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Loka 2.0 | The New World

That might be a bit tricky, I'm pretty sure placed item frames count as entities... It would be awesome to have though, verdict from Crypt?
I have to say that I am super, super excited for these changes. This all sounds like a fantastic departure from regular old, boring, factions MC. I can't wait to go out exploring, and start carving out a place for myself with all this new stuff going on! This sounds like exactly what I was hoping would happen, with awesome changes that really bring a new dynamic to the currently stagnant systems, because the idea of limited space and resources will bring a whole new level of conflict to the game that I think will really enrich the atmosphere of the server.

I do have a few questions though! First of all, annexation? Totally frickin' awesome idea. However, I have to ask how will someone be able to fight against the annexation after they've been annexed? Will there be ways to break free, if you so choose? I think it would be awesome if you had two choices in this regard. Say you get annexed and you are suddenly limited to only building or destroying blocks within your town borders, it would be nice to have the choice to then willingly join the annexing nation's alliance so you have free reign once again outside your borders, and within the alliance's territory. Sort of an "Okay, you won, I'll come along peacefully" sort of deal. However, it would also be awesome to have the option to essentially remain a thorn in their side (like Scotland! Or Texas!) and be constantly vying from within to break free of their annexation, while still having to forfeit your capitol vote and things like that, and while also having some nerfs on your fighting ability against your conqueror, considering that you've already lost the war once.

In the same vein, will there be a way to have conditional alliance agreements? Let's say I want to be Scotland unless my conqueror either pays me or makes it worth my while. Would this just be handled as player-to-player agreements? Or would there be systems in place to help enforce these sorts of things? It would kinda be cool to have some sort of treaty system, even if it was just a way to publicly declare (and post) the treaty in order to shame people if they break their agreements.

I'm also a bit curious about the capitol system. What will the benefits of being capitol of your island be? Will it only be the option to choose island-wide policies? Or will you have greater sway in inter-island trade? Are there other things that make it worthwhile and/or interesting to strive for, such as greater responsibility or power to enforce your island-wide policies? How will this work?

I'm sure I have more questions, but I'm too excited to think of them right now! Thanks for all the hard work you're putting into this to make Loka even more awesome!
Question for everyone. In the past we've had mock sieges in the ruins of towns or towns we've thrown together in a day or two just for the fun of it. It's usually two even teams, one defending and one attacking. Everyone gets armor, food, tnt, weapons, etc. We ran on an honor system of destroying any heads dropped during combat and a quick nether route was always dug for returning to the battlefield.

Before we move worlds would anyone be interested in putting together a game or two of this? If so we can make a separate thread for it.
Question for everyone. In the past we've had mock sieges in the ruins of towns or towns we've thrown together in a day or two just for the fun of it. It's usually two even teams, one defending and one attacking. Everyone gets armor, food, tnt, weapons, etc. We ran on an honor system of destroying any heads dropped during combat and a quick nether route was always dug for returning to the battlefield.

Before we move worlds would anyone be interested in putting together a game or two of this? If so we can make a separate thread for it.
I'd be interested, Zor!
it would be nice to have the choice to then willingly join the annexing nation's alliance so you have free reign once again outside your borders, and within the alliance's territory

Interesting thought. We hadn't really considered this. At its base annexation really is just forced alliance joining, meaning you are already privy to that alliance's territories or whatever. Maybe making this a little more featureful would be good though.

break free of their annexation

Since it takes being enveloped by a territory to be annexed, I just figured taking out the TGens that are covering your town would break you out if you so desired.

conditional alliance agreements

These things are best handled by players and it also makes things more politically fiery. If for some reason we wanted to create a treaty system, we could evaluate it, but aren't treaties just usually verbal agreements that are sometimes broken anyway?

What will the benefits of being capitol of your island be

Currently it's still just enacting policies and collecting taxes, but we will be coming up with more benefits so that life can be a little more fun at the top.

Can we keep maps?

I'm not sure what happens if I delete the world the maps came from but if they work, I don't see why not. I'll test this to be sure.
Can we add item frame chairs to the chairs plugin? The signs don't match certain types of wood (jungle, acacia) as the leather does. Also can we increase the width to five blocks, they make better church pews when they are five blocks wide.

I'm not sure I can do that, but I can increase the width to 5 at least.

They should add wood-type signs though... That'd be neat
I'm not sure what happens if I delete the world the maps came from but if they work, I don't see why not. I'll test this to be sure.

I have maps of Talongon somewhere... And their from like two worlds ago yet they still function.
With maps, you just need them loaded onto the world in the same version of MC as the next world you're going to create. This is why maps from the original Loka didn't work, but maps of Talongon do.
Crypt a few possible suggestions for the dungeons you may add is that they should be very similar to the ruins (mob wise, and frequency of being open to be conquered) however just have a mob boss that will be difficult if not impossible to be taken out alone or with a friend, groups of three or more would be best for these types of dungeons, and for loot of the dungeon. Personally I feel that the dungeons could either reward a players town with territory points or with better pvp gear. The pvp loot should either be gear that gives you an extra potion buff or a better enchant that can't be obtained in vanilla minecraft such as a Sharpness VI sword or a Unbreaking IV Protection V piece of armor. I am looking forward to what is to come of LOKA and I see a lot of great potential in this future update.
With the separate continents and all, how hard will it be to gather resources to build with. If its a pain in the ass to get nether blocks and different types of wood, the builds on this map might not be as good as we are used to. Just a concern I had.