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Map Reset to Coincide with 1.6


With 1.6 coming up many of us are questioning whether or not Loka should be wiped clean, giving us a chance to start fresh again. Towns would be preserved in this process, but the rest of the map would be reset. A reset like this would give reasonable access to horses, and make things like mining and exploring easier. The downside is that we would lose a lot, and that this would be a lot of work for Cryptite. It has also been mentioned that new biomes might come in a later update.
So post your opinions on why we should or shouldn't have a map reset. Other things related to this subject, such as a world border for the new world, and large biomes should also be discussed.
Edit: Added some poll options
I say no valuables or mats, and I'd rather no buildings either to give everyone a level start, completely fresh. Perhaps we could allow an intermission period where people can finish their creations on loka before it becomes locked (like the Artifact world, assuming it does that.)
If you want to bring nothing at all then I'd suggest you make sure every player joining the server knows that everything they build is going to be wiped in the near future. I'm curious to know how popular the server would be then.
It's just curious to me how the majority of those supporting a complete wipe have little or nothing to lose. Asgard and Cathedral have practically been the same for months. The Heaven project hasn't been touched either.
I think we have reached a decision.
Or I hope, I would like to know what we shall be doing.

Just in case anyone wasn't aware, I have like.. like projects. I'm doing projects.. and.
I don't want to get screwed over. I'm pretty sure no one else is working on anything important, but I'm doing a really important project and ..
Oh yes it is most certainly all about me. Thank you for recognizing that Def.

I know of six cities currently being constructed. Heavy work is being done on Hyrule and Der Riese, though Def you appear to be fine with scrapping it as long as you can download what you've built. There are also a couple of server sponsored projects being worked on.
Zor95 said:
It's just curious to me how the majority of those supporting a complete wipe have little or nothing to lose. Asgard and Cathedral have practically been the same for months. The Heaven project hasn't been touched either.

That's... really not a very good observation at all. I can't speak for Crypt and Asgard but I imagine his situation is similar to mine and adder's in that we have a great deal to lose, I never kept track but I imagine that from start to now Cathedral has taken many hundreds of hours worth of building, clearing and gathering to build to what it is today. But you already know this zor and it's ludicrous to assume that because something in your eyes has not changed for a while it's value to the owner and all contributors has been diminished, Cathedral could stand for all the time it likes but the effort me and all those who have helped have put into it will not decrease as a result. Now bearing all this in mind I still wish to move on and leave all that is in this world, to this world to remain not destroyed but still visible to those who wish to see it because having weighed up both sides, I think it's worth it.

tldr; I have plenty to lose, but I want to see this world reborn and revel in the new possibilities it brings.
The difference is time, Mop. Cathedral was built with the knowledge that some day the world would be reset and you may lose what you've built. You have enjoyed what you built for over a year. However, we're at a point now where many of our cities are dead or dying and work has begun to build new ones. As I just pointed out, SIX new cities are being constructed and hundreds of hours have already been invested. Right now is not the time to say "Okay I think we should delete everything".
If what you're trying to say is that giving up an old project is easier than a new one, I'd argue quite the opposite in that the older something gets the more invested in it you become. As for it being built in the knowledge that it would one day be destroyed, thats ridiculous.

Still, atleast you seem to be acknowledging I don't have nothing to lose here.
Psychedelic98 said:
We shouldn't delete everything right now, we should wait until 1.6. Then boom. Fresh loka.

That's my problem Psych. If we delete everything now then fine, minimal loss. But if we have to wait two months then we have two choices:

1. Continue to build with the knowledge that you are going to lose everything.
2. Do nothing for two months.

Both are a complete waste of time and effort and it'd be better to go to another server instead.
mopb3 said:
If what you're trying to say is that giving up an old project is easier than a new one, I'd argue quite the opposite in that the older something gets the more invested in it you become. As for it being built in the knowledge that it would one day be destroyed, thats ridiculous.

Still, atleast you seem to be acknowledging I don't have nothing to lose here.

