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Admin Abuse Ends Now

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Well-Known Member
If you want admins who are involved with absolutely no conflicts then here is a list for you:


Edit: You'd be surprised how much sentry can be abused. There are all sorts of things you can do with your powers that one wouldn't expect. For example, a sentry can crash and restart the server. Guardians have an alternative to /tpa that is quite easily done.


Old One
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Old One
I disagree with the statement "absolutely no conflicts" as this is not true of some you have listed. With regards to an admin of each play style as much as i understand why, i am not sure i agree with it because the motivation of each would not match the motivation of an admin. However for example someone who used to be a thief and no longer is would be suitable.


New Member
Magpieman said:
I disagree with the statement "absolutely no conflicts" as this is not true of some you have listed. With regards to an admin of each play style as much as i understand why, i am not sure i agree with it because the motivation of each would not match the motivation of an admin. However for example someone who used to be a thief and no longer is would be suitable.

I could do that, I have stolen enough to where I can survive. I'm sort of tired of getting into conflicts anyways. I'd like to just play and do my own thing while keeping the server clean.


Well-Known Member
You need an admin for each playing style to avoid bias when creating new rules and making judgements on current rules. You can get opinions from the other players but it is very rare for them to actually be considered. Too many players think the rank is everything.

The names above have been victims to some conflicts and have once or twice responded to an attack, but they do not start the conflicts.


I've already stated my end game plan.... since this forum was really started around me i'd appreciate it a lot if it were taken down...


It wasn't started around you Epic, it was started around admin abuse in general.

You have an excuse at the very least. You were the only American admin. You were the only functioning admin. I get it, and personally, in your situation, you were screwed from the beginning. Gud has quit and Andre plays late- having YOU do all the work wasn't a great idea.


Whatever. I just really don't want to have to look at it.. and have to remind myself of the people i'm disappointing and leaving behind. Asking for my own demotion is kind of selfish I guess... I mean after so many people trying to talk me out of it.
Sorry, late to the thread. Magpie had the most informative post here, which accurately describes how the admin spots were created and meant to be used. I have always been pretty opposed to admins having tp at all, but its a necessary evil in order to be able to go to the site of griefs, tail griefers, etc. But its also been clear for a long time that admins don't just use it for that.

I also want to implement the application process Mag mentioned. I'll be starting another thread where you can apply as a Guardian. Everyone will need to reapply, and after we've filled enough slots, any admins that don't make the cut will be revoked.

I want to be perfectly clear. Admin powers are *only* to root out and get rid of bad players. Not to mediate disputes, see people's creations, move around the world, escape dangerous situations for themselves, etc. Admins *should* be playing just like vanilla players except to hunt down bad apples.


asymptonic said:
Sorry, late to the thread. Magpie had the most informative post here, which accurately describes how the admin spots were created and meant to be used. I have always been pretty opposed to admins having tp at all, but its a necessary evil in order to be able to go to the site of griefs, tail griefers, etc. But its also been clear for a long time that admins don't just use it for that.

I also want to implement the application process Mag mentioned. I'll be starting another thread where you can apply as a Guardian. Everyone will need to reapply, and after we've filled enough slots, any admins that don't make the cut will be revoked.

I want to be perfectly clear. Admin powers are *only* to root out and get rid of bad players. Not to mediate disputes, see people's creations, move around the world, escape dangerous situations for themselves, etc. Admins *should* be playing just like vanilla players except to hunt down bad apples.

Asy can you get on and accept my request already... so I can just go?


New Member
asymptonic said:
Sorry, late to the thread. Magpie had the most informative post here, which accurately describes how the admin spots were created and meant to be used. I have always been pretty opposed to admins having tp at all, but its a necessary evil in order to be able to go to the site of griefs, tail griefers, etc. But its also been clear for a long time that admins don't just use it for that.

I also want to implement the application process Mag mentioned. I'll be starting another thread where you can apply as a Guardian. Everyone will need to reapply, and after we've filled enough slots, any admins that don't make the cut will be revoked.

I want to be perfectly clear. Admin powers are *only* to root out and get rid of bad players. Not to mediate disputes, see people's creations, move around the world, escape dangerous situations for themselves, etc. Admins *should* be playing just like vanilla players except to hunt down bad apples.

This is what I've been saying the whole time. We are all users; admins have powers to moderate and make sure that balance stays.


Well-Known Member
So fix it.

We realize what admins are meant to be and that is the entire purpose of this thread. The admin system is broken.


I just want to put my own opinions into this.

Admin abuse: I completely agree. Evidence is evidence, this has already been discussed and I think that we should definitely limit the power of the Guardians. Vanish + Teleport is breaking the game.

Indeed as Mop said, this is a game. But I am looking at this a different way, this is a game; a game which should not be cheated in. Admin powers are issued to be able to help the community and enforce the rules.
Therefore new rules need to be added: written rules against admin abuse. This will submit Admin Abusers to sanctions that anybody else can get. They enforce the rules: So we make a rule against them abusing the actions. Admin status does not provide immunity to punishment for breaking the rules.

'Admins need to play the game as well': Indeed they need to, also without cheating. The solution to this would simply be to limit their power and so they would have less pressure and less temptation.

New admins abusing their power: I have been looking at different servers, and the solution of trial admins comes to mind. This is the idea of letting somebody an admin status for a certain amount of time. They will be removed from the rank if they fail to show the standards expected of them. This, however, does not mean that they will be ignored after that period of time. This period of time is merely to show who is just completely and outright unfit to help the server. True enough that they might start abuse afterwards, but what difference is that to the current active guardians? This is a short solution that will help the problem, but not fix it.

We cannot revert back the old system of Guardians only, because of the sheer new player traffic we are getting.

Cryptite said:
If Guardians and above are meant to be a neutral force, then a re-evaluation of admins needs to occur.
Indeed. I completely agree with this: We need to evaluate which admins serve as either a 'neutral force' outside of conflicts, or ones who have proven to act as normal players without powers in such situations, and issue them higher admin ranks and issue lower admin ranks, if any at all to those who tend to use their powers for their own good, which is not what those powers are intended for.

Finally in this wall of text, I believe that admins from
sentries + should possess the power to /mute players of rank wanderers and guests, and this action should be followed through as soon as possible,
and guardians + to /mute those over and including the rank of settler, but only after Admin ranks have been revalutated, due to the abusable nature of /mute. Giving sentries + the power to /mute wanderers and guests is not so abusable, though still in some cases, as they cannot then abuse the command against those who they are in conflict with, or simply want to annoy, as they tend to be settlers and higher.


Well-Known Member
Something I suggested to Mag that he never responded to...

What if we rotated sentries? One group of slicers would be promoted to sentry for maybe a month, then the next month they'd be demoted and another group promoted. Any sentries that seem to be doing their job well can be promoted permanently. It sort of goes with Line's suggestion.


Zor95 said:
Something I suggested to Mag that he never responded to...

What if we rotated sentries? One group of slicers would be promoted to sentry for maybe a month, then the next month they'd be demoted and another group promoted. Any sentries that seem to be doing their job well can be promoted permanently. It sort of goes with Line's suggestion.

I back this. A rotation of temporary sentries, and of which who do their job as intended keep the position permanently.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I dislike mute as people can be muted forever maybe customise so mute lasts 10 mins minor offence, 1 hour for more serious offence.
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