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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
  • Public Jobs are now available! There are three types of Jobs available thus far:
    • Gathering Jobs - Collect items!
    • Hunting Jobs - Kill Monsters!
    • Location Jobs - Go to a specific location.
  • The Jobs command is /job or /j for short. Listing and Editing jobs both have short-form versions as well (/job list -> /j l, /job edit -> /j e)
  • All public Jobs require payouts (items that are the reward for doing the quest). Before your job will appear on the Jobs board, you will need to both define the Payout as well as add instances of the job. In other words, if you want your job to be doable multiple times and your job pays 2 diamonds, you will need to add multiple sets of 2 diamonds for each person who does the job.
  • Gathering Job Items no longer have special lore. This was just gonna get funky when people started deleting their jobs and now you have weird lored items in your inventory you can't stack with normal items. We've removed any semblance so that you have more control of how to complete a job.
  • When you turn in a job to the NPC, an inventory will be opened for you. All you have to do is put the items the job requires in the inventory and, so long as they are the right items, the NPC will accept them and complete the job. This lets you be sure that if a Job requires a Diamond Sword, you control what Diamond Sword the NPC is taking, rather than it just happily removing one from your inventory.
  • Town Jobs Editing is currently locked. You can still do Town Jobs, but for right now you can't make any new ones or edit the ones you do have. We'll add that shortly, but needed to pivot on getting the Public jobs in a good place first.
  • Coming Soon:
    • Confirmation-Required Jobs - You must right-click the Job Creator after doing the job whereby they will then personally confirm the job being done. This has been a request for some Town Jobs but is also mainly to support:
    • Bounty Jobs - Kill a player! Because this could easily be abusable, turning in a Bounty Job after killing a player requires that the person who created the job/bounty must accept that the kill was valid (all in the eyes of the creator).
    • Auto-Advance Jobs - An addition to Jobs with pre-requisites. These jobs, once the pre-requisite has been done will automatically pay-out and then advance to the next job in the chain. This is useful for types of Jobs which involve going to a location, then doing something at that location, for example.
    • Better messaging - This will be added very shortly, no doubt, but being aware of when your Jobs are "empty"; you have escrow available, etc.
    • Removing Job from Player - If you have a really cool job that was accepted by somebody that maybe quit the server, or hasn't been around, or maybe you just don't like that person, the job is sort of stuck unless you want to fully delete the job. You'll be able to rip that job off of that player so that it goes back on the board and can be picked up by somebody more likely to do the job.
    • Job Categories - For now all Jobs are "General Jobs". Soon, either automatically, or by your choice, jobs can have different categories and thus be on different Job Boards at spawn with unique NPCs for each. Think Lore jobs near the Library, Gathering Jobs near the Market, Bounty Jobs down where the Player Heads Chest is, etc.
    • Better Sorting - We'll need to come up with some sort of system, perhaps even Upvoting, so that quality/popular Jobs rise to the top of the Jobs list. There's certainly concern for lots of trash jobs being made, so we'll be keeping an eye on how this all plays out.
Jobs are certain to still have some bugs, so always /report if you have issues. Otherwise, I'm looking very forward to seeing some awesome Jobs appearing soon.


Staff member
  • Bounties are available - Create Jobs to kill Players. Bounties are unique in a couple ways:
    • There is no limit to the number of people that can accept the Job.
    • After you kill the player, you must physically right-click the Job Creator in order for them to accept/refuse the bounty job turnin. At this point then you will receive your reward.
    • After they accept your turnin and you get your payout, only then will the Job "quantity" be decremented (other jobs decrement their quantity upon job acceptance).
  • The Bounty Board/NPC is located in the Spawn "dungeon".
  • Changed /job a bit to be less redundant (/job createhere is now /job travel, etc).
  • Things are getting spookier...


Staff member
  • NEW: /j gather item - Create an Gathering Job by selecting an item in your inventory. This is useful for jobs where you want an item gathered with specific lore/data on it. Player Heads are a good example of this.
  • NOTE: Jobs created this way will perform strict checking upon turnin. In other words, when you turn this item into the NPC, the item must be exactly the same. With regular gather jobs, for example, you can put an item with a lore tag on it (imbued in Arvik, etc) and it will still count as that item.
  • NEW: Require personal confirmation. This looks like [C] on job editing. This allows you to toggle the job from being turned in to the NPC and needing to be turned into you personally.


