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Loka 2.0 | The New World

With the separate continents and all, how hard will it be to gather resources to build with. If its a pain in the ass to get nether blocks and different types of wood, the builds on this map might not be as good as we are used to. Just a concern I had.

Certainly harder; that's the entire point. The resources restricted to specific biomes/continents is meant to be difficult so as to increase the potential for trade.
Personally I see the separation of the continents as less of a creative inhibitor and more of a creative opportunity. It will almost force players to have more region specific builds, making more... I want to say culture, but I'm not sure if that is the right word. The demand of exotic resources will defiantly increase trade and build a economy. Maybe we an have a Lokan version of Folklorama if towns deveolope enough individual identity.
I hate to be a party pooper, but having to go through (what what I presume will be) great lengths just for basic building materials sounds awful and time wasting. It's hard enough to start on projects such as walls without the incumberment of having to "make friends" and "spend emeralds"
It basically means that people aren't going to be able to build in their little corner of the world and have access to everything that minecraft has to offer without either traveling or seeing other people. I think it's really boring that it's so easy to just farm whatever you want right in your home. Now, yes, things are going to be harder to obtain, resources are going to be scarcer, and I think that that is going to force people to have novel ideas and interesting and careful builds. The incentive is going to be on making do with what you have, and to make friends with those who have what you don't. In the end though I think it'll draw the player base a lot closer together, and really emphasize the fact that this is a cohesive server and not a single-player game with online chat.
Is it really that hard to say in chat "Hey anyone got some wood? Oh you have it? I'll give you 2 diamonds for 5 stacks."
You'll still be able to get wood like that no problem. It's just you're going to have a harder time just getting any particular type of it. If you live in a jungle, all you're going to be able to grow in your farms is jungle wood. So now you have a choice, you can build with what you have, or if you really want something else, then you can either go to that biome to grab some or get it off someone who lives in it.

The really cool thing is that an alliance just might get big enough to completely own, say, all of the jungle in the world. Now you HAVE to work with those people in order to get jungle wood at all, or you can organize with others and attack so you can take that wood by force (especially if the people with control of the resource refuse to trade at all). It doesn't prevent you from playing the game, it just provides different incentives and a more interesting social dynamic.
island sounds op.
Just to be clear, no single town/alliance can control the resource island by any means. It is free for everybody's use and in theory will be just as easy for everybody to reach that island. No single town should be able to dominate the island. As a result I don't think they can be considered "OP", rather balanced. You are right though, the new world may offer more of a place for a mining industry, and we will look into that.

And yeah, what Tygah said.
a 10x10 box with rocks and ores inside it, when all of it is mined, push a button, and all the inside resets. just like that island, just local. island sounds op.

More OP than having an infinite ore producer in the safety of your own town?
This is everything I didn't know I wanted! Obviously it'll be a shame to lose Gallifrey and the castle that me and MrBentley have spent so much of our time on Loka with, but considering everything else we're going to be getting, I'm all for it! So much kudos to all involved, this actually has me really excited!
I'm not sure I can do that, but I can increase the width to 5 at least.

They should add wood-type signs though... That'd be neat

If we can't add item frames to the chairs plugin, can we make chairs using corner blocks feasible?
I'm personally super excited for the world to run out of resources sometime in the indeterminate future. Scarcity is what drives conflict, and I think that currently most conflicts don't extend beyond "I want to be the top of the hill" or "I like attacking people". Both of which are fine, but if you knew you were fighting over the only known source of diamonds in the world? Dang, that just sounds like an awesome conflict waiting to happen. We can have crazy politicized conversations of mining rights and trade agreements, create some sort of worldwide forum to discuss treaties and hold alliances accountable, among other things; the international relations nerd in me is just quivering in excitement!

Or I'm just building it all up in my head, and no one else finds an idea like this anywhere near as exciting as I do =P.
I'm personally super excited for the world to run out of resources sometime in the indeterminate future. Scarcity is what drives conflict, and I think that currently most conflicts don't extend beyond "I want to be the top of the hill" or "I like attacking people". Both of which are fine, but if you knew you were fighting over the only known source of diamonds in the world? Dang, that just sounds like an awesome conflict waiting to happen. We can have crazy politicized conversations of mining rights and trade agreements, create some sort of worldwide forum to discuss treaties and hold alliances accountable, among other things; the international relations nerd in me is just quivering in excitement!

Or I'm just building it all up in my head, and no one else finds an idea like this anywhere near as exciting as I do =P.

I'm not sure how, if, or when the resources will become limited, but I am excited just for the idea of forced trading and interaction. However I would like to know if ores will be souly limited to this "resource island" or just be scarcer then normal.
I'm not sure how, if, or when the resources will become limited, but I am excited just for the idea of forced trading and interaction. However I would like to know if ores will be souly limited to this "resource island" or just be scarcer then normal.

Resources won't be limited to that island, no.

We haven't decided yet whether to mess with resource population. Whether we do or not, the presence of the vanilla Minecraft caves you are used to will be gone. We're going to paint in some caves and there may be some automatically generated (but shitty; think more like pockets of air, rather than cave networks) caves, but you won't have a world chuck full of caves like you're used to.

Strip miners will do well, everybody else might have to learn how. Also we won't have the resource island ready for launch either by design. It'll show up later.
Maybe I'm not informed enough about the way resources will work, but I don't want to be running in a hamster wheel to get supplies like its a prision server. The way the new world sounds, this is going to end up being a big messy land race/ land grab.
Maybe I'm not informed enough about the way resources will work, but I don't want to be running in a hamster wheel to get supplies like its a prision server. The way the new world sounds, this is going to end up being a big messy land race/ land grab.

Picture a fresh world without usual minecraft caves. All the resources are still there, you'll just wind up strip mining to get them.

I think people are kinda blowing out of proportion how quickly they think the land will dry up. We're not doing anything different to this world other than shaping it realistically. The spread of ores will be the same as it is on any usual minecraft map; there just won't be caves everywhere to make it easy (and even those only work until you've cleared them; you wind up strip mining anyway).