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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
Nobody wants benevolent policies, they're boring frankly. When polling quite a few town owners, nearly every one opts for policies that most-benefit them and not the entire world.

That said, if you can think of any benevolent and also attractive policy ideas, please say so, we're always trying to figure out better policies.


Active Member
How about "water into wine"? I would pick that policy (if it were solely up to me, anyway). Dip a glass bottle into water and get wine (or a fine German lager). Wine for all Lokans.

The embargo one could hurt new towns, especially. If melons were embargoed, how would new towns be able to get into the conquest game?


Active Member
IMHO, I don't think its smart to have policies that make the established power strong and count on others disliking the policies enough to start a war they probably won't win. When conquest was new-ish taxes were increased for any town not in the capital alliance, but all that did was make every new town that joined default to the strongest alliance, making it ever stronger.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
What would your proposed solution be, Agored? While I agree some policies may be overkill (in particular the embargoing of melons) while that policy is not currently implemented, it would give advantage in pvp with those towns that don't have melons or healing pots already stockpiled, some policies, if those others were removed, would not bring any incentive to being a capital, simply getting more shards per day is all but pointless unless you really despise mining and have less than 20 towns in your continent (enough for taxes to fully fund a gen daily). While a healthy balance is possible and needs to be worked on over time, there also needs to be an incentive to being a capital, besides the hall(Praise Be) and bragging rights, otherwise, you're placing a huge target on your towns back for no other reason than , "hey, that looks cool."


Active Member
  • Global Policy Picks are now in effect. The World Capital may now choose from among the following Policies:
    • Tax Override - Intercept all taxes. Other Continent Capitals will no longer collect taxes from their own continent and you will now tax all unallied towns on the entire world.
    • Projection of Power - Your Town Guards will now spawn throughout the entire world.
    • World Embargo - Pick from among any of each Continent's unique resources and block it from being collected by towns other than your allies. This stacks with other Embargoes. This also includes animals. Cows, Sheep, and Pigs may be selected at which point they will only ever drop Rotten Flesh. Sheep will also be blocked from being sheared.
  • Moving Industry Chests around show now work properly.
I don't like it when other rando canadians are taxing me, but I do like how World Capital is finally starting to gain strength. World Capital is not easily achieved, as it should be, so therefor the perks of it should be much greater than solely putting a target on your back and getting a slime church. I understand what Wolf is saying about having the option to be a friendly World Capital, but I believe if that is to be implemented, I most definitely think it is appropriate for that to be completely optional and up to the WC. World Capital is dominant in skill and strength (Or numbers for these past months). They should be rewarded for their applaudable accomplishment, rather than downgraded. Hail next World Capital.


Staff member
  • Whenever a town's guards are attacked, all guards will become aggressive to you for a short time, rather than just the one being mad at you. Like pigmen, you'll need to not attack them for awhile before they go back to being neutral (if they were in the first place).
  • Inhibitors schematic have been updated to more properly include a "base" and should no longer be placeable in weird/floating places.
  • Barns should hopefully work again.
  • World Guards should now start to spawn everywhere for the World Capital.


Staff member
  • Golems should now properly respawn in Conquest Battles once again.
  • Capital Airship should hopefully be fixed now
  • Horses are now hopefully breedable again as well.
  • Global Guards should no longer spawn in your own town.
  • Weakness Towers now debuff with Weakness II instead of Weakness III


Staff member
  • NEW: /here - This just does the same as right-clicking with a feather, but since people do not always have feathers, they should always be able to look up info about where they are.
  • Everybody on the continent was apparently getting Advanced Radar functionality; that's been fixed.
  • It is no longer wise or suggested to play chicken with an exploding Territory Generator
  • Intro course players should no longer be able to /tpa or be /tpahere'd. This should fix problems where intro rank people were out in the world and then suddenly "arriving in Loka" much later.
  • Using an Ancient Ingot shoots out a little puff of particles, because that's neat.
  • Properly display losing Opycs... :)


Staff member
  • TGen Beacon-Light Colors now reflect the base color of your town's /g banner.
  • Towers now explode similar to TGens rather than just vanish, when destroyed
  • /g banner can now be used by all town leadership, rather than just the owner.


Staff member
Late on the update, but this morning, the following updates went live:
  • When you join a town, your /home is now cleared out completely.
  • Global Guards will no longer spawn near docks, nor in the Nether.
  • Territory Protection should no longer override dock protection.
  • You can now lock Trap Doors.
  • Foreign players can no longer steal from item frames in towns. This ran counter to being able to have a pretty town as putting anything even anything in item frames was grounds to get them stolen as griefing.


Staff member
  • If a town with an Airship is under attack, their Airship no longer functions during the duration of the battle.
  • Unless you are a Wanderer, if you leave a town, you cannot re-join it for another 7 days.
  • Updated inactive town checking; once your town meets the inactive requirements, we then start to track inactivity, rather than retroactively determining inactivity. In other words, if you leave your town, your town no longer could possibly become 3 weeks inactive with a week left to go before deletion.
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Staff member
  • Town owners can now link their internal town chats to Discord. In order to do this, any town owner/subowner can use /g discord to set up the link.
  • With that, players will need to link their own Minecraft accounts with Discord in order to ensure the right people are getting town chat permissions. To do this, simply type /discord in-game.
  • Also, Inhibitor online times should stay correct through server restarts now as well.
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