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Loka 2.0 | The New World


Staff member
My question is are we going to update the map come 1.9 or are we going to do some for of a reset again

We specifically chose continents and islands so that, in the event of future releases, we can always just add a new continent for people to settle on. That continent will contain new blocks, items, etc. I expect a new continent after 1.9 will be quite the land grab!

Wait so if emerald ore can only be found in the northern continent, what will the towns run on?
something different from emeralds, or just emeralds (but it just being harder too find)

Correct, towns (and territories) will run off a unique item called Power Shards (Prismarine Shards).


Staff member
Sooo does this mean we get to keep villager trading?

Nope. There are neither Villagers nor Villages in the new world. In time, spawning an Industry will also spawn a relevantly themed Villager with whom you can trade; however those trades will be defined by us at a later date. Unavailable at launch though, I'm afraid.


Active Member
I know a guy that would. His name is shadow, I've linked a couple of his videos in the status bar. You might have to pay him but it won't be much lmao. His channel is shadowgaming1177 or something like that, 300 subs.


Active Member
Also if I could get my computer to stop randomly restarting I would 100% start a YouTube channel and record Loka. Anybody have ideas on fixing it? i know it's not hardware related and I've re installed windows, still reboots.


Active Member
Might be a problem with not enough RAM. Or maybe you need to set it so that more RAM is dedicated to Minecraft? Just throwing out some ideas.


Active Member
It crashes regardless of what is running? It crashes even when you aren't running MC? More information needed.


Active Member
It is completely random, it can happen at anytime. Sometimes it will go 2 hours without shutting off and sometimes it shuts off within 5 minutes. I have noticed however that when installing programs or updating drivers it will crash faster. The computer normally does not blue screen though when it did one time it said "a driver has overrun a stack based buffer." Appreciate the help wolf.


Well-Known Member
My computer did something like that once. It was a complete motherboard shutdown. We had to get a new computer and were lucky to reciev the old hard drive.


Staff member
It is completely random, it can happen at anytime. Sometimes it will go 2 hours without shutting off and sometimes it shuts off within 5 minutes. I have noticed however that when installing programs or updating drivers it will crash faster. The computer normally does not blue screen though when it did one time it said "a driver has overrun a stack based buffer." Appreciate the help wolf.

Are you perhaps overheating? That would be your graphics card or cpu overheating which can cause an immediate reboot.


Staff member
Other things I'm reading include downloading Malware Bytes and giving that a run and seeing if it finds anything. Also, try downloading the latest chipset drivers for your motherboard. That's always a good thing to have.

If you know what kind of motherboard you have, post it here and I can find the drivers for you to download if you want.


Well-Known Member
For reference, what is the base height of the new world? For vanilla worlds it's 64 which is also water level.
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