Staff member
  • Changed - You now lose 5 strength if your territory is lost due to being unlinked. This will stop if you have 100 Strength or less.
  • Changed - Skeleton Horses no longer spawn. We'll reserve them for spoopy updates or something.
  • Fixed - Not being able to invade past your beachhead.
  • Fixed - Defending towns of an initial beachhead invasion not receiving their Discord alert for being under attack.
  • Fixed - Dying/dropping blood at a door block will no longer remove the door :eek:


Staff member
  • Town Jobs should now be back and functioning.
  • When viewing Jobs, the clickable buttons to set things like Description, Book, Payout, Pre-requisites, etc will now "light up" so to speak if they have been set. Gray will generally mean unset and a color will indicate otherwise. This should sort of help you identify jobs you haven't set a description on, etc.
  • General Job bugfixes, as always.


Staff member
  • Jobs can now be set to Auto Advance - When completing a job that is a pre-req for another, if Auto Advance is on, you will automatically advance to the next Job (given the job has payout, you have finished all pre-req steps, etc).
  • Jobs can now be assigned On Completion text. Which, you know, does what you think it does.
  • Clarified that Jobs with books must be Signed Books. Book & Quills don't really work, and is why they weren't functioning correctly.
  • Fixed players being able to see the coords of location jobs improperly.
  • You can now reduce Job instances ([-] as well as [+]).
  • Jobs are now displayed on two lines, since we have so many options now (this will continue to be polished). Pagination soon to follow I'm sure.
  • The inhabitants of Loka have driven away the super scary spookiness of Aladra.


Staff member
  • Beacons may now hopefully properly be cancelled in the event that the battle ends during their warping countdown...
  • You can now click on a Job's special text in chat to view its book (if it has one)
  • Subscribers can now ride their miniature pets
  • Renaming a town no longer unlocks all of its doors... :>
  • Taking over a territory now destroys its radar.
  • /c list is now better organized and manageable for those with lots of Territory.


Staff member
  • Lots of back-end work on the PvP/Matchmaking/Queuing systems, trying to finally get it back into a proper working order. Please test any and all kinds of PvP games, etc and see how they work (queue from Loka!). Presumably there are lots of little bugs you'll still run into.
  • But hopefully, you should now be able to queue for games from Loka without having them break/drop on you and force you go to /hub.
  • Queuing for games should now no longer clear your scoreboard (where you lose all player-alignment colors in tablist, etc).
  • Queues should now be more accurate, less wrong, etc.
  • And hopefully fixed the /fx fun.
  • Subscribers can now wear their miniature pets as hats.


Staff member
  • Core attacks are a little less frequent.
  • Nether's Even Shades should only "shoot lasers" if they actually have a target...
  • Fixes to /fx, etc
  • Updated End Port!
  • Various other bug fixes.


Staff member
  • Viewing list of jobs is now sorted by name.
  • Fixed some job signs not showing everything they're supposed to.
  • Otherwise, just more job bugfixes and a couple other niceties to make viewing them/editing them nicer.
  • Fixed (maybe?) WorldGuard bitching at people not to disembark on boats/ports. Have a try


Staff member
  • If under the effects of an Invisibility Potion, Radars will not detect you. I actually put this in a bit ago and forgot all about it; but this seems like a fairly obvious change that should likely have always been this way.
  • Fixed the bug in which zones with owners could still be accessed by members of the same level.


Staff member
  • Just kidding, Invis pots vs Radars was OP...
  • Fixed issues where people couldn't tp to their fights if they were beachheads, etc.


Staff member
  • Fixed Town's room banners finally; when towns go away, so shall their respective slots be properly cleared.
  • When a Conquest Battle has 15 minutes left, a timer will now show for all participants in the battle zone so it's clear how much time you have left.
  • More job fixes.
  • Market fixes (dumb plural names are gone, ore chest behaves nicer).


Staff member
  • Player Collisions at Spawn are now off. But they're on everywhere else.
  • Hopefully fixed some last bugs with Conquest involving beacons not working; modules shooting at friendly reinforcements, etc.
  • Probably fixed a few things, probably broke a few more.
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