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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
Town Chest
  • The Town Chest has finally been implemented for Towns level 23 and above. To acquire your town chest, simply use /g chest. This command can only be used once every hour.
  • Anywhere you place the Town Chest, it will act, effectively, as an Ender Chest. The chest will save its inventory, and anybody else from your town who uses a Town Chest will see the same, shared inventory.
  • Like using /g chest you can only place the Town Chest once an hour as well. This is a personal cooldown, not a town-wide one.
  • Town chests have no allegiance, though. Anybody can come up and access your town chest.
  • If you die, you will not drop your Town Chest. Additionally, if an enemy or something gets your town chest, it will not function for them. They can only steal from you if you've placed it.
  • After 5 minutes or if you break the chest, it will disappear.
  • The Town Chest is a single Trapped Chest with a 54-slot inventory (so it's a double chest).
  • Town Chests and Market Chests now play custom open/close sound effects. Other similar chests will do this soon as well.

Go Forth!


Well-Known Member
If two people place a Town chests next to each other, what will happen? will the chests merge? will we get 108 slot chest?


Staff member
If two people place a Town chests next to each other, what will happen? will the chests merge? will we get 108 slot chest?

Chests know only about their location. If you placed a regular trapped chest on side of the trapped chest, that side would act like a regular trapped chest, while the other side (where the original TC was placed) would open to be the regular town chest.


Well-Known Member
Let me see if I understand this correctly...

Anyone in your town can use /g chest to summon a copy of the town chest once an hour per person. Once placed you can store items in it and will also have access to any items other town members have placed on it. Each chest when placed only lasts 5 minutes before dissapearing and if in that time an enemy discovers the chest they can access it as well.



Staff member
Let me see if I understand this correctly...

Anyone in your town can use /g chest to summon a copy of the town chest once an hour per person. Once placed you can store items in it and will also have access to any items other town members have placed on it. Each chest when placed only lasts 5 minutes before dissapearing and if in that time an enemy discovers the chest they can access it as well.


Yes. And only one person can 'view' the chest at a time.


Active Member
This will be great for mining, when I want to bring a bunch of cobble back with me (but mine longer before coming back to town).


Staff member
  • When removing a player from your town, if that player is logged out within town protection, they will automatically be moved to spawn next time they login.
  • If you screw up any /g commands, you shall now be nicely reminded about /g help


Staff member
  • Upon login or after editing your Ender Chest, you will be notified about the status of your Ender Chest. Some text links can be hovered over to see what items will and won't be transferred after the Reset.


Staff member
What a Doozy! Thank you everyone for your patience on what was both a very exciting and very tumultuous first day of the New World. We've still got lots of little things to fix, but here's a list of what's fixed as of this morning:
  • Sugarcane should be plantable in River Biomes as well as anywhere in the Marsh.
  • Potatoes can now be planted in the Taiga
  • Bone Meal should now work on everything but Grass Blocks while we figure out how to make sure you can't spawn the wrong types of flowers with it.
  • Boats should tp you to a single point and not drop you off in the sky.
  • And more!


Staff member
  • Boats are a little less rickety,.
  • Animals now feel more comfortable on boats (Horses are not yet working)
  • The wilds of the New World are now aggressive in their regrowth. Broken Leaves and Logs will now regenerate after some time if broken outside of town protection.
  • Towns now have an automatic 50-block territory buffer
  • Items can no longer be dropped in Spawn
  • Splash text for being in town/territories should now appear again and properly adopt their parent region's ambient sounds
  • Ender pearls will no longer teleport you if they land in enemy town protection


Staff member
  • Wolves have finally chosen to inhabit the Taiga and Mega Taiga
  • Rabbits likewise aren't so afraid of Forests, Birch Forests, etc
  • Horses should start popping up in the Moor, Plains, and Savanna
  • Emeralds are now worth 8 Power Shards down from 12.
  • Animals cannot be attacked in Spawn except by Admins who regrettably will slaughter your lost pets if needed.
  • Withers no longer have the power to break blocks in the world
  • Crops should once again drop upon breaking
  • Fish should be more eager to be caught and less likely to disappear on you.
  • Wheat in the Wheat Fields will regenerate
  • Sugarcane in the Marsh will regenerate


Staff member
  • Industries are now tethered, meaning their chunks do not unload. This was added because of the delay between industry 'processing' (every 2 hours). Didn't seem fair for you to miss an industry run just because you weren't nearby.
  • Generator costs updated (3e per 10 radius)
  • Water can no longer be placed in the Nether
  • Placing a trapped chests should no longer complain about Town Chest stuff
  • Ice 'bits' in the Ice Wastes now regenerate.
  • Mushrooms in the Mushroom Island now regenerate
  • Should no longer be possible to place Industries in invalid places and use them for massive excavation.


Staff member
  • You can no longer delete a TGen if an Inhibitor has been placed near it.
  • Fix more item restrictions for silly things like Cocoa only being placeable on one side of a tree, etc.
  • The nether is back up.
  • Fixed the nether boat being ever-present.
  • Fixed some major performance issues (but that was updated Friday).


Staff member
  • Animals "should now" be transportable on boats back and forth with some known caveats:
    • If you have a leash on any animals, the leash will apparently 'stay' after the teleport but it'll seemingly be invisible. This'll take some CIA level investigation to figure out, but you can always re-leash them if you'd like.
    • The Docks are awfully narrow, so expect some swimming animals until the citizens of Aladra can spend some time updating the Dock infrastructure
  • Some animal breeding limitations have been implemented. I'll be posting a "why" about this soon.
  • Mooshrooms have finally began to sprout in the Mushroom Island
  • Now that you can bring animals to other continents, shearing them on foreign lands is blocked. Additionally, remember that Barns do not process immigrant animals
  • Some fanfare has been added to /g add and /town
  • Unfortunate travelers from the Nether should no longer find themselves in jail for their transgressions.


Staff member
  • Min/Max ranges for placing an Inhibitor have been changed to 50/80 blocks from the nearest TGen
  • Added support for Ambience FX pack to play unique sound fx for Mesa/Desert/Deadlands and if you're underground.
  • Added /town list: View a list of all the towns on the server (same data you would get by looking at the website).
  • Removed /town <townname>: It is no longer necessary to use /town to set your town. Simply walking into a town's protection is now sufficient to join the town.
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