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Loka 2.0 | The New World

I think diamonds should rain from the sky and PvP and damage be turned off and all hostile creatures will be made friendly and live with us in peace and all towns will prosper together in harmony. And then all goes dark and we wake up in the cells of the Reach's dungeons realizing that this entire world was just a dream and that we are, in fact, still enslaved by our cobblestone overlords.

But then out of nowhere Preksak descends from the heavens and breaks the shackles that bind us to our prison then commands us to go forth and destroy all things cobble in rebellion of the Reach. We quickly are despaired because no matter how much cobblestone we destroy there is always more to take its place. It's like the entire world has been converted into one massive, diabolical cobblestone generator. And then it dawns on us. The world is one big, diabolical cobblestone generator.

Now knowing what we must do we aid Preksak in the construction of a world bomb and say our goodbyes to this world. It's for the best. The bomb is triggered, the world glows red, and in a flash everything is gone.

The Reach has been defeated.

By some miracle the Artifact remained intact (probably plot armor) and it collects our souls and transports us to a new, green world where we can all start fresh. Cobblestone is permanently banned and everyone lives in peace for ever and ever.

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Will there be a closing role play event like there has been in the past? And if so, when?

There will be, it'll be part of the new world event. There will also be an intro RP event that occurs the weekend before the reset (Sept 12th). More on that when it's ready as well, but mark your calendars!
I think diamonds should rain from the sky and PvP and damage be turned off and all hostile creatures will be made friendly and live with us in peace and all towns will prosper together in harmony. And then all goes dark and we wake up in the cells of the Reach's dungeons realizing that this entire world was just a dream and that we are, in fact, still enslaved by our cobblestone overlords.

But then out of nowhere Preksak descends from the heavens and breaks the shackles that bind us to our prison then commands us to go forth and destroy all things cobble in rebellion of the Reach. We quickly are despaired because no matter how much cobblestone we destroy there is always more to take its place. It's like the entire world has been converted into one massive, diabolical cobblestone generator. And then it dawns on us. The world is one big, diabolical cobblestone generator.

Now knowing what we must do we aid Preksak in the construction of a world bomb and say our goodbyes to this world. It's for the best. The bomb is triggered, the world glows red, and in a flash everything is gone.

The Reach has been defeated.

By some miracle the Artifact remained intact (probably plot armor) and it collects our souls and transports us to a new, green world where we can all start fresh. Cobblestone is permanently banned and everyone lives in peace for ever and ever.

I think diamonds should rain from the sky and PvP and damage be turned off and all hostile creatures will be made friendly and live with us in peace and all towns will prosper together in harmony. And then all goes dark and we wake up in the cells of the Reach's dungeons realizing that this entire world was just a dream and that we are, in fact, still enslaved by our cobblestone overlords.

But then out of nowhere Preksak descends from the heavens and breaks the shackles that bind us to our prison then commands us to go forth and destroy all things cobble in rebellion of the Reach. We quickly are despaired because no matter how much cobblestone we destroy there is always more to take its place. It's like the entire world has been converted into one massive, diabolical cobblestone generator. And then it dawns on us. The world is one big, diabolical cobblestone generator.

Now knowing what we must do we aid Preksak in the construction of a world bomb and say our goodbyes to this world. It's for the best. The bomb is triggered, the world glows red, and in a flash everything is gone.

The Reach has been defeated.

By some miracle the Artifact remained intact (probably plot armor) and it collects our souls and transports us to a new, green world where we can all start fresh. Cobblestone is permanently banned and everyone lives in peace for ever and ever.


That's beautiful and should totally be made real.
Crypt, pls.

I think diamonds should rain from the sky and PvP and damage be turned off and all hostile creatures will be made friendly and live with us in peace and all towns will prosper together in harmony. And then all goes dark and we wake up in the cells of the Reach's dungeons realizing that this entire world was just a dream and that we are, in fact, still enslaved by our cobblestone overlords.

But then out of nowhere Preksak descends from the heavens and breaks the shackles that bind us to our prison then commands us to go forth and destroy all things cobble in rebellion of the Reach. We quickly are despaired because no matter how much cobblestone we destroy there is always more to take its place. It's like the entire world has been converted into one massive, diabolical cobblestone generator. And then it dawns on us. The world is one big, diabolical cobblestone generator.

Now knowing what we must do we aid Preksak in the construction of a world bomb and say our goodbyes to this world. It's for the best. The bomb is triggered, the world glows red, and in a flash everything is gone.

The Reach has been defeated.

By some miracle the Artifact remained intact (probably plot armor) and it collects our souls and transports us to a new, green world where we can all start fresh. Cobblestone is permanently banned and everyone lives in peace for ever and ever.

So, You're saying that the only way to defeat the Reach is with a thermonuclear detonation which results in the destruction of the entire dimension?
ok I have 2 weeks to gather my friends and get ready for fun and bug X Cav to build another inapropro statue of himself for Eric to deface..... fyi I still have that photo
It wasn't bad until I let Eric into my town, not making that mistake again, he's the reason streetz is bronze in league.

hurry up crypt we want our new world