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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
if a single player is good enough strategically as well as good at fighting, they should have a chance

Against a small force, maybe. Against another full town or an Alliance, no.

This change eliminates all skill from the conquest game and numbers

It's a game of World Domination, X_Cav, not a bracket of small-team Pot-PvP.

You will still probably succeed in a good majority of TGen fights due to your skills in combat, but you should not expect to defeat an entire continent or opposing alliance alone in our Conquest system.

Considering you never actually participate in the system and only rarely show to defend some of your own territory, I'm curious what this changes for you exactly?


New Member
Weren't three inhibs at the same time always available? Just no one did it? Its not really a change, just an explanation on how the math is done to allow three.


Staff member
Weren't three inhibs at the same time always available? Just no one did it? Its not really a change, just an explanation on how the math is done to allow three.

For a single town, they could only place one inhibitor at a time. For Alliances, they could place as many inhibitors as they had towns, so it could easily grow disproportionate if there were a big Alliance of small towns. This was a tactic utilized in the past world where Alliances would recruit solely for the inhib numbers and not for any real community/cooperative reason.

3 is just a number we picked that seemed right. It played into the number of daily attacks possible and seemed like a good fit, but of course we'll be watching to see if it's too little or not enough.


Staff member
  • Contextual Tips have been added to help you learn a little more about Loka. Contextual tips only show up when you meet certain criteria (eg: You're in a town, or your town hasn't build a barn yet, etc).
  • Town Help Markers are starting to be added. Much like the ones around spawn when you were new, these will show up for town members only and will help your town members find and learn about things like the Town Generator, Town Portal, etc.
  • Hoppers and Hopper Minecarts will no longer pull items out of Industry chests.
  • God Apples can now be crafted but cannot be consumed. This is for those of you who would like to use them for your Banner designs.


Active Member
  • God Apples can now be crafted but cannot be consumed. This is for those of you who would like to use them for your Banner designs.
What if they were able to consumed, but did not provide the potion effects? This could be a "super food," meaning it fills your hunger and has very high saturation. This way it's still somewhat worth it to invest in these, but it does not affect PvP.


Staff member
What if they were able to consumed, but did not provide the potion effects? This could be a "super food," meaning it fills your hunger and has very high saturation. This way it's still somewhat worth it to invest in these, but it does not affect PvP.

Rather just keep things the way they are for now. Even without the potion buffs, we want to try to keep the kinds of "most-powerful pvp things" out of the playing field a bit. Reason being, things that are both very powerful and very expensive tend to be the kinds of things that further separate the 'rich veteran towns' and the new towns, making conquest battles more skewed.


Well-Known Member
Hoppers and Hopper Minecarts will no longer pull items out of Industry chests.

I thought about attempting a large scale industry supply and collection machine.. glad I didn't now, haha. In general I do like this though. Forces people to actually log on and tend to their industries which I believe is pretty important.


Staff member
  • The Dig Site (Excavation Industry) is now available!
  • Conquest Towers have had some aesthetic upgrades:
    • TnT shot by Attack Towers now have some more particle effects and now properly play 'tnt explosion' particles.
    • Weakness Towers now play a sound effect when they apply Weakness.
  • A Holiday Armistice has been implemented from the 24th to the 26th (No inhib placements during these 3 days; enjoy Christmas!)
  • Bugfixes!
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Staff member
Not terribly exciting, but the latest round of restarts over the past day or so, and continuing for the next few days is all about fixing lag. I'm continually isolating and fixing small things that are causing all of the constant little lagspikes you hold so dear. Fortunately, we're making good progress finding things that cause lag. Most recent example is simply when players are logging on.

The ultimate goal is to ensure that at the most vital times (mainly during active Conquest battles), we have no lag. There are a lot of systems in Loka running to achieve a variety of goals (Regeneration being the biggest one) and we actually literally turn off those systems when conquest fights are going. As we identify lag sources, we make a determination whether it's acceptable or not. Usually though, we try to make sure that laggy processes don't happen when there is fighting or when there are lots of players on. For this reason, it's possible; however probably very rare, that you might experience more lagspikes when there are fewer players on.


Staff member
  • Information about what town each player is in is now public. You can find this with /find or hover over a player's rank in public chat to see what town they're in and in what Alliance if that applies.
  • Bug fixes (mostly surrounding Regeneration still)


Staff member
  • New: /g align - Towns can individually toggle their alignment towards other towns such that they are marked as friendly/neutral/hostile. This change is per-town and only that town is aware of the alignment. Setting a town's alignment changes, effectively, what color they show up as in tab as well as in the wilds. Friendly towns are aqua (same as allies, but could be changed so they're not mixed up or whatever), neutral are white, and enemies are of course red.
  • Due to this, alliances are no longer automatically shown as enemies to each other, but neutral. So if you still have beefs with the other alliances, you'll want to toggle each town you don't like as an enemy.
  • We have a few balance changes to Conquest this month with the overall focus being on reducing the amount of fighting that can happen in a day so you don't feel absolutely forced to stay on all day long to make sure you're safe.
  • Territory attacks per day have been reduced to a maximum of 5 with the following breakdown on tgens:
    • 1-4 TGens - 1 attack per day
    • 5-8 TGens - 2 attacks per day
    • 9-12 TGens - 3 attacks per day
    • 13-16 TGens - 4 attacks per day
    • 17-20 TGens - 5 attacks per day
  • Territory Generator and Tower costs now scale a little different. In short, cheaper at first, but then a lot more expensive. Magpie should have a post on this soon about the new costs.


Well-Known Member
Territory Generator and Tower costs now scale a little different. In short, cheaper at first, but then a lot more expensive. Magpie should have a post on this soon about the new costs.

I love this idea. This will encourage even more towns to expand at least a little bit. Also, it'll make attacking big towns much more profitable since now you know it hits their reserves harder.
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