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Map Reset to Coincide with 1.6


With 1.6 coming up many of us are questioning whether or not Loka should be wiped clean, giving us a chance to start fresh again. Towns would be preserved in this process, but the rest of the map would be reset. A reset like this would give reasonable access to horses, and make things like mining and exploring easier. The downside is that we would lose a lot, and that this would be a lot of work for Cryptite. It has also been mentioned that new biomes might come in a later update.
So post your opinions on why we should or shouldn't have a map reset. Other things related to this subject, such as a world border for the new world, and large biomes should also be discussed.
Edit: Added some poll options
Honestly, I am going to be very pissed if we do a complete wipe. I have been doing a lot of work recently on a project and a complete wipe would REALLY suck. I think if nothing else, towns should be allowed to pick two or three buildings to move over and the chests contained within them.

I am really really not a fan of starting 100% over.

I think towns should have a choice!
If towns are given the choice we have the similar situation to the nuclear weapons of the world, if one person puts them down they are at a disadvantage but if they all put them down the world would better a better place, or atleast, you get my message.
My view is we need to find a balance between the 2 extremes. This way we can keep everyone happy and not alienate one group of players. One group of people want everything to be wiped including buildings and items. Another group wants everything brought over, which includes all items and all towns/buildings.

As a server we have always vowed to protect players builds and have told them in confidence that if there was a ever a map reset, we would save their buildings and transfer them over. I therefore feel we cannot leave all buildings behind. However i also feel that bringing entire towns over is a bit of a step backwards and creates ugly boarders between the town edges and naturally generated terrain. Most players have a couple of buildings/structures that they are particularly proud of and worked very hard to build. I believe we can satisfy both groups of players by allowing people to bring over a maximum of 2 buildings per town. If a player has a structure that is not in a town, and they are particularly attached to it, we could allow these to also be transferred, but it would be on a case by case basis.

With regards to items i feel there are 3 possible options. The first is a complete wipe and no items can be transferred. Another is to allow players to bring over whatever items they wish. The final option would be to only allow players to bring over valuables. This could be done either be only allowing certain blocks to be brought (such as diamonds, gold etc) or by allocating a certain number of chests worth of space. (so each player could choose what they wanted to bring, but could not bring any more than a few chests of items) Again i think we need to allow players to bring over at least some items.

If we do just bring valuables i think the wealth would naturally get distributed to some extent. This is due to diamonds etc having a very low value in the early days due to it being the only items everyone has. Items that people could not bring with them would have a high value, and players could gather them and trade them for diamonds etc.

The argument that people keep using, about players that bring over their wealth or a couple of buildings is unfair, and makes it not balanced (excuse my language) is complete bollocks. Yes a player who comes over with some of their wealth maybe at an advantage, but don't you think they have earned that advantage? Equally it is no more of an advantage than someone who has lots of spare time to play on loka because they don't have to work irl. Those who are able to play a lot in the early days of the new map do have a massive advantage.

What we need to do is achieve is a balance between the two extremes of bringing everything and brining nothing. This way we can keep all of our loyal players happy.
It's not wasted or lost time spent working on your towns if you enjoyed it.
Nothing lasts forever, and even though I am quite fond of my position now, I would not mind starting over.
However, there are a few issues I am concerned about:
1) "Certain" people may be given the option to transfer their town secretly while everyone does not get that option. If we are to have a complete reset, then there should be no exceptions to the rule.
2) Teleporting to others in the first few weeks of the new map. Everyones' town location would be given away instantly, and while that is against a rule, there are still some that feel like they are above it..
Essentially, going against a town with an admin would give you a gigantic disadvantage in the first few weeks. If we are leaving this map to fix all the dead towns and have a nicer looking world, then we shouldn't allow it to become how it is now within the first week of the new map.

But otherwise.. I am very much open to a map reset. I do request a world download or something though for this current one..
And seeing as how the vote is 8 to 3, I hope that this shows everyone what the people really want. Unless the vote flips soon and a map reset with transfer of towns is the majority, we should have a complete reset.

I just don't really see how bad a complete reset would be. Yeah, we've all spent a lot of time into this game, but we did it for fun. It's not like we were going to come out of Minecraft with any type of accomplishment.. we knew what we were signing up for: lots of time spent to have fun, without any type of real-world reward.
I just think it's time to let go of the past, and move on, because everything does come to an end.
Magpieman said:
Yes a player who comes over with some of their wealth maybe at an advantage, but don't you think they have earned that advantage? Equally it is no more of an advantage than someone who has lots of spare time to play on loka because they don't have to work irl. Those who are able to play a lot in the early days of the new map do have a massive advantage.

But the thing is, if they have all that spare time to play on Loka, then they're gonna build a town faster than everyone else anyway. Why should they, who clearly play a lot, start with an extra advantage when they already have one?
Also an idea that I mentioned would be allowing players to take over any items except for diamonds lapis emeralds gold and iron and their ores and blocks but allowing people to bring tools armor and anything of sentimental value.
Psychedelic98 said:
Also an idea that I mentioned would be allowing players to take over any items except for diamonds lapis emeralds gold and iron and their ores and blocks but allowing people to bring tools armor and anything of sentimental value.

