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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
  • Lots of polish to Town Jobs!
  • Town NPCs will now have quest-complete marker over their head if you have a job done (or can claim finished jobs loot).
  • Escrow should now work (right click your town npc if you have the CREATE_JOBS permission) to open it and claim (same as like Market)
  • /g job list now has options to set sign, edit repeatable setting, etc.
  • Signs have a little bit of color on them now.
  • Completing jobs is more exciting (prestige counter ala town category levelups).


Staff member
  • Upon setting up an Inhibitor, The TGen Portal will activate until the fight begins. This is because....
  • You cannot be in the Battle Zone of a fight within 5 minutes of it starting. Effectively removing "loitering", this will be paired with an upcoming change to synchronize beacons and ensure that when the fight starts, everybody's warping in properly and that both offense and defense get to start on the same footing.
  • Finally, All Players can use TGen Portals at all times. So, whether you win or lose, you can hop in the portal to spawn at the TGen before/after the fight. No need to add insult to injury for losers.
  • Finally, still discovering lots of lag causes and annihilating them!


Staff member
  • Jobs can now have a description (editable in /g job list like usual).
  • We will likely also allow people to hold a book and set it as the quest 'book text' (ala /g recruitbook).
  • /fx now should work again!
  • Door locking stuff should be on door locking, not unlocking
  • May've fixed escrow issues


Staff member
  • Town Jobs can now have books associated with them. While holding a written book in-hand, click to define that book for that quest.
  • Location-based Jobs are now available with the command /g job createhere. Define a location where you are standing and a given radius and players will be able to complete the job by going to that location. Job creators can see the XYZ coords of the job when viewing it, but regular players cannot, so it's up to you to define how much info you want to give players.
  • Jobs overall have had some more stability/polish added to them. Accepting a job with some of the required items in your inventory will automatically "process" them as quest items, potentially completing the job immediately if you have what you need.


Staff member
  • Killing your own town members no longer count for player kills on Stat Tracked items.
  • Fixed location-jobs not being assignable to signs.
  • Be sure to remove particle effects on industries upon deletion.
  • Maybe helped with Arcanum troubles? I can't be sure yet...
  • Added /g prestige so you can now list and/or add/remove prestige to town members manually.
  • More attempted lag spike fixes, especially surrounding Conquest battles.
  • New teleport sound effect for Conquest warping. We now play a silent Lightning Strike and use a custom sound so it's not quite so ear-piercingly horrible. Make sure you have the latest version of the LokaPack!


Staff member
  • TGen Modules no longer cost shards, but a resource specific to each TGen individually. In order to encourage trade and force some potential actual resource rarity (with what we have now), we made the choice to make depositing real resources play a role on strengthening your territory. You'll be able to tell which resource it is by either talking to the NPC inside or simply attempting to install modules.
  • Modules should no longer come up immediately after being installed. It's supposed to take 15 minutes for towers to come online.
  • As a result, this means towers should no longer fire on friendlies immediately after installing on a just-taken TGen.
  • Unlinked tgens should start, like, neutralizing themselves now, again.
  • Capital Day is Sunday the 25th! We heard your calls and decided to make capital day the last Sunday of the month so that exciting finales could be played out over the weekend rather than on (usually) the weekdays. Go forth!
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Staff member
  • Added /pack - See information about Loka's Resource Pack in-game, how to install it, as well as a sound test.
  • Fix not being able to access your own town's chest.
  • Fix NPC's being too chatty about Modules and not chatty enough about Quests.
  • Attempts at dynamic server performance changes during Conquest battles (eek)
  • Async teleporting (maybe seems smoother?)
  • Randomly offset players knife-teleporting so 20 people don't teleport into one space.
  • Various other bug fixes


Staff member
  • Fixed Armor stands not being placeable, which may also fix that mobs may not have been spawning in any towns whatsoever for a bit...
  • Don't update stats on Stat Tracking Bows if you have it in Main/Offhand, so that the drawing animation doesn't reset on you.
  • Still fixing lag (town portal sound effects/particles were reloading chunks on towns)!


Active Member
  • TGen Modules no longer cost shards, but a resource specific to each TGen individually. In order to encourage trade and force some potential actual resource rarity (with what we have now), we made the choice to make depositing real resources play a role on strengthening your territory. You'll be able to tell which resource it is by either talking to the NPC inside or simply attempting to install modules.
Why is this implanted. Why is this changed in this month rather then next month. Its like preseason being released in worlds patch crypt?


Staff member
  • Added /g job npc - You can now create/move/remove an NPC that will be used for quest turnins and escrow storage.
  • Lots of various quest polish as well.
  • You can no longer place boats and minecarts in enemy towns
  • Territories that had Eggs as their resource for module installation have been removed and replaced with something that stacks better and isn't so stupid.


