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Official Update Thread

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For the embargo, if two towns hold 20% of a biome do they both have access to the resource but only those two towns?

This is a good question. As long as a town holds 20% of biome's tgens they have control, but does this cap at one town (where if multiple towns control tgens in a biome the embargo goes to the town with more tgens?) or can the embargo go to multiple towns?

If it's the former, what happens if two towns control the same amount of tgens in a biome?

Edit: ninja'd, but more clarity would still be appreciated


Well-Known Member
This new system will get towns more motivated to trade and/or participate in conquest much more. Its going to be very interesting to see what will happen after everything is set and in place. :D


Staff member
  • You can now view your town protection border by switching to a Feather while inside your town's protection. Switching away from the feather will hide the border blocks. You can also right-click the ground anywhere in the world with a feather to see the same thing as /here.
  • Stat Tracking Fishing Rods should now work properly, not be soulbound, all that jazz.


Staff member
  • Town Portals now have Sound Effects and Particles
  • TGen crystals (the top things) default to black, not white
  • It should now be possible to ride your horse on a boat and get warped without dying...
  • Towns leveling up in a category should no longer "miss" levels. IE Going from 2 to 4 will give you rewards for 3 and 4, not just 4.
  • Many town-border-view bugs/inconsistencies fixed.
  • Attempting to cull skeleton horses better...
  • Many other various bug fixes


Staff member
Conquest 2.0 Phase 2 has launched. LET THE WARS BEGIN!
Please be sure to read Phase 1's changelog.

  • It is now possible to claim territories for your town! Find a TGen's nearby Inhibitor Pad and step on its pressure plate to begin an attack.
  • Unfortunately we did have to wipe all claims this morning due to some unforeseen bugs. In that change we doubled the amount of points you get for fights. In the rating calculation, fights against neutral nodes are worth half as much as fighting an actual town.
  • True/Pure Damage has been merged and is now, well, what we call it is irrelevant. In short, you need Iron Armor to properly do Conquest fights. In math terms, we calculate your armor value and so long as it meets a minimum number (16 in a full set if iron), you will receive normal, pure damage regardless of how much better your armor is than iron. Less than full iron and you take more damage. As a result of this, so that new players can get into Conquest quicker:
  • We added a Starter Kit! Please visit the nearest dock master (on the continents, not at spawn) to pick up your one-and-only starting kit of gear. Be sure to direct all new players towards these guys; it should be pretty self-evident, but it'll help them get started in our rough world.
  • Conquest Protectors no longer catch fire.
Still lots of things yet to be implemented and of course we're still polishing. Please use /report to report anything that's wrong/weird/etc.

Go Forth!


Staff member
  • Industries are now producing once again! The math is, well, I'll let Magpie update the wiki on it, but in effect:
    • Industries now produce every 3 hours. But you get more than you used to.
    • All industries produce a base level of 5 items based on the biome of your town.
    • For every Territory you own, each industry produces 1 extra item.
    • As well, for every specific territory resource (like what you see on the map), you are guaranteed to produce 2 of that item.
    • Of course you must have the various gathering industry buildings down in order to get those items.
    • All other things aside, industries function the same basic way, but capacity, output, etc have changed slightly.
  • Battle Zone Entrance Blocking is now on. With this system, you cannot enter a Battle zone unless:
    • You are the attacking/defending town or allied to them.
    • You are allowed via the Reinforcements system
    • If the TGen was neutral and you are in a town on the same continent as the fight. (Meaning you can defend attempts to capture neutral territories, but only on your own continent)
    • Finally if the attack is by nomads attempting to capture a TGen to start a new town, any player may enter. (We'd like to think people will help new folks start towns, theoretically...)
  • /g info now properly shows your new town cost with the hover-tooltip showing the additional cost of Territory Upkeep.
  • /g info now shows the last industry cycle that ran so you can see what they made if you weren't there on the dot every 3 hours.
  • /c status now shows available attacks and their respective cooldowns on hover.
  • You can no longer use the portal in a TGen unless you won the fight/own the tgen.
  • Fixed a fairly major source of lagspikes (planting trees).
  • Fixed /g chests breaking if you attempt to place them somewhere where you don't have build perms.
  • And of course a ton of Conquest fixes.
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Staff member
  • Dropping your feather while viewing your town borders should toggle it off.
  • Town borders will now ignore plants/long-grass when showing the glass blocks
  • You should now be able to break leaves within TGen protection (similar to grass) so that you can get out of the tree you might be stuck in. They should properly regenerate later.
  • Industries should be fixed
  • Mines no longer produce Coal Ore, but now properly produce actual Coal.
  • Players with the ability to request reinforcements should now be able to also accept them, whoops :/
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Staff member
  • Added /g color - You can now specify your town's "decoration color". If specified, this is what your town color will be on the conquest map, etc. Otherwise it will continue to use your town's /g banner.
  • Fixed the neutral-mobs buff.


