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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
With the release of The Ruins today, there are some changes to Territory Strength calculations that are coming with today's update:

The Ruin

  • Upon capturing The Ruin, the owning town/alliance will receive 2 Strength every hour until 48 hours elapse, at which time the Ruin will automatically become neutral.
  • Upon capturing The Ruin, the point becomes locked for 4 hours, meaning you cannot place inhibitors or attempt to capture it. After the 4 hours elapse, however, you can then attempt to capture it for yourself.
  • Any time The Ruin is captured, the 48 hours until neutral is restarted.
Territory Strength
  • Destroying a Territory Generator now grants you/your alliance 16 strength (up from 4) and deducts 16 strength (up from 4) from the defender
  • At the night strength tabulation time, each active Territory Generator is now worth 2 strength (up from 1). This adjusts the daily strength generation caps to 50 per town, 200 per Alliance.


Staff member
  • Fixed The Ruin spamming unlocked messages
  • Player heads should now drop from players in Battle Zones
  • Fixed some instances of players dropping items on death in Battle Zones
  • Gold nuggets no longer drop from Pig Zombies once again.
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Staff member
  • Golem Protectors now have a small chance to drop Ancient Ingots. These can be used to instantly repair tools. All golems can drop these. Other forms of territory success (taking The ruin, destroying a TGen) will soon also grant these.


Well-Known Member
those who afked mostly used afk machines to keep them moving while they afk
but good update indeed.


Staff member
  • Industry Buildings can now be removed with /g industry delete while standing near the Industry you wish removed.
  • With this change comes a block-change to Industry Buildings. From now on, any blocks that are spawned in by an industry building do not drop when broken. However, any block placed when editing a building will drop. TL;DR You can place and break your own blocks, but the blocks that come with an industry, you can't farm.


Well-Known Member
Can we have the same thing for territory beacon structures? Like, we could edit them but not get drops?


Staff member
  • Bookshelves will notify you when you've added/rearranged books and/or removed them, as opposed to constantly telling you the shelf was saved regardless of what you do.
  • Breaking bookshelves should now properly drop any books its containing and clear the shelf.
  • When defending The Ruin, if you disable the attacker's inhibitor, The Ruin should now revert to the defender's control.
  • Possibly fixed players not receiving messages about attacks on The Ruin when they logged on.
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