dont think we will be getting many new players wihtout a reset but thats just me. And why reset in the first place people can keep their towns, that would defeat the purpose
How would a reset at all make loka any more favorable? Would resetting towns just put current players into the same situations as new players? Is it wise to assume that we would keep all our current players if we put everyone on the same level.....few people stay on loka to get to the next level to begin with.
I'd like to point out that just creating a new map will not attract a lot of new players without an advertisment push. A new map won't do a lot of good if no one knows about it.

Now we all know that Cryptite does these bigger advertisments every now and then with the recent being a streamer visiting the server, but their effect seems to last a short time and are more of a short burst (correct me if im wrong). There is also the long term advertisment system that could bring a ton of new players but hasn't been gotten the attention it deserves.

And yes I am talking about voting, the thing that everyone hates to do. Loka's rank statistically has been pretty bad in the last few months on the minecraft-mp server lists which means it doesn't grab the attention of a lot of players there who scan the pages looking for a good server. On planetminecraft the state is pretty much the same.

Now all of you who love Loka and want to see it grow and flourish, please vote actively. I'm not talking about once or twice but every day. This is basically the one actual thing that everyone can do to help people find this great server everyone seems to love.

In addition Loka is also represented on reddit in /r/mcservers which is another great place for smaller servers to advertise themselves, thats where I atleast found out about Loka. Cryptite posts new threads there every month? or so but without upvotes, our upvotes the posts have a small effect.

So my message to you players is to start voting all day erry day and help Loka get some more attention on every site its represented on.
I play loka at the moment because I want to keep my gen feed and for what community is left. However, personally if my town was deleted then why bother making a new town if it will be reset in the next reset. Even if we reset the world, would it guarantee that we would be able to have more players join the server or even to keep them?
There are other issues that I believe would improve the quality of loka if they were fixed instead of a town wipe.
Just to list a few.
  1. Raiding is basically nonexistent
  2. role play is lacking
  3. No ability to build/grind in the End
  4. To many restrictions on rules/vanilla minecraft
  5. Players are unable to give/get permission to build in other towns. making trading and territories the only way towns can work together.
  6. Advertising with streamers and YouTubers may bring in a lot of players,but most of them are not here for loka....
    I'd like to point out that just creating a new map will not attract a lot of new players without an advertisment push. A new map won't do a lot of good if no one knows about it.
If the towns are reset you will be able to reform new towns and have the ability to do it all over again. Some players may lose power and some players may gain power. However, once the new towns are built, and you are no longer distracted with rebuilding your town, you will realize that the real problem was not fixed.
I personally love building towns from the ground. My members/fellow members/friends are all active, working together, it's very enjoyable. Living in a finished town is... Well, there's often not much to do. Doesn't mean I don't absolutely love the towns I've helped build, but yeah. I actually love building and working on towns.
If we want to facilitate roleplay, can we have a roleplay channel in chat? Massivecraft has an amazing local-roleplay plugin that obfuscates the words if you're far away, and makes it so chat doesn't even pop up if you're too far. If we had something like this I could see a lot more roleplay happening.
If we want to facilitate roleplay, can we have a roleplay channel in chat? Massivecraft has an amazing local-roleplay plugin that obfuscates the words if you're far away, and makes it so chat doesn't even pop up if you're too far. If we had something like this I could see a lot more roleplay happening.
./ch rp will take yah to our rp channel
Ok... I had read most of this post and from what I read I still believe a server reset would not fix the server issues.I will post some positions that I have on a few subjects I saw in the post(sorry for not adding in quotes)
  1. Not just one town/alliance have pre 1.8 villager blacksmiths. If you need cheap diamond armor come talk with me and I will do those trades for you at cost.... but tips are welcomed. Heck I have been giving free diamond picks(and diamond armor when I could afford) away since porpoise started his videos on the server and not even free diamond stuff to new towns/players made anyone of them OP.
  2. Just because a town or alliance is too powerful should not mean that everyone else should have their stuff wiped to put the strong on par with everyone else.
  3. Wiping the server would not make you any better then you are now.... the people stronger then you will still be stronger then you and no amount of server resets will change that fact. The more time someone puts into the game, the stronger they can become.
  4. Territories is a meta game in my opinion. Territories is not something that would scare new players away because most new players don't even get to the point of learning about Territories. Most players seem leave before they even make a town or never log back in after joining one of the current towns.
The main Loka problem is the world PvP. Right now east and nico have 8 dubs of prot 4 armor and a stack of god apples. Right now, this is reached an unbeatable level. If you bring over a group of pvpers, all better than both of them, they'd still lose as to how stacked dragonstone is right now. The only solution to this is a map reset.

