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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
  • Fix /g mobspawning not working
  • Destroying a TGen now drops a percentage of the Power Shards it costs to build one (75% of 64, so about 48 shards)
  • Destroying a TGen now drops between 4 and 8 Ancient Ingots
  • You can no longer try to repair the Leafcutter.


Staff member
Town Perk Updates
  • Health I has been moved to Town Level 4 from 3
  • Well Fed has been moved to Town Level 7 from 4
  • Well Fed now only affects you while inside town protection, rather than globally.
  • New: Town Level 7 - Protected I - You now take 50% less damage from monsters while in town.
  • Protected (level 17) - renamed to Protected II
  • Road Building (level 16) renamed to Improved Infrastructure I
  • Removed: Trade Partner (level 9) and replaced with Miner's Fervor - While in Town you gain Haste I
  • Becoming a Capital (level 20) renamed to Becoming a Metropolis
These will take affect after the next server restart.


Staff member
  • Lumber Mills are now available for placement! /g create industry in order to access it.
  • We've removed the ability to redefine industry zones for now. You can still change the level of its zone, but not its actual region.
  • Horses should no longer be subject to breeding limits.
  • Hopefully haste gotten from a Beacon should no longer be cleared from you.
  • Other bugfixes!
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Staff member
Quests Revamp!
As part of our Quests Revamp, all quest progress has been wiped!

  • We've overhauled our Questing system:
  • Added: Quest Log, accessible with /quests. The quest log will show you quests in progress, completed quests, as well as quests you haven't found yet!
  • Added: Quest indicators. NPC's now have markers over their head to indicate quests that are available, in-progress, or ready to be turned in.
  • Why's this important? Now that we have a solid and stable quest system, we'll be able to push out good quests in great numbers in the future. We had a lot of groundwork to lay in order to ensure that we had many of the systems built in order to support good quests. Now we do, so we can go nuts!
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Staff member
Reports of an unsettling presence have been springing up around the three continents...



Staff member
Conquest Phase 1 is now Live!
  • Gathering industries should now be placeable once you reach level 20 in them.
  • Upon login, all players now have 10 seconds of spawn-protection
  • Various Conquest bugs fixed (warping with Beacons/Inhibs, etc).
  • Added: /g territory can now also be called with /g t
  • Added: /g t ranks - View the Global Conquest Rankings


Staff member
I'm tentatively calling our plant/resource regeneration system Foliage.

So, on that note, updates to the Foliage System:
  • All blocks within a radius of 250 around a Dock will regenerate fully (like territories and the nether). We will be resetting this area around the docks soon. The idea here is to ensure that noobs coming to the continents do not see immediate "noob leftovers" and force people to spread out a bit before plopping down. Helps the world seem a little less used as well.
  • Additionally, you can no longer /sethome within 250 blocks of a Dock.
  • Areas within a 30 blocks radius around your /sethome will no longer regenerate. So long as you've logged on to Loka within the past 30 days, areas around homes will no longer regenerate. This only applies if you are not in a town. If you have a home in the wilds and then join a town, the regeneration will continue as normal.
  • Buildings that are warped in over foliage, like TGens for example, will now have plants grow back over them if they are destroyed. What this means is that, for example, TGens in a jungle that are destroyed are going to have plants grow back over them which should look really cool.
The Feather Tool
Using the feather now shows a little more information:
  • The feather will now indicate if you are "near a town". This is 500 blocks from a town. What this does is basically tells you that if you tried to build a generator when the feather says "near a town", it would fail. We'll push this knowledge on new players harder so that they don't build too much somewhere they can't actually eventually make a town.
  • It will also return what "region" you are in, (Plains, Mountains, Desert, etc).
  • If you're within 30 blocks of your home, it will also say so, so you can better figure out where things may regenerate.
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  • All blocks within a radius of 250 around a Dock will regenerate fully (like territories and the nether). We will be resetting this area around the docks soon. The idea here is to ensure that noobs coming to the continents do not see immediate "noob leftovers" and force people to spread out a bit before plopping down. Helps the world seem a little less used as well.

Will the house near the docks on the west be safe?


Staff member
  • TnT Towers should no longer shoot at you when you're inside a TGen.
  • Fixed a cause of lag that was happening every 60 seconds or so (had to do with regeneration)
  • Fixed the display of locked slots on gathering industry chests


Staff member
The New World Map is out!
  • Roads should now work in towns once again. Also should've fixed other bugs related to roads and speed potions fighting each other.
    Roads are a town perk in which common road materials with a layer of cobblestone underneath will grant town members Speed I whilst on them
  • Fixed a bug in which new joins could not be properly added to a town.


Staff member
The Market has returned!
See spawn to sell your wares!
  • More shop chests have been added to support 1.8 blocks as well as some previously missing blocks.
  • Holograms now indicate the chests and their text will turn Green if the chest contains sales.
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