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Loka 2.0 | The New World

I understand the pvp caps and for someone like me who if I had the choice to fight east or run and get away I would run because I dont stand a chance against some like him in pro 4 with a sharp 5-6 so it helps cause its not as scary and if pvp becomes to easy we could simply raise the caps by one each time. Cant wait for the new map. Going to be bring a friend with me this time and he will be new to Loka and I hope to record videos with him and such because Loka is so interesting. Keep up the great work Cyprtite.
Yeah it would make pvp cheaper as a whole so people spend less time grinding and more time fighting. Also a sharp 5 prot 4 set up is really easy for experienced pvpers. As loka for the most part is newer pvpers, a map that has the same sharpness level as protection level would make it easier and more fun.

But but... if Gapples and expensive warfare is gone, how am I supposed to beat anyone? As a member of Argus, I rely too much on my vast wealth to fight bro. Don't you take that away from me.
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In the rare event that I bother checking these forums, And in light of such a beautiful opportunity to put down a scrub, One must ask if X_Cavator is simply scared that with a lack of friends, he will be unable to build a large enough arsenal to raid a better armed opponent? I am aware of his PvP prowess, and can assure all of you lokans, should you meet him under any condition which he deems "fair", you will find every other at a disadvantage. In my opinion, the only limitations you should possibly need to impose are restrictions on golden apples. and even then, I am sure the raiders of loka would be begging for a referendum to allow "Gapples" at any moment that the raiders feel would be to their advantage. My simple advice on the matter is that anyone who feels that The world should be easy mode PvP until they, themselves, are ready to raid should accept the disadvantage of being a lone wolf in an environment where cooperation and teamwork are going to get you the best gear at the soonest convenience. I believe that such scavengers would be better suited Picking off stragglers of better equipt factions whom have strayed too far from their base, Collecting their own resources at as rapid a pace as possible, or brushing up on social skills which could greatly assist in the act of co-operation with other players.

TLDR; X should really not be crying about Balancing when it is evident that he is much more interested in delaying players who work together until he can easily get the upper hand on his own.
Hylian, we can have prot 4 sharp 5 if that's what everyone wants, however the fights will be over in less than 30 seconds. I'd love to see your return bud, I could beat your entire group alone.
I personally rather like the idea of capped PvP for everyone, I'm nostalgic for the pre-enchanting days when the best gear you could possibly get was diamond =P. Part of the issue with the current system, I think is that it's really hard to stand against prot IV and sharp V even if you have diamond, essentially making the "endgame" gear a prerequisite if you want to play the PvP at all.

I think it would be neat to have that sort of higher tier gear findable in PvE loots and the like, and make it an extreme order of rareness on the level of "artifacts" or something similar. It'd cut down on people stocking up on 20 sets of that sort of armor while the regular players struggle to get even one.
I have a nearly unlimited supply of pasty grade-schoolers in my neighborhood. I could recruit them to play Minecraft for me as my army of slaves! mwahaha
I like the idea of limited armor/weapon enchantments, but i'd have to say that, even though it'd promote conflict, it'd serve no deed in attracting new players to the server. Someone who's going to stay will probably stay for other reasons and it might even drive off players that are looking for a semi-vanilla server.
From my perspective I can understand the merits of the idea in making conflict easier to get into for new players. However I am unconvinced it would be a suitable replacement for drop protection in combat zones.

It would offer little to the players who are prepared to stay and work hard and remain active on the server for long periods of time. Spending time getting the best stuff is one of the major reasons people stay hooked. If you offer the pinnacle of combat gear on a plate for only a few hours of game play once you arrive in world it may disenfranchise hard working players who are prepared to give hours of their time every evening to be active on the server.

Furthermore even if the system was implemented in the place of drop protection inside combat zones the only result would be that the really experience players would accumulate vast amounts of armour and weapons from less experienced new fighters. There are two forms of capital in Pvp, Gear and Skill. If you nerf gear but keep skill discrepancy the same problems will arise only their will be a free supply of armour and weapons to the people who have spent hours and hours on the server perfecting and honing their Pvp skill. In light of that discrepancy why bother nerfing gear? It wont really solve much because to win the game of loka requires perseverance and dedication. I managed my time on the server with university commitments and I managed to get decent grades and kept up a fairly active social life. Doing well at Loka does not mean you don't have a life outside the server.

To level the field you would have to nerf both gear and skill and that is impossible for players personal pvp skill. It needs to be worked on just like acquiring good gear.

