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A Fresh Start

With a map reset those players with potential will come back and finally feel like they have a chance to become capitol.

But ultimately they would still, probably, fail. If Argus remains the same grouping of towns and their regular players return, they will still most likely win simply due to their numbers, organization, (lesser) time constraints, etc.

It's not certain, sure, but there are other ways to ease this problem and a map reset would provide only a very minimal, short-term solution. Hell, Argus could just as easily win in the first month of a new world still, then nothing would have changed.

It's possible that pure-war-territories shouldn't be the only way to become Capital. That's something we've been considering lately as well.
Well this pisses me off there is no point in me playing on this server. I see no way to over take argus and i was on daily constantly for the longest period of time, maybe 2 months, and all that was for shit. I have nothing, make another way wealth, so what you say argus has so many members then they just mine a day andthat takes me weeks to achieve that, im damn near done, rogue is done, all of attingham quit, all of arkens is inactive, there is no reason for me to stay on a place where i try my ass off for nothing. If there was a map reset that would atleast give other people a chance and thats better than the nothing we have. I have come to realize loka is pointless asit is right now. As alex said you play a game because everyone has an equal chance at victory.
Again you blame everything on Argus about Loka's current problems. It is a whole laundry list of things that are contributing to the inactivity and lack of new players. I am perfectly happy not being involved in the fight to take down Argus, why can't you? Minecraft is one of the most innovative games ever produced because there is so much freedom and infinite possibility. There is no limit to Minecraft, and Loka is one of the few servers that take advantage of this. I said it before and I'll say it again, war isn't answer, but conflict is apart of Loka.
Why cant I? Because not everyone is like you. Simple as that. You are but a small majority of the minecraft population who is ok with being ruled, ok with not being the best, never striving to be on the top, ok to sit there and criticize others while you barely play the server anymore. I know that a vast majority of mc players want pvp, war, action, and fun. What they dont want is to join a server full of bs in which they cant have any of that. now if you want to sit in your town and play 20 mins a day so be it, but i want to have action on this server and the lack of such is why most have quit.
Laz you have to understand that most players prefer pvp over building. Pvp brings fun, excitement, rivalries, and competition, something some role players will never understand. If something can be done to make pvp a more balanced and fun thing, it should happen. That was the entire purpose of this thread.
Another thing, the map reset wasn't an idea to just take place with things as they are, otherwise as crypt said argus would win again. The idea behind the map reset was an advertising push to bring players in excited for the new map. With a player surge at the start argus and everyone else would have more competition. There's a chance real pvpers would come.
whats going to stop alliances between alliances
Nothing is stopping them right now either, many alliances have had treaties or truces between them in the past.
Maybe implementing more than one of these suggestions could prove effective.
Also, in reply to X_Cavator's post, that's not necessarily true. Loka is for everyone :)
You are but a small majority of the minecraft population who is ok with being ruled, ok with not being the best, never striving to be on the top, ok to sit there and criticize others while you barely play the server anymore.
We get your point, but please by civilised.
I said it before and I'll say it again, war isn't answer, but conflict is apart of Loka
Loka is for every one, it's true. However, the best of Loka's intrigue comes from conflict.
I agree totally. Putting it into literary terms, there's character vs character (Loka vs other evils), or character vs nature (The blight?) character vs itself (Loka vs Loka, or PvP, war). It just depends on the type of conflict you like the most. A lot of people like fighting conflict. Some prefer RP conflict. Everyone seems to like conflict though.
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I never said conflict or war is a bad thing, but soley foucusing on it won't fix the server either. Striking a balance for loka will be very hard and people need to recognize that the task of making everything more appealing to everyone will be a massive undertaking. Also there are several non-violent vidoe games out there that are super fun.
For several years I played on servers that were primarily focused on building (maybe a rare game of spleef (spelling?)). Some of the most fun was with group projects. Loka's towns offer that experience. I had no PvP experience when I joined, but I have found that I like it (even though I stink at it and my hardware is crap for it). The t-gen attacks were fun at first, but then they became work, and repairing/creating gear and potions was a constant chore. I would not enjoy constant warfare, with around-the-clock t-gen attacks, for weeks on end. It's too much and too demanding.
That is why I made this thread, the objective was not to debate whether or not Loka should be focused around pvp, it was focused around what can be done to make the pvp it already has more fun.
I never said conflict or war is a bad thing, but soley foucusing on it won't fix the server either.
Read those two side by side and tell me what the problem here is. Well Xcav is saying he didnt make the post to get the server only about conflict/war, but Lazuli decides that she'll just keep bringing it up even though xcav just said thats not what he wanted