Time for more updates! Please read the OP if you haven't yet.
Town Annexation
We're changing how this works. Instead of just plopping TGens over another town, annexing a town will require that you
siege it first. However, until such time as we figure out and implement the Town Sieging system, it will not be available upon the New World's launch. We'll keep you posted, but it made more sense that actually attacking/sieging a town was the means to own it, rather than just easily plopping down TGens next to it.
Item Transfer List
The following is the final list of items that you can bring over. To bring over these items,
place them in your Ender Chest:
- Unique Items - Summer Firework, Nether's Eve Wand, etc. These are effectively named items with color in their titles. This list, however excludes armor and tools (like Gladiator gear, etc)
- Player Heads (not mob heads)
- Bedrock
- Spawn Eggs
- Maps
- Book & Quill and Written Books
The rest will be excluded. To help with this, we're implementing a handy tool shortly that, upon login, will inform you about what items in your Ender Chest are valid/invalid so you can see exactly what will make it and what won't.
Rough Seas
In order to further push our idea of Port travel getting around the world, we will be making a fairly major change to how the New World will work. In short, we will be placing each continent, spawn, and any other major islands (nether or otherwise) on
separate worlds. In order to get between continents/spawn/etc, you will have two options:
- Take a boat via Port - Boats come and go between the various continents and spawn every few minutes, so if you get to the Port and don't see your boat, just wait, it'll be there shortly

- Take a chance in your trusty dingy! - You can attempt to sail west from the Southern continent, for example. Doing so, however, is risky. The seas are rough though and you may not wind up where you think. We'll roll a number when you try to transition between continents. You may end up on the other continent, you may end up on the old one. Either way you may not end up where you thought you were going anyway and you may even shipwreck.
The reasoning behind this is that we really want people to interact and see each other going to and fro, vising other continents or towns, etc. This increases player interaction and, you may've guessed, gives something to the raiders which we've pretty much excluded for some time now.
Additionally, having each bit of content on a separate world helps us expand the world in ways that we might otherwise be restricted by. Because of this, we're also making a big change to Spawn in that...
You cannot drop items in Spawn
You can still use the Market at spawn to sell and buy wares, but we will be
turning off block dropping at spawn so that you cannot use Spawn as a guaranteed safe-haven for item trades. If you want to trade with an ally, you'll need to see them in person (on a continent) or put up your sales on the Market.
Unfortunately, No Ocean Towns
Truth be told, with so many of the systems we're implementing or will soon be implementing, having an Ocean Town will simple become too much of a rule bender. One thing we didn't like about TGens was building them over the ocean (especially how much of a pain it was). In the new world, a TGen cannot be built in the ocean. You can build a TGen
next to the ocean (on the shore, for example), but its protection will not cover ocean biome; merely the shore/land bit. Because of this and the would-be issues with town protection, we will be preventing town generators from being created in the sea.
That's it for now. As always we'll keep you posted on big updates.