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A Fresh Start

Laughing is a bit mean, don't ya think?
Last time there was a biiiig reset, enderchests were carried over, along with EITHER a doublechest or one building from the old world. The next reset, towns were carried over, but only as it hadn't been too long since the last reset
Why don't we just get rid of all 1.7 blacksmith villagers because they are too damn op. you can get a full set of diamond armour for like a stack of emeralds maybe less and not all players have them. this is another reason argus really doesnt have to work for their gear.
Why don't we just get rid of all 1.7 blacksmith villagers because they are too damn op. you can get a full set of diamond armour for like a stack of emeralds maybe less and not all players have them. this is another reason argus really doesnt have to work for their gear.

Finally a good, productive suggestion.
I'd love to if, why don't you quote your own message where a suggestion exists. I have made suggestions for the server on admin only threads because I only want active members to respond to them.
Hey guys, as you all have seen, Loka has a relatively low player count. Loka is a server that has a balance of survival, pvp, and roleplay. Loka is supposed to be a unique blend of all these elements into a way that players typically have not seen before. Now, the survival part is pretty well done on Loka, the town system is good but that is not hard to achieve. As for roleplay, this server does have a decent amount but compared to another server I've frequently been playing, events and such can also be added for more fun. Now we get to PvP, the main Loka problem. The battlegrounds are very well done, especially gulch. Vota and gulch are extremely fun and give players tons of entertainment. However the arenas are absolute garbage. The hit detection is awful and it just feels so different from any other PvP arena I play. The main Loka problem is the world PvP. Right now east and nico have 8 dubs of prot 4 armor and a stack of god apples. Right now, this is reached an unbeatable level. If you bring over a group of pvpers, all better than both of them, they'd still lose as to how stacked dragonstone is right now. The only solution to this is a map reset. This map has been around since I joined back roughly a year ago. Most servers reset maps long before then and I think Loka is due for one. As we did for porpoise, we can get some youtubers to create server trailers for the incoming map reset and advertise it as a pvp/rp/smp server.(since none of you like the hcf idea :p) This would create a fresh start for pvp groups to fight against argus and it would create an actual player base where people wouldn't quit after seeing how stacked dragonstone is. You can consider this idea, or you can dismiss me as an inactive troll, either way this is my opinion on how Loka can grow.

Another thing, the map reset wasn't an idea to just take place with things as they are, otherwise as crypt said argus would win again. The idea behind the map reset was an advertising push to bring players in excited for the new map. With a player surge at the start argus and everyone else would have more competition. There's a chance real pvpers would come.

As most of the minecraft community ENJOYS pvp, loka should gave a solid and fun world pvp environment. In order to fix this as well as bring new players, I originally proposed a map recent along with an advertising push to draw in an audience and to create excitement for a reset. You people keep saying the same thing and continue to ignore my posts. ARGUS WOULD NOT WIN IF NEW PLAYERS AND PVPERS JOINED THE SERVER. Believe it or not there are plenty of groups out there that could give argus competition. That's the entire idea of a map reset + advertising push combination.

(On an ipad so quotes are bugging, just copy and pasted it)
So nobody who is slicer or higher is considered 'active' and because of that is somehow below you? I'm sure you're ideas are so much more sophisticated than mine, you are more intelligent than me of course. You do realize that if everyone thought like you we'd have no server right? Well now that I'm done typing I guess I'll go back to being an inactive piece of shit, see ya.
The only solution to this is a map reset... As we did for porpoise, we can get some youtubers to create server trailers for the incoming map reset and advertise it as a pvp/rp/smp server.

(On an ipad so quotes are bugging, just copy and pasted it)
So nobody who is slicer or higher is considered 'active' and because of that is somehow below you? I'm sure you're ideas are so much more sophisticated than mine, you are more intelligent than me of course. You do realize that if everyone thought like you we'd have no server right? Well now that I'm done typing I guess I'll go back to being an inactive piece of shit, see ya.

