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Official Update Thread

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Well-Known Member
Ladders should simply be decayed.
glass could turn to glass panes or dissapear in places too (lava or water walls would flood in)
cobble or brick stuff could turn to stone.
Furances and other stuff could turn to cobble and then to stone
Workbenches could turn to planks

Main suggestion would be for player made blocks to decay to natural blocks.


Well-Known Member
Some places have giant walls, and it would be awesome if some of old town stuff could become into TNT and be activated imedietly. That way, stuff would crumble, and eat itself up on its own.


Active Member
  • The impact of time weighs heavier on fallen towns. Along with the previous pass, all light-casting object will decay into a different block or be removed entirely. Most recently, week after week of a town being dead:
    • Cobble and Stone brick will decay and crack, even disappear over time.
    • Stone brick stairs will decay to cobble stairs
    • Grass will grow randomly wherever there are grass blocks
    • And more (suggest Ideas if you'd like!)
Do you have screenshots from tests? I would really like to see what this would look like on a town.


Staff member
  • "One" new fishing achievement!
  • You should no longer appear to collect taxes from yourself...
  • Testing a different nerf to Elytra flight in foreign lands. Instead of being tp'd to the ground instantly, you'll now have your momentum zero'd out and your flight disabled. Don't fly too high now!
  • Possibly fixed bug where you're unable to remove old players from your town.
  • Nobody should be immune to being 'recovered from the water in the intro course'.
  • Implemented some ruins suggestions!
  • NEW: /link Finally link items from your inventory in your current chat channel so you can show off your sweet sword, custom items, and more!
  • NEW: Stat Trackin' Fishin' Rod - for $25 you can purchase an exceptional fishing rod that tracks a great many stats and allows you to show off your fishing prowess. What's more it's our first Soulbound Item. It cannot be picked up or used by any other players and will return to your Escrow should it ever be lost. The specific purchase page has not yet been setup, but stick around to see HexWolf pick his up for the first time later tonight! Also, thanks go to him for not only suggesting the feature, but actually ponying up for it ;)
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Well-Known Member
Ill definetley buy that rod, but wouldnt items like those become too op? Not to discourage a great idea, just worried about people that wont have money for those.


Staff member
Considering the only gain (aside from Soulbound) you get out of it is that it tracks stats; it's hardly OP.

You're also not getting a Fishing Rod for free; you provide one to become converted.


Active Member
Ill definetley buy that rod, but wouldnt items like those become too op? Not to discourage a great idea, just worried about people that wont have money for those.
It's just a fishing rod. If you're willing to spend $25 on it, it should be worth it at least. I'm sure these items are thought over pretty well, so I don't imagine they'll be very overpowered, but still worth the cost.

Oh it only tracks stats? What kind of other items will there be?


Staff member
  • Owners of the Stat Trackin' Fishin' Rod now have special bobber particles when they fish
  • Soulbound items can no longer be put on the Market, whoops.
  • Towns that are started but never finished/setup will now delete themselves entirely after 1 week. We will be cleaning up some of these towns soon as well to make room for future towns.
  • Creative individuals should no longer be able to bypass library book purging.
  • Starting to clean up instances of being told "You don't have perms to build here" in town zones where you're actually just trying to fish, access chests, etc.
  • And various other sundries.


Staff member
  • Players who fly above 255y will now be teleported from their position down to 255.
  • FIXED: TnT causing damage to friendly players in Conquest battles.
  • TnT explosions are now Pure Damage (armor has no effect whatsoever). They used to be True Damage (only ignores enchants) but this was resulting in noobs or low-geared players being one-shot by things they didn't even know about. So much like the Laser Mods being pure damage, so now are TnT mods.


Staff member
  • Sea Lanterns have been added to the rotation of Daily Dock Blocks
  • Riding a horse through a Town Portal should no longer delete your horse.
  • No dispensers in the nether!
  • Lenrith now sells a stack of 10 Ancient Ingots for 320 shards.
  • Maybe try to spawn Ghasts better so they don't scream in agony as they suffocate upon birth.


Staff member
  • Fishin' Rods should now show time correct as well as no longer disappear if they break and go to Escrow.
  • /horse should now remember you were on a donkey.
  • Grass/Flowers can now be broken around TGens at any time (but won't drop anything) and will regenerate later.
  • Quit messing with trapdoors at spawn!


Staff member
  • Wolves, and other animals should now be able to be brought to and from spawn via the boats.
  • The cap on Market sales price amount has been raised from 128 to 512.
  • As well, selling things for more than 64 should now work properly.


Staff member
  • Ghasts and Blazes have started to return to the Nether.
  • Small amounts of Magma can now be found in the Nether as well.
  • Market should no longer fail to send thing to escrow if less than 64.


Staff member
  • It's too hot in the nether for frost walking.
  • You can no longer sit your wolves down at spawn. It's just too stressful, go take them home!
  • FIXED: Territory Protection actually protects blocks...
  • FIXED: You should now be able to properly retrieve items with a fishing rod now. (The shallow water check was cancelling the behavior of fishing rods being able to retrieve objects on the ground).
  • FIXED: Pearlescent will now return pearls to either your Main or Offhand depending on what you're using.
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