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Well-Known Member
in 100 player conquest the lag is insane, obviously. It's not fun anymore. There needs to be a cap on players. It is way to laggy and in Con 3 there are gonna be more and more players so I suggest a 50 player cap or rather a 25 cap on each side this way one side doesn't fill up all 50 and oh to bad you can't come.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the staff team know about the TPS drops in conquest fights, they are most likely working on upgrading the server. Currently Loka can hold about 70 players in conquest without lag. A player cap wouldn't really work as people would have to be excluded in conquest fights which would disengage some of the player base.


Well-Known Member
Yea, over time I’m sure Loka will be upgraded to hold bigger fights. It might not be fun because of the lag but I still found it pretty fun even with the lag, hopefully the lag gets fixed though for C3!


I disagree, I think the player limit idea is super. If you outnumber an enemy so badly, just place multiple fights. Adds more strategy, decreases the ability for attackers to just mob their charged player onto the module, and allows for a much tighter scope for future balancing.


Well-Known Member
Your players limit idea is bad. Removes the ability to outnumber the enemy if both sides can only have 25. Which is something you should be able to do if you can
25 players is enough to mob anyone. As Archer said if the server can handle 70 people let's boost it up to 30-35. More than plenty for a large fight, larger than many reins fights in lokan history.