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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
Small change to the inactivity system
  • Once your town his 4 weeks inactive, we no longer wipe the balance. By this point your balance has already been eating at 2x/3x the cost. What we used to do was 0 out the balance, then whenever your balance was 0 we ticked a cycle for each consumption. TL;DR after 48 hours of being at 0 balance your town gets deleted.
  • This behavior is still in, but without the balance wipe; so you can save your town in the 28-30th days of inactivity without having 0 balance. That said your balance may already be trashed at this point, but at least you can save some semblance of the balance. This also fixes a bug where if your town was inactive and you threw gems in, they wouldn't get reset every cycle.


Staff member
  • The Arcanum (Enchanting Artisan Industry) is now available!
  • The Capital Airship is now available (Rozzok built it already). For capitals who have chosen it as a policy, you can spawn it in like an industry with /g create airship.
  • Updated/Fixed /g members. Should now both display titles and time since online as well as display not-yet-unlocked member levels.


Staff member
  • /profile fixed up. Should now properly link you to your quests, achievements, and recipes... and opycs...
  • /achievements categories that would previously just close the screen now work.
  • The Escrow Chest in the Market should no longer eat your items if you have lots of items.


Staff member
  • Each night at midnight, server time, towns will be checked for their alignments to other towns. If at that time, a town has set your town as hostile, that town will automatically be set as hostile to you as well. We don't want people feigning friendliness when they've marked to their town members that your town is KOS. Because this check is every 24 hours, that means you have 24 hours to talk to that town and both agree to align as neutral/friendly. If you don't, you'll revert to hostile to each other daily.
  • Last session length is now tracked for town members. If you mouseover members in /g members, it should show both when they were last online and for how long. If they haven't been tracked since the update, it'll just show last-online.
  • When you /sethome, a check will now be performed to see if you could make a town at that spot. If not, you'll be notified why. Hopefully this will reduce some of the instances of new players building up homes/villages with the intent of making a town, only to find out days/weeks later that they never could've made a town there in the first place.


Staff member
The Big February Updates
To recap all the updates that went in between last night and this morning. Click to read a more detailed breakdown of the Conquest updates for February here.
  • Added Conquest Guards - Formerly Continental Guards from the capital policy, all towns can now hire guards to patrol the areas around their TGens. Guards are fed by food which can be placed in the Barracks food chest. Various food items have different values that contribute to your town's food balance. The breakdown of food values is as follows:
  • Thus, added a New Industry (sort of) - The Barracks - This building, like the Beacon can be immediately warped in once your town his level 6 with /g create barracks. The Barracks exists to feed your troops and has a single chest within where you can deposit your food.
  • To populate your territory with guards, use the new and improved /g t list. This now nicely lists all your TGens, shows their state, location, and guards.
  • Town Guards' leather armor color is determined by the Base Color of your /g banner. Set your banner for your town's color so all your town bits can match!
  • Updated the new Capital Policies (see above link)
  • If at any time a Capital's TGens are completely wiped out, their policies will fail until they put back up an active TGen.
  • Different Inhibitor Online Times have been removed. All Inhibitors now take 1 hour to come online. This is unchanging. Turns out the variable online times were just forcing people to log off just to make sure their enemies couldn't attack them as quickly. We never want a system where logging off of Loka is advantageous. Stay on Loka!.... forever!
  • Using /kill to commit suicide will now damage all items in your inventory with durability by 25%. Suicide shouldn't be used to cheese fast travel.
  • And of course lots of bug fixes and bug additions!
Go Forth!


Barracks are completely unfair for the game. I set mine up last night, placed guards at 28 of my 30 t-gens, and put the max number of food (2500) in my barracks. By morning I was lost 60 guards because there was no food in my barracks. Probably should bump up the max number of food the barracks can hold. Not by much, maybe 3500 to 4000? Little unfair that I have to get up in the middle of the night to feed those high demanding troops.
I did do some math and the guards should only take 1,680 a day, but they clearly ate more than that in 12 hours... pigs...


Staff member
Barracks are completely unfair for the game. I set mine up last night, placed guards at 28 of my 30 t-gens, and put the max number of food (2500) in my barracks. By morning I was lost 60 guards because there was no food in my barracks. Probably should bump up the max number of food the barracks can hold. Not by much, maybe 3500 to 4000? Little unfair that I have to get up in the middle of the night to feed those high demanding troops.
I did do some math and the guards should only take 1,680 a day, but they clearly ate more than that in 12 hours... pigs...

I believe around 22 of your guards were slain by players, making those 22 eat 6 food, rather than 3 per day. That said, we'll nudge the numbers around a bit.


Staff member
  • Town Food Balance has been adjusted a bit. Now the max cap on food is dependent on the number of TGens you have as broken down below:
    • 1-5 TGens - 900 Max Food
    • 6-10 TGens - 1800 Max Food
    • 11-16 TGens - 2700 Max Food
    • 16-20 TGens - 3600 Max Food
    • 21-25 TGens - 4500 Max Food
    • 26-30 TGens - 5400 Max Food
  • /policies now shows which resource was Embargoed if Embargo was picked.
  • Still trying to figure out mob spawning issues.


Staff member
  • Global Policy Picks are now in effect. The World Capital may now choose from among the following Policies:
    • Tax Override - Intercept all taxes. Other Continent Capitals will no longer collect taxes from their own continent and you will now tax all unallied towns on the entire world.
    • Projection of Power - Your Town Guards will now spawn throughout the entire world.
    • World Embargo - Pick from among any of each Continent's unique resources and block it from being collected by towns other than your allies. This stacks with other Embargoes. This also includes animals. Cows, Sheep, and Pigs may be selected at which point they will only ever drop Rotten Flesh. Sheep will also be blocked from being sheared.
  • Moving Industry Chests around show now work properly.


Active Member
What the ? I did not see this coming. World capital policies seem designed to make Lokans hate the world capital. Maybe there should be some benevolent policy options, giving the world capital the option of being nice :)


Old One
Staff member
Old One
What the ? I did not see this coming. World capital policies seem designed to make Lokans hate the world capital. Maybe there should be some benevolent policy options, giving the world capital the option of being nice :)
We do want to do this, but were unable to think of any powerful policies that had that effect. We are as always open to suggestions.


Active Member
You realize the problem isn't getting players to hate the world capital. If hatred alone could win fights then Hilo would be long gone.
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