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Suggestion Crystal Meta is dragging Loka in the wrong direction.

I think something with the turtle pots needs to be nerfed rather then the crystals themselves. The only reason crystals are good is because the turtle pots allow people to spam them.
Crystals should be nerfed but not reverted to vanilla mechanics. Itd be the same but they have a shovel now
P sure lurnn meant like the damage rn is like a 2 tap to diamond but now for it to like do the dmg it does to you rn the crystal would have to be dug down instead of just placing obby and crystal to the opponent's head and 2 tapping em
crystals 100% need a nerf in the state they are rn it just makes conquest messy and frustrating
Quite frankly, reverting crystals to vanilla mechanics while keeping the damage they are at now wouldnt change a thing. people would set up giant obsidian patches in the middle and whenever someone gets close, they just have to hit them now. I think the problem is turtle pots. It makes the crystaller nearly impossible to kill while they can just spam left and right click and kill everyone within a 6 block radius almost instantly. While reverting crystals to vanilla mechanics may require a bit more skill in a 1v1 situation, it wouldnt make a difference in fights such as the one we had today that piggang was talking about. Someone would dig one block into the ground and would still see the same results. IMO turtle pots should just be nerfed or removed totally, but maybe im just biased because i think turtle pots, crystal or not, are a pretty stupid thing to have in conquest.
I think a much more effective solution to this problem would be something like @kiadmowi suggested- allowing people to be nullifying potioned if they are using crystals. Right now the biggest issue with the mechanic is that the counter is essentially just to use a bow to distance yourself, however the bow also isn't incredibly effective due to the massive amounts of resistance. Another good option could be allowing bow shots to be more effective against people who do have resistance, however I think both of the former could work as valid solutions to the problem. Crystals themselves are decently alright in where they're at right now, however I think the main thing is that there is no counter.
I think a much more effective solution to this problem would be something like @kiadmowi suggested- allowing people to be nullifying potioned if they are using crystals. Right now the biggest issue with the mechanic is that the counter is essentially just to use a bow to distance yourself, however the bow also isn't incredibly effective due to the massive amounts of resistance. Another good option could be allowing bow shots to be more effective against people who do have resistance, however I think both of the former could work as valid solutions to the problem. Crystals themselves are decently alright in where they're at right now, however I think the main thing is that there is no counter.
Its a decent idea to use bows, but even if there was a buff against players with resistance, there is a reason they aren't used anymore. They are just not effective. They are slow, and they are very hard to use with the mass amounts of people that are normally in the way.
Its a decent idea to use bows, but even if there was a buff against players with resistance, there is a reason they aren't used anymore. They are just not effective. They are slow, and they are very hard to use with the mass amounts of people that are normally in the way.
Yeah I think they'd maybe even need a bigger buff to bypass armor or something in this instance, so I think the DBA idea would be better.
Yeah I think they'd maybe even need a bigger buff to bypass armor or something in this instance, so I think the DBA idea would be better.
That would also be a decent idea, but then you have to take into account how broken that would be with airforce, the faster an arrow goes the more damage it does, and also harming II arrows on top of all that damage. I don't think bows are the answer to this problem, simply just nerf/get rid of turtle pots.

it would be broken because airforce can almost 1 shot sometimes anyways^^
Crystals should be nerfed but not reverted to vanilla mechanics. Itd be the same but they have a shovel now
You can get in the hole with them and be on the same Y Level, and chase them around that hole. rather now you just can't go near them
Quite frankly, reverting crystals to vanilla mechanics while keeping the damage they are at now wouldnt change a thing. people would set up giant obsidian patches in the middle and whenever someone gets close, they just have to hit them now. I think the problem is turtle pots. It makes the crystaller nearly impossible to kill while they can just spam left and right click and kill everyone within a 6 block radius almost instantly. While reverting crystals to vanilla mechanics may require a bit more skill in a 1v1 situation, it wouldnt make a difference in fights such as the one we had today that piggang was talking about. Someone would dig one block into the ground and would still see the same results. IMO turtle pots should just be nerfed or removed totally, but maybe im just biased because i think turtle pots, crystal or not, are a pretty stupid thing to have in conquest.
Yes, it would make a big difference. you could simply pearl into the hole with them and now kill them, - if you would have actually ever tried crystal you would know how bad the "shovel" strat really is.

Regardless it was just one of many suggestions but people saying it wouldnt make a difference are very wrong, it begins to require skill to use them efficiently and anyone with a brain can just go in the hole and kill them since turtle master would no longer be meta they would die pretty fast