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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
  • The name of a player requesting to fight for you will now respect their alignment if they're in a town. So Skuhoo should show up as red for you guys in the north...
  • Merc beacons should be a little more helpful in the information they give you (show proper names of fight destinations, indicate time until attack starts, etc).
  • If you remove a subowner from your town, they'll now be set to the max possible member level (you could remove a subowner and have them be level 4, despite your town not having unlocked level 4 members).
  • /c status now shows attacks remaining and reinforcement timer. Additionally, when reinforcements come off cooldown, your entire town/alliance will be notified.
  • The bug fixes.


Staff member
  • Radars should now be operational. You can create a radar with /c create and they may be placed anywhere within a Territory as long as it is 60 blocks from a TGen. They may also not be placed within the large protection zone around TGens/Inhibs.
    • Note: Radars are not allowed to be placed underground
  • Hopefully fixed a bug in which Industries processing can sometimes totally crash the server =(
  • Merc time-left should display properly in /c status now.


Staff member
It's Capital Day and the end of the first month of Conquest! We'll post soon about what we're changing for C2 but here's what we've fixed/updated for today:
  • All Town Guard policies have been removed, because, obviously.
  • Taxation Increase has been reduced from 20% to 10%. This is because, simply, towns cost a lot more now that upkeep is part of the C2 system, and a 20% tax on a lot of towns who hold lots of territory would be cray.
  • Embargo has been updated and now is simply an embargo of your continent's native animal. Cows (West), Sheep (North), Pigs (South). If chosen, only you and your allies can get drops from this animal, otherwise they drop 1-3 Wheat.
  • The two World Capital Policies are now (still) Taxation Override and NEW: Home Networking: Choosing this allows you and your allies to use the portals of any of your owned territories at any time to get back to spawn.
  • And maybe I fixed tgen portals again...
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Staff member
Congratulations to our first month C2 winners. It was hectic and cheesy, but fun all around and a lot of great fights happened. Here's what we cooked up for September:
  • Rating Calculations - The big one, obviously. The problems were obvious, the solutions are the following:
    • KFactor (or swing: the amount of points you can possibly gain) has been halved both on takeovers and neutral fights. This actually doesn't really do much but make the amount of points going around lesser.
    • Next, full rating change fights now only count if they're takeovers. In other words, only if you're capturing territory from another town do you get the full 36 kfactor swing. If you're attacking a neutral TGen or remotely attacking a territory just to neutralize, it's only worth half as many points. Like below, this is a factor of feeder towns popping up to do max damage to towns wherever on the continent they were. Realistically, towns should be expanding their territory out before trying to do too much damage to towns. Attacking wildly remote territories is likely going to be done to cutoff lines or block buff regions, etc
    • Finally, KFactor is now a product of the town levels of the two towns fighting, where the lesser of the two is subtracted (in an Alliance, it's the highest level town). The equation is 36 - (25 - Smaller Town Level). In short, if a low-level town attacks a high level town, it shouldn't be worth nearly as many points. It could be that Hilo is picking on a new town, which would suck and they shouldn't get much out of it. Conversely, there could be a 'feeder town' attacking Hilo, which should also not be worth that many points.
    • Ultimately, Town Level is pretty much one of the best ways to gauge whether a town is both populated and well stocked in resources, as when towns get to the 20s, they've put a lot of work into their town and most likely not from one person either. So to measure the town levels of fights is a good way to balance the strength; so we feel.
  • Default starting Territory Strength is now 100 down from 1000. Since kfactor is lower, swing is lower, and while it actually makes no difference what the rating default is, it feels nicer earning 20 points when you have 100 than it does when you have 1000.
  • As most of you already noticed, given the amount of territories you own at the end of the month, you start out with a rating equivalent to (5 * Territories Owned), up to a max of 300. In alliances, all tgens are added up until you hit 300 rating and then we stop. This is so that there are obvious targets in the new months, rather than everybody oddly starting back out at 1000, but having very large territories.
  • The "Overloading Location" on Inhibitor Lamps has been moved out slightly. It should no longer be possible to overload lamps on inhibs from inside in the inhibitor. Attacking is already a bit harder, and this was making things a bit silly since you could run circles around lamps to overload them (avoiding golems)
  • Buff Territories have been moved!
  • Radars now announce the exact coords of the player they picked up. This is by default. Advanced radars will still now announce the player's name. Ultimately, regions are much bigger now, so being told the location of the tgen where the player was picked up isn't really very accurate or useful.
  • Additionally it now takes 5 charges up from 3 to take out a Radar. This is a first step in addressing the "ease of killing Radars". It's not the last, but it's a start for now.
  • When Reinforcements are called, the calling player is now in the message. So now you know who to blame, or whatever.
So what else?
  • Gatherers rejoice! Trade Wars are coming soon. The ability to take TGens merely be outtrading your opponent will add a dynamic of non-pvp, gathering based conflict to the mix.
  • All the killin' - We're not happy that people constantly murder each other or selves to restock pots. This exposes a few issues with the system and we're working through some ideas as to how to deal with this. If you have any ideas, please bring them forth!
  • Fortresses - Still sort of in progress; we'll keep you posted on this as soon as we know more stuff.
  • Reinforcement Waves - Not to just be confused with Merc reinforcements; we intend to sync up beacons for all sides in a fight so that waves of attackers or defenders come all at once, rather than every 2m, 4m, 6m. That's part of the reason fights are taking so long and running everybody out of everything; it's tough to attack or coordinate if people can jump back into the fight at such frequent intervals.
  • Merc Beacons - Players will individually choose their destination when using the beacons at spawn, rather than one guy whapping the button and ruining it for everyone.
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Well-Known Member
All the killin' - We're not happy that people constantly murder each other or selves to restock pots. This exposes a few issues with the system and we're working through some ideas as to how to deal with this. If you have any ideas, please bring them forth!
Turn off friendly fire? Have something at the inhib/tgen that teleports you back to the beacon and can only be used every 8 minutes?


