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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
  • Arbre has stumbled upon a recipe he found in the wild and is willing to sell.
  • More exploration achievements have been added. Expect to see more and more of these as I've made it easy on myself to add them live.
  • Server no longer speaks as [Server]. It's much less boring now
  • Nether boat should be a little less rickety.
  • /lookup has been changed to /find
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Staff member
Foliage (The regeneration system)
  • Our Foliage has had some good optimization passes lately and should reduce the number of lagspikes that the server receives whenLoka thinks about what should grow back.
  • To spare the grittier details, the tl;dr of it is that the system dynamically changes the amount of blocks its tracking/regeneration based on server activity, effectively going into overdrive if the server is empty.
  • Additionally, we're identifying what we call "Sensitive Times" and turning off any regeneration processing during those times. Probably the most obvious sensitive time would be when there is an active territory fight in progress.
  • Overall, we hope this will mean less lagspikes and a smoother Loka experience overall!
  • I may've also fixed some bugs in the system as well, but who knows. I sure don't.
  • Work on Policy systems is still undergoing.
  • Tonight at 8pm server again, the votes for extra policies for the Capitals will be tabulated!


Staff member
Capital Policies
  • Are now available to be chosen by the current continent Capitals. They 'should' all work with a couple exceptions:
    • The Nether Portal one isn't working, I don't think, but I'm not too sure anybody's even gonna pick that one....
    • The Airship has yet to be constructed, but once it is, if chosen, will be operational as soon as we can get it online!
  • Policies can be both selected by capital town owners and viewed by everyone with /policies.
  • Capital Town Owners should be notified upon login whenever they're able to select policies.
  • Warping to an allied town that has two names in it (Cerulean City, for example), should now hopefully work.


Staff member
  • The Fire (Boat to the Nether) has been repaired. The nether is now available again.
  • Taxes are now working properly with an update to the way taxation works.
  • Regardless of tax rate and town radius/daily cost, you will always at least surrender 1 Shard to the capital of your continent. There are quite a lot of <50 radius towns with daily costs of 5 shards or fewer and since 5/10% of those is a very small decimal, we're rounding up. If your gen costs 3 shards, it now costs 4 and one of those shards goes to the Capital.
  • Nether Portal policy is now working.


Staff member
Lots of bugfixes have been intermittently slipped in throughout the weekend and this morning, so many of these have been in for awhile. Either way, here's a rough summation of recent stuff:
  • Dropped items should no longer despawn when very near TGens, technically ever. This is so that people can die to Towers and whatnot and not worry about them being lost to tnt explosions, rogue golems, etc.
  • Keep-Inventory should now remain on after a TGen explodes so long as the Inhibitor is still up. Once that goes away though, you will again drop your items on death.
  • Hell on Earth mobs now only spawn outside.
  • Capital Guards no longer spawn in towns and they will not target Wanderers or Nomads.
  • If two separate allied towns warp to the same inhibitor at the same time, this should no longer throw everybody all everywheres and kill people with fall damage as soon as you arrive.
  • The amount of points gained/lost for a TGen battle are no longer weighted by the number of players that participate in the battle. The points gained/lost are the same regardless of the size of the battle.
  • Added town level percentage and bar to /g level.
  • TGen battles from now on should start to show back up in /g t info once again.


Staff member
  • Horses can now be bred anywhere and rather than in the biome they spawn.
  • Lag maybe better? This is hard to tell without getting some of the numbers we had yesterday. We've modified some garbage collection settings for Java on Loka and theoretically they help with what most likely causes the intermittent lagspikes that were pretty common. So we'll see!
  • Fixes of the bugs


Staff member
Conquest Strength!
  • We've made a change to how the strength won/lost is calculated for battles. In order to increase the risk-vs-reward of having big territories, the amount of active TGens the defending town has in an attack now contributes to the amount of strength gained/lost in a fight:
  • Up to 15 TGens, the ELO K Factor remains what is is now (36). The K Factor represents the maximum number of points that can be won in a fight. In the example of an extremely weak player beating a very strong player, they could earn up to 36 points. Changing this number, in essence, just adjusts the number of points being won and lost.
  • Starting with your 16th TGen and up, the KFactor increases:
    • 1-15 TGens: 36
    • 16-20 TGens: 40
    • 21-25 TGens: 50
    • 26-30 TGens: 60
  • Remember that this is based on the amount of TGens the defender has, so it's both attractive to attack big towns and also equally important that they defend their turf, lest they suffer big losses.


Staff member
  • Alliances and Single Towns now both can have 3 inhibitors active at any one point in time.
  • Alliances and Single Towns can now both attack up to 10 times a day. The actual attacks are calculated as 1 attack for every 3 Tgens you have active up to 10 a day. For alliances, this of course adds up the entire alliance's TGens and uses that sum.
  • Fancy new Tablist! There are some obvious visual issues which I can't fix, but they're minor. Also working with the TabAPI author to see about getting player-heads back in there somehow.
  • Continental Guard spawns should be a little less.... aggressive.
  • Mob Spawning turned down a bit.
  • Mushroom Blocks will now be generated by those with Lumber Mills or TGens on the Mushroom Isle
  • Many other various bugfixes both big and small.


Well-Known Member
Mob Spawning turned down a bit.

This part actually made me sad. The mobs are crazy brutal here but I loved it. Made going out at night a fool's errand and encouraged players to settle down and set up a base quicker. How much were they "turned down" exactly?


Staff member
This part actually made me sad. The mobs are crazy brutal here but I loved it. Made going out at night a fool's errand and encouraged players to settle down and set up a base quicker. How much were they "turned down" exactly?

From "ridiculous" to "slightly less ridiculous". It was all well and good except new joins with no gear came to the north and saw 70-100 mobs standing on the hill. We'll probably keep adjusting this until it feels right.


Active Member
Why are you allowing 3 inhibitors at the same time? What benefit does this give the server besides favoring the veteran players with tons of members? All this change will do is stomp out any new player, or solo player such as myself and make conquest virtually impossible. I know this is probably not the case but I feel like this was implemented in response to my victory against 2 inhibitors at the same time a couple days ago.


Staff member
Why are you allowing 3 inhibitors at the same time? What benefit does this give the server besides favoring the veteran players with tons of members? All this change will do is stomp out any new player, or solo player such as myself and make conquest virtually impossible. I know this is probably not the case but I feel like this was implemented in response to my victory against 2 inhibitors at the same time a couple days ago.

Firstly, you should probably catch up on this entire thread. And your last battle has nothing to do with the change.

Finally, are you suggesting you think you should be able to have great victories in conquest by yourself?


Well-Known Member
Finally, are you suggesting you think you should be able to have great victories in conquest by yourself?

This right here is very important in my mind. No one single player should be able to do squat against a massive alliance of 15-20 players. If you want to compete against other big alliances you have to create an alliance of your own and have people join your cause. If you want the single player life style you shouldn't be trying to make a town.


Active Member
I completely believe that if a single player is good enough strategically as well as good at fighting, they should have a chance. This change eliminates all skill from the conquest game and numbers, which the veteran players have, will always win. Also I've already read that thread and posted on it.
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