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Loka 2.0 | The New World

Man, that is cool stuff. I shall quit bemoaning the wait. However long it takes, it will be well worth it. I have never played on a world with places like that. Everybody is going to want jungle--wow. It looks like it won't be a pain to walk through, either.
Can we just copy & paste this into the new world?

I've got an idea. So last map there was the thing where if you died close enough to a tgen you would keep your stuff. The reason behind this was to encourage people to pvp as it would not be as expensive. Instead of this, I'm proposing we nerf the armor cap and the sharpness cap. Basically make it like sharp 2 prot 1 or something along those lines. Obviously we would have to discuss a fair kit but I thought I'd just throw this idea out there.
I've got an idea. So last map there was the thing where if you died close enough to a tgen you would keep your stuff. The reason behind this was to encourage people to pvp as it would not be as expensive. Instead of this, I'm proposing we nerf the armor cap and the sharpness cap. Basically make it like sharp 2 prot 1 or something along those lines. Obviously we would have to discuss a fair kit but I thought I'd just throw this idea out there.

Seems weird; we'd have to either cap out everybody's armor globally or make some sort of forced kits in Conquest battles. I think armor (of any kind) should play a part but I could see doing stuff like removing gapples.
Yeah no gapples is an awesome idea. Limiting the armor people could craft globally is what I was getting at, no kits.
Yeah it would make pvp cheaper as a whole so people spend less time grinding and more time fighting. Also a sharp 5 prot 4 set up is really easy for experienced pvpers. As loka for the most part is newer pvpers, a map that has the same sharpness level as protection level would make it easier and more fun.
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Yeah it would make pvp cheaper as a whole so people spend less time grinding and more time fighting. Also a sharp 5 prot 4 set up is really easy for experienced pvpers. As loka for the most part is newer pvpers, a map that has the same sharpness level as protection level would make it easier and more fun.
You suck kid!
Personally I sit on the fence with the idea of capping PvP gear. I see where X_Cavator is coming from though. Making war cheaper would allow newer, weaker towns to get a decent slice of the action rather than stew in obscurity for a few months to try and cobble together something that can stand against the best. On the other hand, people like their fancy protection 4 sharpness 5 kit and some like working towards it. What we might see as a grind (I know I tend to) they might find an enjoyable aspect of the game, since some here are not as stuck into PvP as others.