Sure, for those of you who crystal its fun because your kills go up. But seriously, do any of you think its balanced right now? In every aspect of Loka there's a way to counter something that other people do. (Debuff - Debuff rez, Shield - Axe [the shield nerf], etc.) There is no direct and simple counter to crystalling. The argument "just run away" isn't valid considering the whole map except a few blocks between the tgen and inhibitor is the only places you can hide from it. For example, I was in the back just repotting in a recent fight, I get pearled on, the user splashed turtle master potion and instantly killed me before I could even look down to pot. It is too easy to die to crystal's and there are no counters, besides of course, making it worse by fighting fire with fire. If I had to suggest a valid nerf that could still keep crystals somewhat useable but not abuseable, I'd suggest removing turtle pots, nerfing damage of the crystals themselves, or making a cooldown on placing crystals / hitting crystals. As a player that's here to have fun, I seriously don't think this meta is enjoyable at all and will slowly but surely turn Loka into a crystal PvP server. I'm expecting tons of "just pot lol" and "ur just salty lol" but if you SEROUSLY think the crystal meta is good for the server, I'd love to hear why you think that.