"East is Garra, I am Lee. This match is talented vs untalented. Through practice and determination, Garra will fall to Lee." ? lol

To make is simple for any Naruto fans out there..... would Rock Lee or Naruto yell for a reset/time out or complain that their enemies are too strong and that the only fair thing to do is have their enemies weakened to their level?
To make is simple for any Naruto fans out there..... would Rock Lee or Naruto yell for a reset/time out or complain that their enemies are too strong and that the only fair thing to do is have their enemies weakened to their level?

No. They would say something like, "I don't care how strong my opponent is, or how stacked the odds are! I'll train so hard I'll win anyway!"

It would be cool if we had at least one person on the server with that attitude.
*has only watched two episodes of Naruto* *understands reference compleatly* *silently thanks Anna and Denogo*
One thing's for sure, if we do reset the world, there are no plans to just reset it and then carry on. We already have a lot of plans on what we would do with a new world. Those of you saying that just a world reset alone wouldn't change anything are right. The most powerful now would probably rise to become the most powerful after a reset; even if it were a full reset. After a month or two, the same powers would be back in action and life would continue as normal.

I cannot go into detail what any of these things would be yet since they're all just ideas that the admins have thrown around over this past year. Suffice it to say, we're aware of the most dire issues and just doing a simple reset wouldn't be how it went down if it did.
Is it safe to assume then that there will be no reset for at least the next few months? How much effort should I put into a town at this point?
Originally we never intended to wipe towns with the next map reset.

However, crypt's opinion on the matter may have changed since then... all will be sorted out at the meeting, which is still being delayed.
A lot of good points have been made with the disadvantages of the 1.8 update. While most people get diamond gear via prowess, pvp matches are dependent on multiple players participating (plus the weekly cap). Also with talks of implementing tnt cannons to bring back raiding, it would be unfair to implement it in this world considering senior players had access to the obsidian glitch. There are probably other factors of the update that I am unaware of, and who knows what 1.9 will bring to the mix. Each town should have same opportunities as every other town. Obviously these are unintended results of the update, and nobody is happy with the current state of territories. All I ask is for everyone to be patient while the admin team work to solve these issues and come to sustainable solution for all players.
To make is simple for any Naruto fans out there..... would Rock Lee or Naruto yell for a reset/time out or complain that their enemies are too strong and that the only fair thing to do is have their enemies weakened to their level?

Don't forget, this is a video game we're playing. We're not 'training hard to be the best' we are playing to have fun. If we think that something will make the server more fun, we say, as I have done.
Don't forget, this is a video game we're playing. We're not 'training hard to be the best' we are playing to have fun. If we think that something will make the server more fun, we say, as I have done.

Well, there's nothing wrong with giving something in a video game your all just for the heck of it, or "to be the best". I've love to see more people around here take that attitude, particularly where toppling Argus is concerned; I think the rest of the admin team would agree.
I haven't been around for some time now but catching up on the forums has been a very reassuring mid holiday past-time. While many of you bicker in threads such as these, to see such strong opinions, such frequency of suggestions to convey your views of how this server can best progress is wonderfully encouraging for an admin who has been here so long and watched so many peaks and troughs in this servers' history.

Currently, I believe loka is just short of a peak. There was great promise shown by such a small alliance as Vesper which had relatively little coordination, and the damage it could do to Argus in such a short period of time showed there is scope for Argus to at least take a dent to its, admittedly, immensely robust armour. I enjoyed experiencing the offensive. I hope and urge other players to attempt the same or to try and believe that dethroning Argus is possible and work towards this goal. A world reset will not cause Argus to go away, but a continued, well prepared offensive from even a relatively small number of players will.

And then there is of course what looms ahead in terms of the future of the server and a new world. I myself know relatively little of the full plans but Im excited for what lies ahead, as you all should be, considering the clear buzz in the admin team even on our hidey-hole forums (I cant even access Skype - I bet there's quite the commotion in there).

I believe the best times for Loka lie ahead in the near future. And that's coming from me, a classic old-timer who's always yearned for the past. Now, I yearn for the future.