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Admin Abuse Ends Now

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Well-Known Member
Well... before it is locked... Adder has not responded so I will post for him.

The "evidence" against me is not on the public forums. They are on the admin forums which Adder accesses through Mop's account. Mop lends his account out to many people so they can see and post on the forum. It only makes sense too since Adder has access to Mop's MC account. So I have a question. If Mop is going to share his account so everyone can view a private forum, why is the forum private? There's no point to it.

There is also no point in keeping a thread with stacks of evidence against me hidden in a private forum unless of course you were trying to keep it hidden from me so I could not defend myself. Maybe because that evidence is so faulty? But I'm sure that isn't the case. So please post it here.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I was gonna lv it at what I said, but sure. I have used mops mc account once. Forum post, once. Evidence: explained to u during that cath raid. Others I won't name who weren't actually cathedralians also submitted evidence. Screenshot evidence. Crypt provided console evidence. Asy supported this. U happy now? Great. And in future, don't accuse me of doing something like accessing mops account "loads of times". Especially if you have no idea. Not coming back to this forum, peace out.


Well-Known Member
adderman500 said:
Ok. I was gonna lv it at what I said, but sure. I have used mops mc account once. Forum post, once. Evidence: explained to u during that cath raid. Others I won't name who weren't actually cathedralians also submitted evidence. Screenshot evidence. Crypt provided console evidence. Asy supported this. U happy now? Great. And in future, don't accuse me of doing something like accessing mops account "loads of times". Especially if you have no idea. Not coming back to this forum, peace out.

The "evidence" in the Cathedral raid was Mop accusing me of tping to him and jailing him, which I did not. Also the console evidence has been stated and is not evidence at all. It's an assumption and misread of information. I know that Defgnww submitted two pictures, one of me asking Preksak to lava bomb spawn and one of Nouv laughing and saying admin abuse is fun or something like that. I do apologize if me, a guardian (at that time) asked a character in server lore as a joke for a joke to place lava at spawn even though I could've abused my own spawn permissions and done it myself, and then I offered to clean it up after he left. Very abusive stuff.

Crypt also mentioned that he and Asymp have not been watching Mop which implies he was watching someone. Obviously that was me and Nouv and they were looking for anything that could be used to demote us. I don't think they really cared what it was or if it was correct as long as they could make it look bad. But as I said earlier, if they wanted to demote me because I don't fit the ideal character of an admin then that's fine, but say so. Don't make things up like this.
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