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Loka 2.0 | The New World

Aww, I see you been hanging around with Avalon kids. Not going back to server even if I start playing MC again though.
Will towns have a tgen limit so they can't have too much control over too much land? I'm just worried about people's none town bases being absorbed by territory. Also how exactly would town annexation work?
Any sneak peeks of how Spawn would look? ;)
Will there be any villages on every continent?
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And sorry for asking again but you never said anything about the lag I'm worried about
This is certainly a concern for people with lower end machines in some places, thankfully if you use Optifine there are various options you can toggle with chunk generation that I've tested on my old laptop, and they seemed to help a lot. Another option (if it gets an update any time soon) is fastcraft, originally made for IC2 it gave me a significant performance leap when playing terrafirmacraft, which features some pretty crazy terrain.
Any sneak peeks of how Spawn would look? ;)
I *might* release some spoilers about spawn later down the line, but suffice to say it's certainly not going to be what we're used to.
I play on a macbook and while my fps averages 10-15, amplified terrain is playable for me
Maybe you could launch a test server with the new map and some of the new features. Currently people are just waiting for the reset, with not much to do. That'd both give us something to do and allow you to observe how well some of the ideas go, while having the ability to implement new ones along the way.
Just a suggestion.
So you guys are actually building all of this map? I'm just curious how it works or are you taking like a regular map and world editing in all of the new super biomes and such
Will towns have a tgen limit so they can't have too much control over too much land

Yeah, we're gonna evaluate the current land mass size relative to Tgens and adjust their numbers both in terms of quantity and how much protection they cover so it makes more sense. Right now it'd be too OP (TGens cover 800x800 blocks)

Also how exactly would town annexation work?

We don't have the finer details yet but it's basically when your town generator gets enveloped by a TGen's coverage.

Will there be any villages on every continent?

Maybe, maybe not. There are a couple things I forgot I think to mention on the OP but Villagers are currently not planned to be tradeable with. Still talking this one over, but currently many towns are OP because of all their 1.7 trades.

Maybe you could launch a test server with the new map and some of the new features

Sounds great, but we don't want any more people than we have to knowing about the map because if 20-30 people know the map before it's released; every great spot will be taken instantly. Gotta make sure everybody's starting off with the same knowledge!

So you guys are actually building all of this map?

Yep! There are a few tools that assist with making this type of terrain. Rest assured we're not doing this all in WorldEdit or anything.
If you're not going to make villagers tradeble by default then why not make that the market industry? Could customize some NPCs with specific trades, make them invincible, and throw them into some kind of shop you place in your town.

Although considering it won't be possible to move 1.7 villagers over I don't think it'd be that bad if you could trade with all villagers. They're currently the only way to get chainmail and xp bottles. Also a good source of cake for certain activities...
or just an idea here why not just make it harder to get emeralds like idk this might be straying too far from the whole vanilla thing but make the converter at spawn give you something other than emeralds like some custom thing that you use to feed your gen, and then the only way to get emeralds is to mine them which is much harder.

Sorry early morning andi cant spell/grammer
why not make that the market industry

We're considering removing the Market industry altogether; at least in terms of it applying to the Spawn Market. We couldn't come up with any reasonable method to level marketing through the spawn market that didn't end up feeling like it needed to be abused.

Additionally, trading with NPCs is intended as a possible new way to trade with people for stuff. We're still evaluating villagers as they are in 1.8 and talking it over.

some custom thing that you use to feed your gen

We're thinking about this actually.
How are you planning on advertising the map reset? Also are the arenas improved to the stuff we talked about?
How are you planning on advertising the map reset

Something like a week before it goes down we're going to advertise that we have a fresh custom world coming out and possibly also release a Map trailer that shows off some of the map. Hopefully this combined with the week leading up to the reset should draw in some new folks who can witness chaos as well as a Lokan World Event and pique their interest in the server beyond the usual stuff.

Also are the arenas improved to the stuff we talked about?

The new world and whatnot are taking precedence over Season 5 beginning. It'll probably be a couple weeks after the reset once things have settled that we can start to implement season 5 stuff.
Posting a trailer on YouTube would be a perfect way to advertise the new map. To sweeten the deal we could showcase some of the old towns in a ruined state and glorify the possiblity of this new world. Someone could fly around and get breath taking shots of the custom terrain, show off a dungeon, and probably get some shots of the vertrens entering the wilds for the first time to symbolize the rebirth of Loka.
Cutting out villager trading (along with cutting out the nether--excepting an island) seems to take a big part of Minecraft away. Skills and knowledge are required to use those well, and I don't like the idea removing an aspect of the game that allows skill and knowledge to be advantageously applied. Villager trading adds value to some of those items that we stockpile (string, zombie flesh), and it makes for a good reason to farm (other than town leveling).
How about this, instead of removing the nether we make it so no one can make a portal back to the Overworld. We could make one big nether continent in a lava ocean with one portal at spawn. One way in, one way out (alive).

As for the trading I have to agree the straight up removing it would take away from Minecraft. I can see us removing standard trades, but we could always add special, quests specific trades to aid in adventures.
Cutting out villager trading (along with cutting out the nether--excepting an island) seems to take a big part of Minecraft away. Skills and knowledge are required to use those well, and I don't like the idea removing an aspect of the game that allows skill and knowledge to be advantageously applied. Villager trading adds value to some of those items that we stockpile (string, zombie flesh), and it makes for a good reason to farm (other than town leveling).

If you're worried about taking out the difficulty of the Nether by having an Overworld-island version of it, fret not. We're planning on making the Overworld as a whole more difficult to cope with. Each continent will come with its own suite of custom mobs and those at the extreme ends of the continents will be quite a challenge to deal with.

We may backtrack on forbidding Villager trades; we just need to make sure they're not OP and make sure they don't sell you things that don't come from that continent, etc.
The only thing I would love to see fucking gone is 1.7 blacksmiths idc about 1.8 village trades although at times they can be op. Just my opinion
Can we add item frame chairs to the chairs plugin? The signs don't match certain types of wood (jungle, acacia) as the leather does. Also can we increase the width to five blocks, they make better church pews when they are five blocks wide.