Well-Known Member
So crazy idea. Perhaps have all players who've died in tgen fights, instead of going back to town, go to a waiting zone. It would take them back to battle at the end of the timer cooldown. In the waiting area they can access their /g chest and enderchest, but that's it. One room/waiting area for each team. All the sudden resources inside of fights are now a factor as you only have so much. It may seem bad to force people to wait but let's be honest, we all just sit stupidly under our beacon watching the time countdown.
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Staff member
  • Radars and Module now display in /c list
  • In /c list TGens under attack display as Redstone Blocks, otherwise as Chests like usual
  • /c train is still very much a work in progress but may be used to do some really basic TGen training. Currently, golems are still in "training mode" which means they do very little damage and die very easily, but it's a great way to learn how Conquest fights work. It's also what all new players go through when they join the server as well.
  • As well, Town Battles don't really work yet, but Individual Battles do, so you can try those out anyway.
  • Summer Firework and Yuletide Feathers now work again!


Staff member
  • Hopefully maybe fix some of the crashes and damage people have been taking when teleporting.
  • Fix people retaining Conquest death messages when dying to normal things like monsters, etc.
  • Fix home town marker on the dynmap not properly showing the number of territories owned.
  • Fishing up regular items (enchanted books, etc) should no longer count as "missing fish" on Stat Track Fishing Rods.
  • Towns should now count as proper link-points when determining unlinked TGens.
  • You can now click on the coords with /here to go straight to your location on the dynmap.
  • Added more messaging to new players starting towns to try to prevent people starting towns at the first inhib they find.
  • Any fights which are for starting towns are no longer worth any points.
  • When in a zone that has an active inhibitor, all players will see a countdown boss-bar to the time the fight starts.


Staff member
Any progress on town members being able to fight back against the wild golems when randoms attack?

It's coming, but hasn't been too super high on the priority list, mostly because new towns popping up aren't a bad thing.

  • Timers for both the starting of battles as well as battle zones ending have been 'polished' to more accurately display time left and not be in weird 15-30 second intervals. Plan your ganks with greater confidence!
  • Still addressing/polishing NPCs but we should no longer have any (or very few) Nameless Ones. Everybody gets a name!
  • Towns now must be actually made before you can capture territory ;P
  • Kalros no longer has three capitals on the map. Capitals of the continents are now properly displayed.
  • Boats are more forgiving now, giving you a much better chance of a thrilling last-minute dash to the ship and actually getting teleported.
  • Setting portals for your town should now hopefully turn off your TG one and work properly.
  • There is now a minimum distance from portal boundaries when using /g setportal so you don't inadvertently set up a nightmare portal.
  • Only one town member may now setup a territory/industry building at a time, cheaters.
  • Players who cannot request reinforcements should no longer see the option to when inhibs are placed
  • A Power 3 bow, arrows, and bread have been added to the Starter Kit for new players (but that also means you all get them too, yay!)


Staff member
  • Town Zones now support multiple owners. The command has changed as well to /g zone addowner/remowner and now supports single zones having multiple owners. Claimable zones in terms of breaking the sign on stone brick should still work too.
  • /g motd and /g title now support color codes in the & format.
  • Airships (and the tower) have been updated/fixed, hopefully.


Staff member
  • In preparation for The Future, The Market is entirely driven by Power Shards.
  • As a result, all Market sales were forcibly expired.
  • Of course this means we updated the lore on Shards and now they're all screwed up again. Fortunately, Misira has stepped up to offer her services at converting bad/old shards into shiny, properly working new ones.
  • Because of this shift in Market Dynamics, Golran (near the Ore Exchanger) now sells the following (at 50% more than their normal ore exchanged cost):
    • Diamond - 18 shards
    • Gold Ingot - 6 Shards
    • Lapis Block - 9 shards
  • The paper item in Market Chests that you click to sell now also shows all the items that Market Chest supports.
  • Kairin now sells Ender Pearls for 24 shards a pop.
  • As well, the droprate for Ender Pearls by killing Endermen in The End has been increased from 10% to 33%.
  • Again, fixed people who have no business seeing Reinforcement request messages seeing them.
  • It is no longer possible to install TGen Modules on a TGen if there is an Inhibitor coming online for it.
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Staff member
  • Do a better job ensuring people aren't slain for combat logging when the server is shutting down.
  • Inhibitors setup against neutral TGens are now 15 minutes down from 30 (just like claiming a town).
  • Droprate of Ender Pearls in The End has been reduced to 20% down from 33%.
  • Fixed some ghostly TGen modules from working beyond the grave


Well-Known Member
Do a better job ensuring people aren't slain for combat logging when the server is shutting down.

Had a great laugh over this one. As the server was restarting and kicking everyone, two players kicked before me got killed for pvp logging. They might have started the fight but the server sure as hell ended it.
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