Staff member
  • Industry Input/Output chests now have a tooltip explaining storage capacity with a link to the Wiki page on Industries when you close them.
  • Added a block watcher... so we can find your lag
  • Beacons should no longer set ablaze when you warp into Conquest battles.
  • You can no longer create job npc's for your town outside of town :(
  • /c list is now sorted by territory number and shows both the resource the TGen generates as well as the resource required to upgrade the TGen.
  • The Ore Exchanger should now maybe check your inventory before deleting your base lapis lazuli, hopefully.
  • Stat-Tracked Swords, Axes, and Bows now have FX!
    • Bows have a % chance to emit a Dragon Breath Trail. If you hit somebody with this trail, it applies a Bleed Effect (same as below)
    • Axes/Swords, when hitting a bad guy/monster have a chance to apply a Bleed effect (FX only, does not do extra damage or apply a DoT or anything).
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Staff member
  • Fixed being able to _attempt_ to start multiple towns as a single player.
  • Fixed Territory unlinks not taking affect after a TGen loss.
  • Proto towns (towns not yet made) should still count as "real towns" for the purposes of link/protected checks.
  • Towns should now be notified about being under attack by nomads.
  • You should no longer earn strength by defending a nomad attack
  • Barns should, like, work now!
  • Few performance issues fixed/identified


Staff member
  • Added a Battle Zone Grace Period - You have 20 seconds after you leave a battle zone to either get back in or flee successfully. After 20 seconds, you will drop your gear on death as usual.
  • Apparently iron blocks weren't giving as many shards as they should've in the exchanger =/
  • In /c train the core should now behave like a normal one, rather than like the intro-training fight.
  • If you are the owner of a Town zone, you have permission on that zone regardless of its member level.
  • Players removed from a town will be sent to spawn if they're in the town boundaries regardless of whether they are online or offline.


Staff member
Welcome to the next Conquest cycle (month)! Congratulations to our new capitals. For those of you who missed the meeting on Discord last night here's a summary of what we talked about and what's changing for the next month:
  • Invasions will be coming! For the time being, since we won't have the physical Fortresses ready, the power to invade will be given only to those who both have at least 20 Territories under control and have the majority of the territories on their Continent. Invading will be started by picking any coastal-region and setting up an inhibitor. Once captured, the town can then spread like usual on that continent with the following rules:
    • Of the 5 attacks in a day towns/alliances get, only two can be foreign attacks.
    • Neutralizing the "beachhead" or original invasion point of an invader will start a 24 hour timer. If the node is not back under control after 24 hours, all of the invader's territory will neutralize.
    • As well, if the invader loses majority territory on their home continent or drops below the 20 territory requirement, the same 24-hour reset will take place.
  • Elo swing has been tuned again. In short, the gap to earn a lot of points from upsetting somebody higher rated than you has been widened, meaning last-minute territory grabs shouldn't be so hugely damaging to people who are ahead.
  • After much discussion, we have unfortunately had to make the decision that alts are no longer allowed on Loka. In short, alts have been cause of so many problems with Conquest and the server at large that it has become unfeasible to create a set of rules where alts are allowed and aren't inevitable abused one way or another to gain an advantage of some kind.
  • As well, we're also instituting a town-lock feature (so to speak) whereby you are locked to fighting for that town for the rest of the month/cycle. There are obviously situations where this might get messed up or be unfair, and admins will be able to remove the lock so you can move elsewhere if needed. Simply, the amount of last-minute town switches people can do to achieve victory is, indeed, bullshit. This will not apply to new players on the server as well, because they still gots to feels it out.
  • Beacons will be synced to their destination, rather than the beacon itself. In short, for a fight, all beacons in an alliance as well as the ones at spawn will all fire at the same time, ensuring that waves of attackers/defenders can only be the one every X minutes, rather than the intermittent streaming-in of players which causes balance issues and the like. This also gives you greater freedom when attacking multiple territories to have multiple beacon cooldowns, rather than just the one.
  • As a result we'll be adding a new Town Permission for "using a beacon" so that new players can't potentially screw up the beacon by firing it prematurely. In the case that those with the permission are in battle, players can send a "request to fire" that perm-holders can accept.
  • New to this cycle, 48 hours after capitals are decided, an auto-truce is implemented whereby no attacks can be made and Alliances can be formed, disbanded, changed with no penalty of a strenght-reset. Each time a change to an Alliance is made, the strength will be recalculated until the truce is over, at which point it's "game on" for the month. This truce is in effect now and will drop at 8pm server tomorrow night.
That's roughly it in terms of Conquest updates. Go forth!


Staff member
  • New Beacon Mechanics are in! - There might be some bugs with it still but nobody wanted to help test so we'll have to see it on live!
  • Beacons cannot be activated for warping by players without the USE_BEACON town permission unless there is nobody online in the town/alliance with that permission online, at which point anybody can activate them.
  • When using a beacon you now "register" to go to a specific fight and beacons' cooldowns are based off of their destination, rather than source.
  • Beacons and Spawn Beacons are now synchronized and if any one is activated, ALL the beacons in the alliance and spawn beacon (if applicable) will fire at the same time. There is now a 1 minute timer between activation and warp.


Staff member
  • Invasions have launched! Seize control of foreign lands so long as you have majority control of your Continent as well as at least 20 Territories owned!
  • /c merc - can now be used to list and remove players accepted to join your fights when using reinforcements.
  • Tools and Weapons on the Market no longer display funny and/or don't work.
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