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Map Reset to Coincide with 1.6


With 1.6 coming up many of us are questioning whether or not Loka should be wiped clean, giving us a chance to start fresh again. Towns would be preserved in this process, but the rest of the map would be reset. A reset like this would give reasonable access to horses, and make things like mining and exploring easier. The downside is that we would lose a lot, and that this would be a lot of work for Cryptite. It has also been mentioned that new biomes might come in a later update.
So post your opinions on why we should or shouldn't have a map reset. Other things related to this subject, such as a world border for the new world, and large biomes should also be discussed.
Edit: Added some poll options
^ impressive first post sister

Well my thoughts are I love the reset entire map idea because its the only way for me to start a new town. The ideas are flowing already. Secondly I am debating about making a pole for the new transportation system that will be in the new world

-world rail (underground)
-world rail (above ground)
-world roadways (like highways on surface)
-world canal (an underground boat riding system =D)

but whatever the choice is i'd like to know what to build I love the huge boimes + continent idea
Again, if people are allowed to bring over stuff that is fine, but they should not be able to bring over any of the ores except redstone and quarts.
I disagree. You wont be getting your stuff for a while. A month or two, even. Everyone will start out on an even playing field. But what folks dont seem to realize, is that the playing field will be even more unbalanced within the first week on the new world- regardless of what is brought over. This gives players a chance to bring over sentimental items, Hard to get items i.e quartz, obby, cracked stone, etc.
Ah yes, to change topics...

I've had an idea I've been putting together over the last month for horses. Instead of having a world rail, why not have a world "trail"? It would be a very scenic path across Loka specifically designed for horse travel. I wanted to try it on Loka, but after a year of builds and griefing on Loka it would be extremely difficult to make, so I'd like to try it on a new world (should we move).

Would anyone be willing to do this?
I was debating building a such thing like that zor if we have like how entrys at spawn that would be like Highway 1 west/east and Highway 2 North/South

I would build it out of gravel found from mining and donations and such so it would be a giant gravel path.

The will be lights at intersections and such and safety huts. Whole path won't be lit.


Cryptite said:
I'm neither for or against large biomes. Certainly an idea.

As for the wealth or structure thing, Zor, Mag, and I talked earlier and came to a similar agreement. Nothing's set in stone yet, but it does look like the choice may be between bringing items over or bringing a structure. Numbers are as yet undecided, but it seems to be leaning towards 1 double chest of things + your ender chest or 1 structure.
As long as there are limits on what you count a structure as being, I think this sounds perfectly reasonable.
I never got a chance to speak my mind. I think I'd like a full world reset. But see, part of me likes the idea of starting completely fresh. Starting over and building back up. But another part of me wants to keep everything we've already done. All the hard-earned progress we've made is no laughing matter. But in the end, I desire for a refresh. I desire for the chance to rise up again from the ruins of our past. But, that's just me.
I don't think we should have a world reset. Sure, it would be cool to start over, but what about the people who like it the way it is? If you guys want a reset so bad, why don't you just create an entirely new world? That way, the people who want to keep the map are happy and the ones who want a new space are satisfied as well.
I don't think we should have a world reset. Sure, it would be cool to start over, but what about the people who like it the way it is? If you guys want a reset so bad, why don't you just create an entirely new world? That way, the people who want to keep the map are happy and the ones who want a new space are satisfied as well.

As nice an idea as that is, the strain it would put on the server might be a tad too much for it to handle, so I've been told.
mopb3 said:
I don't think we should have a world reset. Sure, it would be cool to start over, but what about the people who like it the way it is? If you guys want a reset so bad, why don't you just create an entirely new world? That way, the people who want to keep the map are happy and the ones who want a new space are satisfied as well.

As nice an idea as that is, the strain it would put on the server might be a tad too much for it to handle, so I've been told.

I know I'm no admin, but I'd be willing to help with upkeep and everything else. If someone could teach me I could do it.
The poll has no options for just transferring single buildings or items over. The people who want this voted for total reset as that was the closest option.
Well to be quite honest under the words of mag himself;

Polls are bollocks.

Even if the votes came out quite in favour of a total reset now, I daresay that just wouldn't happen. And nine votes to one option already, stinks of something wrong :P
I'm honesty most in favor of a total reset, but the reason I chose option 3 is I feel that is the compromise. Mag said that we won't alienate one group of players even if they aren't the majority so I'd like to see that happen now.
I could quite easily put a 4th option up there saying bring all items and there is no limit to how many chests, and a 5th saying all towns and all items. The point is the middle ground changes depending on the full range of options. The current option 2 is the compromise. Certain people who want the full reset are just trying to push it further and further.
Magpieman said:
I could quite easily put a 4th option up there saying bring all items and there is no limit to how many chests, and a 5th saying all towns and all items. The point is the middle ground changes depending on the full range of options. The current option 2 is the compromise. Certain people who want the full reset are just trying to push it further and further.
Yeah but, why is it there, options one and two. Didn't we already decide the other one sounded like a good middle ground?