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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
I should mention that towns in your Alliance being blue will supercede any alignments, so setting an allied town's alignment won't really do anything for you.


Well-Known Member
  • New Plugin! - Trading: Shift-right click a player to initiate a trade with them. Type /trade accept to accept the trade and enjoy secure trading if you so desire.
This is indeed a super awesome plugin, that im happy of us having. Just one question - Could the /trade accept ever become a button, like the rest of the cool buttons we can press?


Staff member
  • /g align should no longer reset after server restarts.
  • Additionally, the color of the titles that appear when you enter towns should now respect your /g align settings rather than the old defaults.
  • Neutral Towns now display as Yellow in your town list. If you're in a town, any players with white names in tablist should be Wanderers/Nomads.
  • Leaves shredded by the Leafcutter in town protection should no longer grow back on you.
  • Nether Portals should now take you to the right place in the Nether, (for those of you with the capital perk) rather than, you know, wherever.
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Staff member
On Friday the 15th, new rules involving Inactive Towns will be implemented. Land is valuable in Loka and there are a handful of places claimed by dead/inactive towns. Coming Friday, the following penalties will start to be applied to inactive towns:
  • What is an inactive town? - The first check we do is check the three most recently logged in players in your town. Since this morning, we have been tracking session lengths of players (loosely). If three unique members of your town have logged around 1 hour of time within 14 days, your town is considered active.
  • Once your town has been inactive for 2 weeks (so on the 13th day), your town will begin to consume 2x the daily cost.
  • For the third inactive week, your town will consume 3x the daily cost.
  • Once your town has been inactive for 4 weeks, your balance is immediately dropped to zero. At this point no member of your town has been on Loka for a month and barring extreme circumstances, in almost all cases, this is a pretty good indicator that the players have quit.
  • Currently, when a town's balance falls to 0 its town protection drops a counter is started. 2 weeks after the balance hit 0, the town will be fully deleted. We are changing this 2 week period and dropping it down to 48 hours. So, if your town has been completely empty for 2 days, your town will be deleted.
Now I gather this all seems very scary, but we've been keeping a close eye on everybody's town balances and it's pretty apparent that those with an interest in playing on Loka not only are (obviously) active, but they keep their towns pretty well topped off.

What this additionally does is begins to finally stamp down on 1 and 2 member towns. We've said we would do this for a very long time, but for a good amount of that, we just haven't been really 'full enough' that it mattered whether a spot of land was taken. As Loka grows, real estate is going to get ever more competitive and tense and we simply cannot afford to be letting 500x500 chunks of land be claimed by dead towns or single players. Towns are meant to be a collective effort, not regions to be owned by one rich player who kicked their 2 founders/alts out of the town immediately after creation.

We realize people go on vacation and whatnot and if there is a circumstance of a sort of 'long-duration' absence, players are absolutely free to talk to admins about it to see what we can do for your town if you mean to return.

For fairness, everybody who lives in a town who has logged on in the last 7 days has been given a free 'valid session' for tracking so nothing gets funky.

Feel free to ask any questions you might have!
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Active Member
Just to clarify. Once a town loses block protection, players can break blocks to access it, but they cannot grief it (except for taking blocks designated in the rules as fair game). This still holds, right?


Staff member
Just to clarify. Once a town loses block protection, players can break blocks to access it, but they cannot grief it (except for taking blocks designated in the rules as fair game). This still holds, right?

Correct. Griefing is griefing no matter the protection or lack thereof. The only people who could considerably "grief" are town owners taking their own town members' builds down for whatever reason.


Active Member
Currently, when a town's balance falls to 0 its town protection drops a counter is started. 2 weeks after the balance hit 0, the town will be fully deleted. We are changing this 2 week period and dropping it down to 48 hours. So, if your town has been completely empty for 2 days, your town will be deleted.

Deleted as in, blocks gone, work wasted, and terrain reverted???


Staff member
Deleted as in, blocks gone, work wasted, and terrain reverted???

When a town is deleted, basically just the generator file is deleted, the town is gone and the generator fails. Block protection fails and you can yank out the Diamond block and all that. We don't rollback the whole area or anything, but any trees that used to be in the town will grow back and the town will be overgrown pretty immediately (which should look really cool, but we haven't seen it in action yet with much).


Active Member
So is this a blanket rule for everyone? I can tell you now that my town does not meet the criteria to be considered "active" according to these guidelines. Would that mean that I just lose my town that I've worked hard to build and stock for the past several months?
These rules can't possibly take into account everything I've done with my town by only considering how many players have been logged on per week.
If the point of this is to get rid of "dead weight" towns to make room for new ones, this would more bad than good.
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Well-Known Member
I can tell you now that my town does not meet the criteria to be considered "active" according to these guidelines.

I had some trouble swallowing this rule at first too. Our town barely meets these requirements as finding good members who really stick around can be tough. When I thought about it more though it does make sense though. A town is not a place for a single player/ two players to live but instead should be a community. Now arguments can be made that even 3 members doesn't constitute a community but at least it encourages a group discussion and not just a back and forth.

Even so, getting 3 different members to login for an hour out of the entire week isn't asking much. That's 3 hours of play over a 168 hour period from what I understand.


Active Member
Even so, getting 3 different members to login for an hour out of the entire week isn't asking much. That's 3 hours of play over a 168 hour period from what I underst

It basically boils down to needing three different people to play for appx 20+ minutes over seven days. I don't know about anyone else, but in Minecraft, playing twenty minutes is a blink of an eye.
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