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Official Update Thread

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Active Member
any news of if we will be able to use pets in town? would be a great roleplay tool for visual assistants for those who have it you know?


Staff member
  • All Bookshelves in Loka can now be used to store Written Books and Book & Quills. Only library shelves can still be infinite, but at least now you guys are welcome to start more legitimate Libraries. Enjoy, and please report any bugs you might have with them!
  • Suggest that perhaps you make copies of your books, just in case. You know how these things can go.
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Well-Known Member
So whenever I place a book in the library shelves now it automatically becomes infinite and I cannot make it normal again. I've temporarily closed the library just in case.


Staff member
Big update from the weekend:
  • Many territory features have been added. Mostly this includes changes to policies and the addition of territory perks (viewable with /g territory perks)
  • Some of the major territory stuff isn't in yet including the ruins, supply stations, etc. That is still coming soon.
  • Towns may now be renamed.
  • Prowess now actually resets weekly, Sunday nights at 7pm
  • Taxes are collected by the Capital every day at 8pm. This does not however result in some sudden drop in your gen balance; taxes are now already added to your daily cost.
  • /g info now shows more detailed information when you hover over your town's cost. This is a more accurate and more readable format for determining what your base and final costs are and whatever might be modifying them (deflation, inflation, taxes, etc).
  • Deleting your town will now revert the generator's bedrock base back to stonebrick.
  • While in Allied Towns, you are now subject to some of their town perks, namely infinite pearls and no fall damage.
  • FIXED: Deleted towns still maintained block protection on the generator itself.
  • FIXED: Error with /g delete
  • FIXED: Errors with town deletion causing you to be unable to make a new town by the same name
  • FIXED: Spammy join/leave messages by players getting booted for trying to reconnect to Loka too quickly.
  • And loads of other, mostly unnoticeable bugfixes, quality of life issues, etc.


Active Member
Big update from the weekend:
  • Many territory features have been added. Mostly this includes changes to policies and the addition of territory perks (viewable with /g territory perks)
  • Some of the major territory stuff isn't in yet including the ruins, supply stations, etc. That is still coming soon.
  • Towns may now be renamed.
  • Prowess now actually resets weekly, Sunday nights at 7pm
  • Taxes are collected by the Capital every day at 8pm. This does not however result in some sudden drop in your gen balance; taxes are now already added to your daily cost.
  • /g info now shows more detailed information when you hover over your town's cost. This is a more accurate and more readable format for determining what your base and final costs are and whatever might be modifying them (deflation, inflation, taxes, etc).
  • Deleting your town will now revert the generator's bedrock base back to stonebrick.
  • While in Allied Towns, you are now subject to some of their town perks, namely infinite pearls and no fall damage.
  • FIXED: Deleted towns still maintained block protection on the generator itself.
  • FIXED: Error with /g delete
  • FIXED: Errors with town deletion causing you to be unable to make a new town by the same name
  • FIXED: Spammy join/leave messages by players getting booted for trying to reconnect to Loka too quickly.
  • And loads of other, mostly unnoticeable bugfixes, quality of life issues, etc.
You've outdone yourself this time, Crypt :)
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