I think the current system with prowess points is a fairly good system for getting raw diamond armour that awards the active player who is serious and willing to give their time to the server and their own progress in the game of Loka. Nerft gear in exchange for drop protection though would disenfranchise players who are prepared to grind away to reach the pinnacles of vanilla Minecraft game play whilst also making things a hell of a lot easier for the big guys at the top to reap gear (nerft gear but gear none the less) form less experience players. For experienced fighters it be colloquially known as noob farming.
I don't think there'll be such a thing as noob farming, but it'd definitely sway odds to those equipped with a ton of potions. There'll still be a gap between those who have been playing for some time and those that just joined and haven't been able to build a suitable base. Saying this, I am still swayed towards current system of drop protection as means of encouraging conflict. The new world will have a lot of other limitations that'll make PVP more popular, there's no need to cut enchantments just yet.
I have an idea! Maybe if their is a future need to Nerf armour instead we could make enchanting books for protection and unbraking available at the prowess vendor? Not the full protection IV but protection 1 or 2 to retain the effort focused side of game play in combining them into full protection IV. It would also act as an incentive to get involved in combat games and a vector though which you can acquire both capitals of skill and gear. It would offer a natural progression curve for new players and make it easier to reach the best gear while still keeping a natural difficulty curve of Time spent = Reward. It would just be less steep. Having spent five months on the server building a town I know how steep that can be if you are not entirely experience with vanilla game play mechanics from the outset.

The is still the issue of the experience long term players accumulating vast amounts of armour and weapons however. But I think increasing and maintaining your own stockpile is an important part of vanilla game play that appeals to a lot of the disposition that keeps people so hooked on the game.
That'd definitely promote arenas, but i think it'd be detrimental to gameplay by making a huge gap for new players. It'd make it pretty hard for them to start a town and be able to protect it early on, as someone who has the right gear would be able to completely demolish them.
I believe what X_Cav is trying to solve for is bringing Loka more in line with how his current server (Valantis) works. In short, that server is very much geared for straight up pvp and town sieging. I may be wrong if something's changed, but there is virtually no survival, it's all about buying highly enchanted diamond armor quickly (often with $), grabbing 20 players and going to siege another town. Valantis isn't setup to have the survival period where people have to collect armor; it's geared towards instant-pvp more than anything.

However, Loka isn't Valantis and while I can see the allure of quick pvp, survival is and will still be a big part of Loka. I don't think dropping armor requirements so PvP can happen quicker/easier will change much. Like Dark said, you will still roll over most everybody in PvP and lowering the gear requirements just allows pvp-centric players into the fight faster while punishing survival players. Improving upon Prowess rewards and opening up some easier routes to the gear might help, but having Diamond Armor is useful for more reasons than just Conquest.

So, tl;dr, let's not nerf armor when we still do have pot-pvp brackets. Everyone on Loka can still practice pot pvp with out arenas so they can get better at it. You and other top PvPers will still trounce most folks in world pvp, but what you may not succeed at is the collection game which other towns are more than happy to do. Conquest is a longer-tail game that isn't just about the quick fights; it's also about tactics, planning, crafting and enchanting your gear and storing it. I have a feeling you just want to be able to PvP on Loka as fast as you can without having to go mining :p

Don't get me wrong though, I do think getting into the Conquest Game may take a little too long and it's something we're thinking over.
Is it supposed to somehow be harder to get p4u3 armor and top enchant weapons in the new Loka? Stopping villager trades would take away one avenue. Still, once a town gets the enchanting industry (assuming books can be as easily gotten (sugar cane? Cows?)), it's not that difficult (just need ways to level up for enchanting purposes, one reason I like trading with villagers).
I'm waiting for some updates and bugs to settle before updating the 1.9 thread, but if you haven't been keeping up I will tell you that armor is already somewhat nerfed in vanilla now. In the snapshots, as the durability of armor decreases so does its armor value. Also shields can be disabled if you are running and attack someone who is blocking with an axe. So while armor is still important there are ways to work around it and having a maxed set of diamond armor will no longer guarantee victory.
Crypt you make fair points and honestly I think it'll be okay if we stay with p4. The reason I offered this idea in the first place is that me and pearl and have been having lots of success on badlion with a specific strategy. I've been doing this more than him but mainly we use a glitch to drink our pots faster than other people and then ender pearl on top of them and crit them out. I feel like this strategy would be way too op on Loka as many of the players would fall victim to this because of their inexperience in pvp. I also don't want people using this on me because it's annoying and I will die to it :P. As a side note, I was trying to bring the nerfed enchants from HCF, Valantis does not have this implemented. That server is dead, they turned it into pay to win gapple pvp so I and every other pvper quit.