True that you get very involved. I'd be quite sad to leave Ember behind. However, you've had a real chance to enjoy it and share it with other players. As I've mentioned new towns and projects are, for the most part, just a grind. It isn't until it's finished that you can truly enjoy what you've created. Those six towns would have no time to enjoy anything.
Zor95 said:
Psychedelic98 said:
We shouldn't delete everything right now, we should wait until 1.6. Then boom. Fresh loka.

That's my problem Psych. If we delete everything now then fine, minimal loss. But if we have to wait two months then we have two choices:

1. Continue to build with the knowledge that you are going to lose everything.
2. Do nothing for two months.

Both are a complete waste of time and effort and it'd be better to go to another server instead.

You know by this logic you might as well just not play minecraft, or video games, or even live. Everything expires eventually but that doesn't mean there's no point going on, if anyone here plays the server purely because of the wealth they can accumulate then they really are not doing it right.
mopb3 said:
You know by this logic you might as well just not play minecraft, or video games, or even live. Everything expires eventually but that doesn't mean there's no point going on, if anyone here plays the server purely because of the wealth they can accumulate then they really are not doing it right.

Minecraft is a sandbox game. For the most part you build to show off to other people. Yes you can also explore, build redstone machines, or kill people, but none of those last as long or, in my opinion, are nearly as satisfying. So I would much rather go to another server for these next two months and build there then stay here and lose anything I create. Or just go play another game for two months while I wait for Loka to explode.
Okay well. Sorry for my delayed reply, I have been rather busy IRL. Here is my input on things. Prepare for a long post.

First and foremost, I like the clean slate idea and a new map WITH LARGE BIOMES. LARGE BIOMES. LARGE EFFING BIOMES.
In case you are wondering, I am a fan of LARGE BIOMES for projects. Mmk moving on.

From a primarily building standpoint, I have very mixed feelings about bringing/not bringing buildings over from the Loka world. A lot of time and effort is being put into projects all over Loka, and as Zor said there are roughly 6. I think there should be an option to either bring 2 double chests worth of items (including enderchests) OR bring over a single structure from Loka. This would allow folks with large projects to choose between their wealth, or their building. I think it would be fair to both oppositions of either idea. It limits what you can bring, and a single structure doesnt give any advantage if you have nothing to put in it.

I love the idea of a fresh start with a new world WITH LARGE BIOMES. This will allow for people to build very large projects without having to worry about the biomes being too small. :3

Some questions come up.
Would we be keeping the same town portal system? If we do the continent system ( which I am rather fond of), would there be warps to each continent? Could cities make port towns or sat towns to allow for easy trading amongst other continents? Etc. etc.

So, to recap,
Large Biome!
2 double chests of items or a structure to bring over to the new world.
Large Biomes!
Large Biomes!
Less Butthurt in this thread!
Large Biomes!
I'm neither for or against large biomes. Certainly an idea.

As for the wealth or structure thing, Zor, Mag, and I talked earlier and came to a similar agreement. Nothing's set in stone yet, but it does look like the choice may be between bringing items over or bringing a structure. Numbers are as yet undecided, but it seems to be leaning towards 1 double chest of things + your ender chest or 1 structure.
Instead of spending countless hours of wasted time on here while we wait for 1.6, how about doing other things..?

We need to come to an agreement here soon. I'm open for the move as long as builds do not come and there is a world download eventually. If those are fulfilled, I don't really care about anything else.

EDIT: I was mocking Joce, not you Zor.
And yes, I am ready to give everything up for a new world, despite all the efforts in DerRiese for the past 5 months and that the town still has plenty of life to it, and if anything, was just getting active. I think I can say the same for Pardalus, as we have discussed the situation at hand together.

DOUBLE EDIT: Not sure if you saw Mtndome's suggestion, but he talked about LARGE BIOMES.
Let's do LARGE BIOMES please.
I do believe that a total map reset would be good for the server, a fresh start, but not from direct scratch. I think that all players should be aloud 1 ender chest full of stuff to keep it over to the next map. Also that when one logs onto the new world they should be equipped with bare essentials such as food, iron armour, sword and pick. Including in the server wipe includes all player made buildings, I.e towns, bases, and shelters. And my last opinion is to save the duel blaze grinder and keep it for the new 1.6 Loka.h