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Loka 2.0 | The New World

I'll never understand the competitive nature of the human spirit... "I am great at pvp, but I use glitches. But... Dont use the glitches on me pls!"


  • JackieChan.png
    27.5 KB · Views: 1
No one wants to be on the receiving end of the glitch :p. Also it isn't a huge advantage either way, just allows the user to drink 4 pots in the time it would normally take to drink 2. All you do is press Q before the animation is finished and the pot will give you the effect before it technically runs out. Also if I was a dick I wouldn't say anything about this glitch and then abuse the heck out of it, not doing that tho :)
"All you do is put the cartridge in the game genie, it's really not a huge advantage" KIDDING, I'm kidding! haha!

I'm gonna build an EPIC arena for ya'll... TWO MEN ENTER, ONE MAN LEAVES! :D
I had an idea about the continents individual spawns and ports. One idea I had was you could make them capturable zones using similar dynamics to that of capturing the ruin. Capturing the port would change nothing about how it works and how players use it and access its facilities. Owning it for a short period of time could however levy a tinny trickle of emeralds to simulate ceasing tax revenue form imports and export trades and the town or alliances banner could be displayed at certain points while the zone is claimed. There could be three nodes each located in a square or tower. The buildings could be used to allow for tactical parkour to simulate a proper siege and give tactical options for assault or defence.

Another dynamic to this may also be that the town or alliance who owns it can set its own tax tariffs and the amount of time before the zone becomes neutral again would be dependent upon how hight they are set. For example high tariffs would accelerate the time until the zone is neutral again while low tariffs last longer.

However if tariffs were actually felt in real trading it may cause problems for the highly trade orientated system being proposed for the new world by dissuading people with the addition of added tax to sell and buy items though this medium. This I think would be a bad idea. So if any of these ideas were taken forward it might be better to keep tax tariffs as hypothetical constructs with no actual real inference on real trades though the market.
or we could just get rid of those damn whatchamacallits.
I dunno those things that you get once you have the level for the skill.
In other words, the arcanum thingy that like gives yo level 30 enchants for like 1 level
Just fyi the staff on valantis are horrible Bias and the players are snobby so even though there server is pretty decent its no where enar the valantis balance.
An idea I voiced to Crypt and Targ awhile back...

For those of you who play Mount and Blade: Warband (I know Mop and Targ do), there's a game mechanic wherein you lay siege to a town, and if you successfully capture it, you gain control of the villages which are tied to that town. If you travel to those villages, their village elders will acknowledge you are their new liege lord, pay you taxes, and give you information on nearby war parties.

Now, the idea I voiced was that there be a large number of special NPC villagers scattered across all three continents, complete with quests, shops, and easter eggs. And if you successfully engulf one of these villages in your territory with territory generators, then their village elder will start referring to your alliance leader as their liege lord, and pay taxes directly to their generator. They might even have blank banners which are then changed to your alliance's banner for as long as you control it. Any NPC ports or markets would function exactly like this, since they're basically also just villages, only with different locations and functions. Which alliance controls the village might even affect dialogue with quest NPCs.
I like this idea, it'd encourage people to take part in territory conquest. But if people will be able to make towns on top of such villages - it'd force player settlements positioning and restrict creativity in choosing a place to build your home at. It's bad enough that we won't be able to build in ocean biomes. But, if there'll be a restriction to position your town away from those villages - it'd mean that there'll have to be a very low amount of them around the world, otherwise they'll cluster the space for players to build at. As long as they are rare and people can't build over them or right next to them, it's awesome.
I like this idea, it'd encourage people to take part in territory conquest. But if people will be able to make towns on top of such villages - it'd force player settlements positioning and restrict creativity in choosing a place to build your home at. It's bad enough that we won't be able to build in ocean biomes. But, if there'll be a restriction to position your town away from those villages - it'd mean that there'll have to be a very low amount of them around the world, otherwise they'll cluster the space for players to build at. As long as they are rare and people can't build over them or right next to them, it's awesome.

Rather than having lots of these, perhaps villagers are associated with capture zones like The Ruin. We'll need to put more points like this in the continents, but maybe it's a question of assaulting and controlling these areas, rather than trying to physically put territories around them.
An idea I voiced to Crypt and Targ awhile back...

For those of you who play Mount and Blade: Warband (I know Mop and Targ do), there's a game mechanic wherein you lay siege to a town, and if you successfully capture it, you gain control of the villages which are tied to that town. If you travel to those villages, their village elders will acknowledge you are their new liege lord, pay you taxes, and give you information on nearby war parties.

Now, the idea I voiced was that there be a large number of special NPC villagers scattered across all three continents, complete with quests, shops, and easter eggs. And if you successfully engulf one of these villages in your territory with territory generators, then their village elder will start referring to your alliance leader as their liege lord, and pay taxes directly to their generator. They might even have blank banners which are then changed to your alliance's banner for as long as you control it. Any NPC ports or markets would function exactly like this, since they're basically also just villages, only with different locations and functions. Which alliance controls the village might even affect dialogue with quest NPCs.
That... Is the greatest idea ever.