I just worded it like that to sound polite. If you want the real reason by all mean Skype me, because I would love to hear you actually put your money where your mouth is. I do not consider anyone below me, but since there are so many inactive people chiming in their two scents it seemed to sound the best. Trying to help the server starts with people acting their age, and I am going to apologize if I started to come off rude. I love Loka and I only want to see it become better.
Another thing, the map reset wasn't an idea to just take place with things as they are, otherwise as crypt said argus would win again. The idea behind the map reset was an advertising push to bring players in excited for the new map. With a player surge at the start argus and everyone else would have more competition. There's a chance real pvpers would come.

I just worded it like that to sound polite. If you want the real reason by all mean Skype me, because I would love to hear you actually put your money where your mouth is. I do not consider anyone below me, but since there are so many inactive people chiming in their two scents it seemed to sound the best. Trying to help the server starts with people acting their age, and I am going to apologize if I started to come off rude. I love Loka and I only want to see it become better.

I like Opyc too much to skype you, sorry. Grammar Nazi seems appropriate here, cents, not scents.
Doesn't matter who is active and who isn't right now. Anybody that's posting in this thread is doing so because they care about Loka and want what's best for its future.

Many of us are coming from different angles and, to some of us, the world pvp is more important. Given that this thread is about, in particular, world pvp and a world reset, let's keep this thread about that. If we'd like to branch off different discussions, it would be helpful to make new threads on those so we can keep things organized.
Well shit at this point i think everything has been said that there is to be said about world pvp and reset so in my opinion its more or less up to you to make a decision about what to do now.
If the majority of players are in favor of a map reset, I would be in favor of a map reset as well (as much as it pains me to start over), BUT with the caveat that other changes were made to help distribute the formation of power a bit better in the future. I agree with several of the people in this thread whom have said that solely resetting the map would not solve the balance problems at their core.

A few ideas that I think could help, from my perspective, are the following.
  • Change the nature of capitol in one of two ways. Make it increasingly difficult to hold onto for longer periods of time (for greater rewards as time progresses), OR give the capitol tools and perhaps a responsibility to help take care of other towns, with the possibility of being dethroned if they're disliked. This really just boils down to server philosophy, do we want more competitive, or more cooperative?
  • Implement ways to "grow" your materials by assuming the risk of losing them. Currently the theft and raiding system is up for debate. If a caravan system like I proposed in my other thread was implemented, we might have a fun and opt-in raiding and theft system. If you don't want to risk losing your things, don't use the system, similar to how the t-gen game works now.
  • Give everyone the incentive to grow, no matter how big they are. This is an important one. The server shouldn't suffer because there are large towns or alliances on it. Smaller towns should be able to compete with larger towns enough that they feel involved and relevant, but larger towns should not be punished too much for their hard work and effort. I'm afraid I don't have any specifics for this one right now, it's a toughie.
Whatever the decision, I will keep playing Loka. When it comes down to it guys, it's just a game, and we're all friends. Let's not fight, let's not get mad or pedantic over stupid stuff, let's work together on this. We all have different ideas, yes, but we'll find a solution that works well enough for everyone, no?
In the past players are given weeks in advanced notice if there is going to be a reset and usually there is a server wide RP event.
Just posting my opinion on a reset in general. I will take time tonight and read all the post and will reply with a more detailed response tomorrow with ideas for the server.
I am not a fan of a reset just yet. I believe a reset would be good when: new chunk generation was added/ a mile stone in the role play of the server/a massive influx of new (permanent) players. If there was to be a world reset, I would STRONGLY recommend that towns would be able to role play to save their towns. If there was a full reset of current towns, it would only hinder current players, and would not fix the servers inability to stay populated with new players.
In lokas curent situation i dont think we will be getting many new players wihtout a reset but thats just me. And why reset in the first place people can keep their towns, that would defeat the purpose