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oekoe unban appeal


New Member
current in game name: oekoe
date of ban: 11/18/2022
reason of ban: offensive username
latest appeal: 6/30/2023 (https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/oekoe-ban-appeal.7539/)

Dear Loka community and staff,
I was banned around 1,5 years ago for my offensive username: kirlikanserzenci. At the time I did not think clearly and changed my name without thinking about the consequences. At that time I had quite a short fuse, but fortunately I have gotten rid of that in recent years and I am trying to be less toxic in general. Since my last appeal I have taken a break from Minecraft, but lately I have been playing again and I notice that I miss playing Loka with my friends. I hereby apologize to the Turkish community and everyone that got offended by my name in any way possible or if I was ever toxic to you.

I had a fun time playing Loka in the past and I hope that I will get the opportunity to experience that again. Thank you guys for taking the time to read my appeal, and I hope that I can get a second chance on this unique server to show u guys that I can behave as a normal player of the community.



Active Member
I think the only interaction Ive ever had with this guy is him telling me to Kill myself in public chat