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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
  • As part of the trend towards getting newer members/towns to the endgame so that they can participate in Conquest sooner, every time a town levels up in any of their Mastery Categories, all online members will receive 25*Level XP. This should really help new towns accelerate their growth and is part of a swath of upcoming changes meant to get new players to our endgame content quicker.


  • As part of the trend towards getting newer members/towns to the endgame so that they can participate in Conquest sooner, every time a town levels up in any of their Mastery Categories, all online members will receive 25*Level XP. This should really help new towns accelerate their growth and is part of a swath of upcoming changes meant to get new players to our endgame content quicker.
Does this mean Preksak is coming soon? Is Preksak going to end the world or is there a way to stop him?


Active Member
Does this mean Preksak is coming soon? Is Preksak going to end the world or is there a way to stop him?
Crypt did not say that in his post. When he said endgame, he meant it as having enchanted diamond armor and the ability to participate in conquest.


Staff member
  • Loka has been updated to 1.9.4
  • The Aladra Library is now up and running! The new Librarians Lazuli73, gabrosen, and Jedoi will be stocking it shortly!
  • Horses that you do not own can no longer be interacted with in foreign towns.
  • Artisan Levels (Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Alchemy, Cooking, Engineering, Crafting) no longer grant you levels if you are crafting outside of town protection. You now must craft/enchant within your town protection in order to get levels for this.
  • Anvils can no longer be used at Spawn, you cheaters.
  • /discord now has an option to reset your Discord/MC account link so you can fix/relink your account with a different Discord account.
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Staff member
  • Market pages should now work for "shapeless chests" (Wool, potions, etc)
  • Laser Towers should be properly doing pure damage (ignores armor entirely; is flat damage) instead of true damage (just ignores enchants).
  • Right-clicking the item frame of an item in the Library will now open the bookshelf, rather than yell at you for permissions.
  • FIXED: /tpahere should now work again for town leadership.
  • Barracks input chests should no longer smoulder constantly.
  • Market payment/escrow bugs should now all be fixed; theoretically.


Staff member
  • 2nd place on Town Mastery Leaderboards is no longer being unfairly hidden.
  • Town applicants who accept their town application should be properly cleared off the applicants list now.
  • The Heads Market Chest is now shapeless (not one column on the left)
  • Loka no longer autoapplies the Resource pack. This has been causing people to fail to join. We will replace this functionality with something akin to the "Loka has updated recently" thing, where all players will be notified about latest updates to the resource pack. You will now need to install the pack manually (which is the better thing to do anyway).
  • Brewery Plugin updated! So that fixes some stuff I guess.
  • Bug fixes and additions.
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Staff member
  • Leveling up in any town category is now more exciting.
  • Town Chat format has been updated by request so that it stands out from public chat better (more blue!).
  • Soulsand in TGen fights does half the damage it used to be doing.
  • Golem Protectors no longer spawn if their specific lamp has been destroyed (an accidental early release of a change that would've come with C2)


Staff member
  • If in a town (even an unfinished town), /tpahere will teleport players to your generator if you have no town portal defined.
  • Players who have been on the server for 2 weeks or less will no longer be subject to the 7 day town leaving penalty.


Staff member
  • Spoopy particles floating in the air randomly throughout worlds have been patched up. This should not only fix the bug but presumably improve server/client performance (though probably not noticeably) as it means we aren't sending every player on the server particles even if it's only meant for people in the north to see, for example. This could also pave the way for towns to be able to purchase particle-blocks.....
  • You should no longer receive notifications in backwards-order when you login!
  • We had to implement a new/proper market data structure in order to fix things like the logs chest being funky. As an unfortunate result, we've had to expire all market sales. So go throw your sales back up!
  • Server Restarts should no longer change the daily dock block.
  • Airships, turns out, were only running when their town's owners were on (because only they can accept docking requests), meaning regular members were screwed. What a cop-out!


Well-Known Member
I believe the idea is special blocks that have particle effects on them can be purchased. You wouldn't be able to change the particle, just control the block and where you put it.


Staff member
  • The impact of time weighs heavier on fallen towns. Along with the previous pass, all light-casting object will decay into a different block or be removed entirely. Most recently, week after week of a town being dead:
    • Cobble and Stone brick will decay and crack, even disappear over time.
    • Stone brick stairs will decay to cobble stairs
    • Grass will grow randomly wherever there are grass blocks
    • And more (suggest Ideas if you'd like!)
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