I feel like players should be able to bring the ores but nothing else if we must allow something to be brought.. Bringing tools and blocks wouldn't make it feel like much of a reset.
Just throwing another idea into the hat. What if people didn't receive their items from the old world until a month or two after they arrived in the new world. This would mean everyone would have to start with nothing in the beginning, but would still get their items eventually.
I think it's pretty obvious that we're not gonna bring along WHOLE cities with us, but maybe we could have an area cut out by set dimensions for every city, or be able to save a couple of buildings from the town? I have spent hours upon hours grinding and grinding materials for the making so that later on I could use them to build (Projects which btw are already in progress), and it wasn't exactly that fun spending this time gathering materials (I can specifically remember getting 4 double chests of sand, 3 of wool and 2 of obsidian... )

I suggest that we either get to bring some buildings of our choice, assuming they do not exceed certain size, along with a vault with an exact number of chests with items in them, and also the contents of our enderchest.
Magpieman said:
Just throwing another idea into the hat. What if people didn't receive their items from the old world until a month or two after they arrived in the new world. This would mean everyone would have to start with nothing in the beginning, but would still get their items eventually.

I like this idea. If we just did a complete reset, no builds, and a certain amount of things being brought over, but only after a while in the new world, so you would still have them.
Magpieman said:
Just throwing another idea into the hat. What if people didn't receive their items from the old world until a month or two after they arrived in the new world. This would mean everyone would have to start with nothing in the beginning, but would still get their items eventually.
If we did something like this I still say that people be limited in both the items they bring and the quantity, but otherwise I could see this working.
andrekeroxd said:
I think it's pretty obvious that we're not gonna bring along WHOLE cities with us, but maybe we could have an area cut out by set dimensions for every city, or be able to save a couple of buildings from the town? I have spent hours upon hours grinding and grinding materials for the making so that later on I could use them to build (Projects which btw are already in progress), and it wasn't exactly that fun spending this time gathering materials (I can specifically remember getting 4 double chests of sand, 3 of wool and 2 of obsidian... )

I suggest that we either get to bring some buildings of our choice, assuming they do not exceed certain size, along with a vault with an exact number of chests with items in them, and also the contents of our enderchest.

I agree with everything you said.
andrekeroxd said:
I think it's pretty obvious that we're not gonna bring along WHOLE cities with us, but maybe we could have an area cut out by set dimensions for every city, or be able to save a couple of buildings from the town? I have spent hours upon hours grinding and grinding materials for the making so that later on I could use them to build (Projects which btw are already in progress), and it wasn't exactly that fun spending this time gathering materials (I can specifically remember getting 4 double chests of sand, 3 of wool and 2 of obsidian... )

I suggest that we either get to bring some buildings of our choice, assuming they do not exceed certain size, along with a vault with an exact number of chests with items in them, and also the contents of our enderchest.

I am with Andre here
A couple things I can say after moving from Artifact to Loka:

I enjoyed the fresh start, as did everyone else I think, but because Asymp was so busy he was not able to transfer our towns for months. It was nice to get them eventually, but honestly I always wonder if it wouldn't have just been better for me to ditch Ember and start over. I could've recovered my losses sooner than I got the town.

I do not support a long delay between arriving in a new world and receiving our things.

Secondly, and related, though I agree with Def that if you enjoy your time on Loka then nothing is really wasted, there are some things that really aren't fun, but are still necessary. The best and most impressive buildings almost always require some grind whether to clear land or gather resources. We do this grind with the expectation that after it is finished we can begin building and if you enjoy building then having fun, or if you enjoy the finished product, having fun then. I don't think it would be fair to do a complete sweep of everything and leave those people who are grinding through a project now or perhaps just finished a particularly big project to throw it behind and move on.

I support taking a couple builds with us.
Personally, I'm not in favor of any buildings or structures being brought over. We've all spent countless hours gathering and building our towns. It appears more people are voting for a complete wipe and fresh start. If we bring over buildings, vaults, etc, that's not a fresh start.

I do favor some compromise in terms of transferring items or something like that, but personally, I want everybody on as equal footing as we can get. I like the idea of transfer of items or blocks. Not everybody has a town, or built a huge structure. Some people's value lies in their vaults. If we do structures, then the 12 or so builder-types get an advantage in the new world with a structure already existing while the rest have nothing but their items.
But then why even play for the next two months Crypt? If we do move and we're going to lose everything we might as well just sit around and kill each other. Or blow everything up?
Because you could still amass things to carry over if you needed to. Whatever the decision comes to, I would think people would want to know sooner than later.
I think what crypt is trying to say is that we can collect resources now, as a certain number of items may be transferred over. Also it would be nice for people to finish off some projects, so they can say they completed it. When you come back to view your work at a later date you would want it to be somewhat completed or at least have individual structures complete.

EDIT: oops didnt see crypts post above this
Right you could, but if we're bringing over items then why use resources building things that will be lost when you could just collect them and use them on a new world where you will benefit for a year or more?
Agreed. I think if I am getting screwed then I am going to start stripping my buildings in the hope the items will get transferred.

There is no point to continue building