Staff member
  • Loka suffered a somewhat damaging crash which resulted in a 1-3 day plugin data rollback. The fallout seems to be relatively minimal, but some players who've recently changed towns may find themselves townless until their respective town owners can re-add them. I apologize for any inconvenience this probably caused, but we've got yet more systems in place now to ensure this kind of thing doesn't happen again (hopefully).
  • That said, fixed some display bugs with what Industries are saying that produced and the Barn should now be updated and operational with the new tgen mechanics/math.


Staff member
  • Added confirmation messages and sounds when you accept/refuse reinforcement requests.
  • Stopped Hilo trying to take land in Ascalon
  • Endermites that spawn during Core fights will now be aggressive once again regardless of whether you own the Neutral Mobs buff.
  • /link is now formatted like its respective channel so it blends in better with normality.
  • /here will now show the literal region number you're in (helps with identifying nodes on the map).
  • Got rid of the random "You do not have permission" message that shows up when requesting reinforcements/placing inhibs.
  • Changed the message about "The Server" owning biomes. Now it's called Wild Control.
  • Removed info about guards/food in /g info until we can actually resurrect this feature.
  • If the server restarts and you're in combat, you should no longer be slain for combat logging.
  • Other bug fixes and performance fixes. Namely if I reboot the PvP server/hub it won't timeout Loka anymore :>


Staff member
  • Locked Territories have been implemented. Locked territores are those in which all adjacent territories are under control of the same town. These territories cannot be attacked as they are considered 'safe'. You can now only attack territories that are exposed (adjacent to neutral or foreign-owned territories). You can easily see these on the map as being a more opaque color.
  • Territory Linking has been implemented. Now, Territories must have a direct link to their Home node in order to stay controlled. If a branch of territory nodes becomes unlinked from the main node (cutting off Eldritch, for example in Ascalon), territory link checks will begin and they respect the following rules:
    • Once a branch becomes disconnected, 24 hours after the disconnection, the first TGen will auto-neutralize.
    • Disconnected Tgens will neutralize from furthest to nearest as the crow flies.
    • Every 12 hours after the first tgen auto-neutralizes, another one will neutralize and so on and so forth until all orphaned/disconnected tgens are neutral.
    • Simply claim a territory that connects your branch to re-establish the full link of your territories.
    • Unlinked TGens are indicated with a yellow border on the map so you can easily see what's up.
    • You'll also be notified upon login, or when the disconnection happens about how many territories you have unlinked.
  • Hopefully have fixed issues with being able to claim territories you have nothing adjacent to.


Staff member
  • If you're kicked from the server for any reason, you should no longer hopefully also be slain for PvP logging.
  • Buff modules should now work.
  • Inviting founders to your town now respects the proper confirmation process, rather than just insta-adding random players to your town.
  • Maybe some sanity checks for NPCs being funny in tgens.
  • You can no longer place End Crystals in Territory Buildings
    • Upon further review, the biggest element to this (besides cheese) is that End Crystals are frequently going to something owned by rich towns. New towns may crop up with lots of players and if rich towns can thwart attacks when they are outnumbered by using this tactic (and have the resources not to worry about durability damage from dying, etc), it can fairly easily become imbalanced as well as shitty for new towns.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
  • You can no longer place End Crystals in Territory Buildings
    • Upon further review, the biggest element to this (besides cheese) is that End Crystals are frequently going to something owned by rich towns. New towns may crop up with lots of players and if rich towns can thwart attacks when they are outnumbered by using this tactic (and have the resources not to worry about durability damage from dying, etc), it can fairly easily become imbalanced as well as shitty for new towns.
To be fair, if a new town is participating in a t-gen fight, they will have all the supplies necessary to create an end crystal (it's literally only potion ingredients plus an ender pearl) If the reason for banning it is cheese or salt, that is perfectly fair and state that, but the reasoning presented doesn't make much sense given the resources accumulated before attacking another town or expanding ones territory.


Staff member
To be fair, if a new town is participating in a t-gen fight, they will have all the supplies necessary to create an end crystal (it's literally only potion ingredients plus an ender pearl) If the reason for banning it is cheese or salt, that is perfectly fair and state that, but the reasoning presented doesn't make much sense given the resources accumulated before attacking another town or expanding ones territory.

It's equal parts. You could say new towns have the materials necessary for a lot of things, but that doesn't know they have the wealth of knowledge of strategies and tactics that new towns have. It's equally cheesy for them to start doing Conquest fights against towns only to find out that crystal bombs are cheesy tactics that are used.

Additionally, new towns may not have pearls in excess enough to use them for bombs.
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