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oekoe unban appeal

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New Member
current in game name: oekoe
date of ban: 11/18/2022
reason of ban: offensive username
latest appeal: 6/30/2023 (https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/oekoe-ban-appeal.7539/)

Dear Loka community and staff,
I was banned around 1,5 years ago for my offensive username: kirlikanserzenci. At the time I did not think clearly and changed my name without thinking about the consequences. At that time I had quite a short fuse, but fortunately I have gotten rid of that in recent years and I am trying to be less toxic in general. Since my last appeal I have taken a break from Minecraft, but lately I have been playing again and I notice that I miss playing Loka with my friends. I hereby apologize to the Turkish community and everyone that got offended by my name in any way possible or if I was ever toxic to you.

I had a fun time playing Loka in the past and I hope that I will get the opportunity to experience that again. Thank you guys for taking the time to read my appeal, and I hope that I can get a second chance on this unique server to show u guys that I can behave as a normal player of the community.



Active Member
I think the only interaction Ive ever had with this guy is him telling me to Kill myself in public chat


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Due to the length of time we are willing to lift the ban, but please be careful going forward as you will remain on a warning and any further rule breaks will result in a ban.
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